Week-End Special IX

Dear All,

Again a very short week! As promised, here is a small teaser video we were talking about earlier. Lets take a look:

(At the end of this video you will see notionink.in, but its not up (shows the older version till now). Will be releasing the new one in 48 hours)

Its made in-house by 2 of our very special UI Gang Members – Gagan(s), and they have done a good job in the final video as well which will be released soon.

Small update:

* Genesis is up and Running!
* GPS Navigation Software entered beta and it speaks 43 languages!
* Look at the self exploratory image on left
* Email client  (Mail’d) (we will talk more about it in a while) enters beta
* Paint + Photo Editor enters beta (along with 5 more softwares

  • Where is the logo? One of our friends sent us, a Company registration page where he found similar logo. It is impossible that the winner had seen it before, but the similarity couldn’t be denied and we had to contact this firm for their confirmation that they are fine with us using the selected logo. They havent replied since then and we are still waiting (our legal team is completely against using it, cos its too similar, but if we can get permission from this firm then they have no issue).


Right now it comes with all the default features you expect from it, plus better “Missing attachments”, “offline mode”, and “UNDO a sent email” feature.

This is one application which will get amazing updates as we enter January and will redefine things a little bit like how big an attachment can be, or when can an email expire, or how can you fix the time of delivery even if you don’t have internet connection! Jaya (the lead and one of the better programmers at Notion Ink) is on fire and will get you these ASAP!

Sniffer: An extremely fast and handy File Browser is a must (especially if you are talking about USB drives, bluetooth etc). Personally I don’t like syncing my device every time I need to show someone a presentation or an image or even to listen a new song, may be I need more freedom in how I access and use my data. And hence we have the ‘Sniffer’ (Murali is the Architect of this one), as shown in the image on your right (please remember, I cannot share the final images, else my investors, design and legal teams will kill me! :)) There is a preview mode as well which works well for most of the important formats. I/O port detection is automatic and fast, and it goes well with the 3 panel layout system.

An interesting use-case: how do I transfer files/folders from one storage location to another, or may be, how to compare the contents?

On Adam, just open these 2 storage locations as panels (distinct instances) and voila!

We wanted to make Adam independent and self-reliable. That would mean it shouldn’t need any other device to think, store, get updates from and rather be able to drive others. It’s there now, in its genes, and all of us will see how it evolves.

The Matt

We told you how much we love Matt (that’s one reason why all the monitors here are from Dell). We have invested a lot of time in figuring out the right surface values which gives the perfect combination of 2 worlds (no reflection property of matt and scratch resistant property of glossy surface). But the first question: “Why every other device we see is Glossy and not matt?” The answer lies in the surface property. In general you can say that glossy surfaces along with giving better photograph of the device for marketing and shelf view, gives scratch-less experience (for its defined life time). And that is very much required. If your surface is rough (matt), it will be susceptible to scratches cos now when you drag a sharp object on it, it will have something to drag along, and leave a mark behind. All of this makes designing matt surfaces for touch screen extremely difficult and costly.

This is a small test I did for you in the morning. You can see one of our engineers dragging a sharp object scratching on of the Matt glass samples we had ordered for.

You can easily see the scratch (though you will not be pressing this hard, but still) and we definitely don’t want this.

After nearly 2 months of tests, we have been able to figure out what exactly should be the parameters and here is the result:

This is Adam’s glass and the result after the same test performed thrice. You can actually notice the speckles left from the last experiment on the other screens.

It took us really long and was really harder for the manufacturers to make what we wanted. We can’t compromise on few things and this was one of them.

Here is the image of the 3 tests which I did for you this morning (Adam is using the improved version of the last one shown here)

But the story between Glossy screen and Matt is not finished yet. One of our friend (working in Pixel Qi) who has an amazing command over LCD technology made us aware of the issue of using the matt surfaces on LCDs.

Look at the image below:

(You need to open it in another tab and see it full screen). If you can see (I hope you do), you will see small green fringes and speckles. Matt surfaces don’t work well with Green colors and creates  diffusion around green pixels. You Dell screens look good for two reason, one they have done good job and two, they don’t have to deal with the gap of touch screen in LCD monitors. Gaps add more refractions. Please see the next illustrations for more understanding.

We have done a good work when it comes to both of these issues and you can observe the same in the final product.

There is a LOT to share, from what all what we did, what were the issues we faced, sometime “the ridicules” and sometimes feelings of satisfaction for seconds as we are always drawn away for the bigger goal. I can keep on writing, but every thing that has a beginning has an end (Neo).

But wait! Did we say beginning? OK, then this is how one of our designers visualizes Adam booting up for the revolution.

[Update: Apologies for forgetting this: There is an un-official forum already up called www.notionaddicts.com I read a lot of peeple had issues in following up comments here and wanted something up. Our friend Avo helped us out and built one from scratch. Please take a look!

Thanks Avo]

With Warm Regards

Rohan Shravan

1,357 thoughts on “Week-End Special IX

  1. At work, I talk to all my friends about Adam and couple of them are ready to buy it with me, when it comes out…….nice post……

  2. @Rohan said –
    “We wanted to make Adam independent and self-reliable…”

    I guess that’s a clue for the surprise element!

  3. Hm thought we were getting a look at the insides of the machine but this is good too =). The matt vs glossy screen was interesting and I guess it makes more sense as to why we’ve seen such glossy screens before, good to see you guys compromising between the two options to get the best performance. Glad to see you guys are taking the logo issue serious. Adding paint/photo editing as apps along with gps to the other basic apps mentioned before is always a plus. Looking more and more like adam will be able to stand on its own=)

    A bit immune to the teaser vid at this point. Stops being a tease after a year =p pre-orders is where the excitement will be at.

  4. Ok – I am blown away. The attentiont to detail is incredible. The UI looks polished and sleek. The Animations are amazing. I am not just saying this because I am one of you all but because it is actually true.

    I like the boot screen but for me the thing that proves all of the above is the “missing attachment” feature. That is the attention to detail that impresses me about Notion Ink and why I will be buying your product.

    Rohan, Well done. You continue to exceed my expectations.


  5. Nice to see that you were able to put into place the “undo” sent e-mail function you had mentioned earlier.

    The weather screen is very comicky, can’t help but expect to see some superhero swinging or flying through the scene 😛 (not a bad thing, just an observation).

    Great to see the screen issues and hear that they’ve been dealt with.

    And am I the ONLY one who reads before posting?

  6. Goddamn it, Rohan. Do you have cameras in my room?! You KNEW I was looking at buying and rooting a Viewsonic G-Tablet. You KNEW IT. And now here you are with “oh hey, we thought of everything!” Man, that GLASS… yow.

    This will probably be known as the first Android tablet that’s worth it without a single extra app. It’s how Apple made all of their “i” devices work on day one, and short of launching with a plethora of bugs, I think the adam is gonna knock a few out of the park when it comes out.

    Now I’m seriously conflicted over whether I’m annoyed at waiting nearly six months after “launch” for this thing. On the one hand, I’ve wanted my Pixel Qi/Tegra tablet since August. On the other hand, good software’s worth the wait (see: everything Nintendo’s ever made).

    Now all I’ll need is some word about native MKV with embedded subs and I’m pretty much gonna be dead-locked onto this tablet.

  7. great..

    >There is a LOT to share, and I can keep on writing how we did, what we did, what were the issues we faced, sometime the ridicules and sometimes feelings of satisfaction for seconds as we were always drawn away for the bigger goal. I can keep on writing, but every thing that has a beginning has an end (Neo).

    as you can keep on writing, we can keep on reading ..

  8. Hi Rohan,

    Right after I sent you guys an email with a mock-up logo for your proposed slogan on the back, you updated the blog with the comment about the unfortunate development with the main logo.

    I would be very glad if you happen to like what I have sent, or the general idea behind it.

  9. oh, one more thing. The extra panel for file previews will be great when I can’t remember which file is which 😉

  10. Hi Rowan

    Can we see the sniffer program as a design preview of the system? I mean, we have a kind of sketchy design of icons. We have some kind of menu button on the left side in the middle. We have the battery icon, some kind of panel menus in the red tabs and so on.

    By the way, it is a pure screen dump from an adam, isn’t it?

    I like what I see…

  11. But on a more serious note,
    Rohan, I really hope there is a good marketing campaign. I am definitely doing my part in spreading the word, but there are still scores of people who haven’t heard of NI. I want it to get to a point where i don’t need to explain what notionink is.

    That brings me to my second point. Is there a reason why the URL should be http://www.notionink.in instead of notionink.com. Isn’t notionink a global revolution? Ive had a lot of feedback saying that notionink.com does seem to inspire and I have to point them to notionink.in. It might deter a few people in the if they have to buy the product from an Indian website, raising questions like would I need to return it to the US for servicing, etc.

  12. Rohan, really sorry for misspelling your name like that… I promise i will never do it again! I guess i was a little bit excited. 😉

  13. Hi Rohan,

    thanks, for the short update. I like the new information’s, but I think, there is a lot to do for you and the EAP users before ADAM can go public.
    We now have end of November and I think we have to wait some more month for the release of ADAM 😦


  14. Cool, good to see the adam finally getting there. I’ve been following this from the start of the year and it’s great to see the UI. The icons look pretty nice as well =)

    One thing: notionink.in will not be the main site when it is finally released, am I right?
    Because it is incredibly laggy and not exactly proffesional looking

  15. Thanks Rohan! The bit about the glass was interesting! Is it just me though that finds that glossy glass gives much nicer clarity and contrast and colours! Photos for example look much nicer on glossy screens IMO. I really hope you guys have managed to overcome this!

    When are you going to actually officailly unveil the adam rohan? i.e like a proper hands on and review? How can we pre-order without really seeing it? Nice update – very interesting but it is still a tease! When is the tease over?

  16. excellent updates. so much information to lust over. hope i have the cash when pre-orders start.

  17. Thanks for this extra info Rohan. Small question: How resistent is the glass, like say those Gorilla Glass Dell Streak uses?

  18. From the sounds of Rohan’s post they are really just getting in to the thick of Genesis/software and App Development, therefore I still feel there will be some time before they are read to reveal it officially.

  19. thoug I like every update i can get, i am not feeling anything wiser. If you have yet to make the disision for the glas how can we expect that we can order the device before cristmas.
    I realy realy would like a nice tablet and you are the reason i want one, your commitment for a nearly perfect product and the entousiastic with witch you write
    make me believe I cannot function without an Adam.
    The biggest problem for me now is to learn how to be patient.
    Ron (aAa)

  20. Hey Rohan, I know you guys are probably at it. But I just want to remind you to upgrade that notionink.in website.

    A lotta folks are gonna be visiting it and we want them to get good impressions.


  21. overall good post.

    Rohan – when do you think you’d be able to share more on UI and final design with us(just an estimate time frame)? I was expecting a video on UI today but kinda disappointed now.

  22. Hi Rohan,

    You said that Genesis was up and running ….. but from the site it still says “Coming Soon” … I thought you were o9pening for pre-ordering.

    Like the rest of what I saw – and again thanks for being so open and sharing with the faithful.

  23. i believe this has been addressed previously. the dot com will be for the final finished website, the flash, dot in site is just in beta and filling in until its updated.

  24. This is making me more concerned about the release date – it seems as though there’s a LOT more work to be done yet. I’m having trouble resisting a Galaxy Tab – if the wait goes on much longer, I’m not sure what I’m going to do!!
    Still, looks great and will be worth the wait I’m sure.

  25. “If you have yet to make the disision for the glas how can we expect that we can order the device before cristmas.”

    I believe they’ve already made the decision. device is already in forFCC approval.

  26. Hi Rohan..

    The weather app looks simply superb. But one small concern.. I have to risk a heavy thunderstorm in my place to view that screen. Hope there are good animations for some pleasant weather conditions too.. 🙂

    The boot screen is great..
    I would like to ask that we fans get to preorder soon. Any word on pricing in India and the probable release time in India? It feels sad that the release date is later in India than US. Hope the FCC certification goes well.

    Eagerly waiting to meet adam.

  27. “Hi! Welcome to my online portfolio. My name is Andre Rodrigues, and I love design. Feel free to browse this site, by clicking on the right and left arrows to navigate through my work.” – taken from http://ousiadroid.com

  28. what he meant was is Genesis up and running internally. its not open for public. they’ll make it public when the time is right(when Adam is out for sale i believe).

  29. Can’t help it, but I am a little disappointed by the post.
    This is just an other not much telling/time gaining post 😦
    We did not get the promised post about the adam taken apart. Nor did we get any further information of the UI. All we get is an animation of the boot up screen (As far as I understood not even the real one??))
    Furthermore you are telling us some(!!!) of the software goes into beta now??!!
    And you still havent got a logo because you are waiting for the reply of an other company?? Thats hillarious!You just send them an e-mail and wait wheter or not they will send an anwer during the next weeks??
    After this post i finally give up my hope to get the adam in december/January..
    If you core software is still in beta and you have not managed such basic issues like your company logo (think about the time to prepare the wrapping for the adam and other company related papers etc.) you won’t make it to the market in december! 😦

    Furthermore we did not get any information about shippment and how guarantee issues will be dealt with, as requested by so many people..
    Its hard for me to preorder a device for 500$ with so less information.
    Behind all this great enthusiasm notion ink is just a start up company in INDIA. What kind of guarantee do i have for my money when preordering? If adam has not the time advantage on its side by beeing on sale 2-3 months earlier than any other usefull tablet out there, than its getting harder for me to convince myself to buy it..
    It will be so much easier to wait an other 4 weeks more or so after adam finally is for sale and just buy an equal tablet from a big company which you can be sure is able to assist you with guarantee and everything.Furthermore this companies are most likely able to do proper shop supply. So i can touch the thing with my very own hands before making my decision to spend my money..
    Again: I love the adam and were really looking forward to buy it. But if i think in a rational way about it, it becomes more and more stupid to safe the money just for this device under the given conditions… And the problem for notion ink: The ordinary customers thinks the same. As soon as there is an alternative (and this will be the case by early 2011) the people spend their money!!

  30. i think that the fact that rohan is even showing us any of this means they are almost done with it, he hasnt been alowed to show us the UI until now and he still isnt allowed to show us final screens of it wither cause of legals and such, but i take this post as a very posetive sign

  31. Thanks Rohan;
    And special thanks to Gagan(s), Murali, Jaya and the Boot Screen designer and all the unsung heroes/heroines et al at NI working hard for the world

    Folks here is a silly analogy… but am serious… see in the rush to be the ‘first’ to comment all you guys are doing is saying a quick Hi or even ‘first’ nothing else… and more or less everyone is saying implicitly lemme read now….
    its the same with Adam’s competitors if at all there are any – they are just rushing themselves to the market to say they arrived nothing much to show or tell!

  32. They have chosen the glass, Rohan was describing how much thought and effort has gone into providing the best glass possible, which they have achieved.

  33. well.. good one..
    Matt and glossy surface – that was real good and interesting to note..
    And i agree with Tarwinia the teaser video didn’t so look like a teaser, a little comicky… ( ya expecting a superhero flying :))
    i expected voice over and some nice lines of introduction..
    nevertheless good one..

    Adam booting up- tht was classy.

  34. It’s the portfolio of “Andre Rodrigues” who is working with NI as their UI designer 🙂

  35. “Genesis is up and Running!”
    Had taken this to mean we’d find something under the notionink.in site but still only says “coming soon” when you click “Genesis”. Also if you’re going to advertise the notionink.in site you may want to update/clean it up a bit. Specifications are outdated (true gps not a-gps last time you talked about it) and the render still has the camera in the middle. Also any chance you can comment on the docking port listed on the specs page? Is it still on adam or has the docking port been ditched? Are they plans for a notion ink docking port? What about a carrying case w/ blue tooth keyboards?(as it seems we’ll be unlikely to use the current 3rd party cases with that battery bulge)

    Still wondering if adam will support external hdd or external cd roms. Doesn’t seem like it would be confidential information.

  36. It looks like Andre is a very well known designer and illustrator in india. He has dome some work for Tata etc. I’m guessing he is designing the new site.

  37. Hey also thinking the weather screen -Don’t want to criticise but i reckon it looks a bit simplistic.When the lightning comes down it should flash more and light up the sky a bit more? And a bit more realistic and stormy looking would be good?
    Its not bad but not great. Just my opinion- interested to know what others think.
    Arghhhhh i wanna see more! A whole more week now before we get drip-fed some more info!!

  38. “(At the end of this video you will see notionink.in, but its not up (shows the older version till now). Will be releasing the new one in 24 hours)”

    Gah of course that would be edited into the blog post while I make my comment lol. Still have my questions though.

  39. Hello Rohan,

    When it comes to scratch protection I use Invisible Shield from Zagg on all my touch devices. It is great against scratches… They have kits for a lot of devices… Hopefully they will make a kit for the Adam as well as soon as it hits market.


  40. The attention you guys give to detail is really amazing. It grows on me by the posts!

    How I wish it would be easy for me to join your team once I graduate in May next year. LOL

  41. Yeah i love the boot screen! But disagree about the weather app- looks too cartoonish and not very cool animations- i.e the thunderstorm should light up the sky and look really stormy!

  42. Yes, I went through that slide show too. It seems like the link was getting redirected to his site – to his test site probably.

  43. wow! 😀 i’m more than excited 🙂
    thx for the update!!!
    sniffer & mail’d look excellent and could be two of the most important features that will show consumers how revolutionary adam is. love your thoughts about synchronization 😉

    \m/ rock on notion ink \m/

  44. Rohan,

    Did you ever get the email I sent over showing the site dedicated to you guys?

    The update looks nice, I like the short video tidbit. I like the boot up screen.

    I have both of those now on the website I built. I also have the comments on the site.

    I think the device is not ready for purchase but darn I just have to say it will be a solid device, I cannot wait to buy one. The scratch resistant glass is a nice touch.

    I HAVE to ask though, since there is such a hold up on the logo, can we at least see the comparison? I have to ask because I am sure the other logo is public knowledge and we have already seen Pratik’s.

    I will take the logo mockup I have out of my wallpapers I have made also for this.

    I would love to get a design in for a logo!!!!! That really stinks though on having something so similar come across.

    Have a great night and keep working hard!


  45. This is my favorite update to date, i think this shows the level of thinking and care going into our babies. the screen alone has been thought about to awesome lengths. Jaya with Mail’d just on fire pouring their ideas into an awesome application that doesn’t just do what we need but spoils us with features we were never expecting but now love. Sniffer looks super functional and solves problems other tablets have, easily. OH and those animations… they made me quite happy:). Rohan your doing something special here and like Mail’d I dont think any of us expected it but now we love it. Thanks for the update and keep at it

  46. I am sure Zagg has to know but someone should contact them because their accessories are spot on. I think if you have a screen protector like that available it makes it that much easier to want the Adam.

    Heck, let’s get Zagg to make them and send them over to Rohan so we can get them in the package for the first 1k sold! 🙂

  47. The only thing I am NOT excited about is this WordPress….

    It is very non WordPressive….I can already see the posts going nuts because its a good update.

    Any word at all on a forum?

  48. Hmm…I don’t like the idea of expiring emails, and think the ‘feature’ is a result of nervous or control-freak corporate heads trying to cover their you-know-whats.

    If people want to enforce expiry features in email, they should rather send a link in the email that points to a time-barred page on the web, along with a key to access it. Just don’t mess with what is an open standard and communication protocol by extending it with unnecessary features.

    How do the ’email undo’ and ’email expiry’ options work on non-MS Exchange (or similar) servers?

  49. Really exciting. I really hope you’ll be able to sell the Adam not far from the price you annouced, cause I really want to buy one 🙂

  50. Rohan did mention this is a screensaver for your adam so could mean that this could be used as a clock also. imagine having it next to your bed while you sleep as an alarm clock, the screensaver kicks in and *FLASH* lightning strikes and your now awake way before your meant to be .

  51. yup as Atul and Quandite already mentioned a lot of these musings are just for our pleasure; please remember we should not take everything Rohan mentions here as a sort of ‘up to the minute status report’ of the adam release project… far from it.

    and the reason Rohan’s posts/comments look a bit random is ‘cos he has the think twice/thrice before he says anything in the public domain ‘cos of all the restrictions he already mentioned many times… so its almost like you come out just watching a movie and try to narrate the story to a friend who says but dont reveal any fun parts or mysteries or spoil the suspense etc.. so you begin to describe a scene and stop in your tracks a bit and change course!

  52. I am bit disappointed….. i want to see UI. all other things don’t really matter to me.

  53. (At the end of this video you will see notionink.in, but its not up (shows the older version till now). Will be releasing the new one in 48 hours)

  54. Love the teaser video… Great job to whoever the two people on the UI team are that created it.

    I’d love to see Genesis and what it has to offer. Hopefully soon. Can’t wait!

    GPS software… Yes! (I hope is uses downloaded/stored maps so it will work when 3G and WiFi is unavailable. Geocaching features built into it would be great too.)

    Excited and anxious to see the other software too.

    Sorry to hear about the logo. I hope you get permission to use it. Our contest winner did a great job, and some of the variations that people were able to do later looked awesome too. (Maybe you can use one of those variations if you can’t use the original. Like the one submitted later that most everyone really loved. I’ll post a link to it later, unless someone else does first.)

    Mail’d sounds great. Will it work with any mail service? Is this intended as replacement for or a companion to gmail and similar mail clients? Hopefully it is an all in one type of client (one place/app to work with all my mail accounts). Love that you hinted towards it supporting large attachments (at least that is what I hope you are saying) and the off line mode. Fantastic!

    Is the”story1.doc” shown in the Sniffer rendering the same story wtff has been writing in the comments of your previous post? LOL 😉 Obviously there is support for .PDF and .DOC files! Yes!!!!!

    “An extremely fast and handy File Browser is a must (specially if you are talking about USB drives, bluetooth etc).” So some type of bluetooth based file sharing is supported?… And “it doesn’t need any other device to think, store, get updates from and rather be able to drive others.” So I hope that means Adam is able to do file sharing across wifi to Windows Shares, samba shares, etc. as well as use DropBox and similar services. Way cool!

    Thanks for all the effort put forth by the team at NI in selecting the right matt finish and implementing it the right way. As always, impeccable attention to detail in everything! Awesome job! It appears like we might even be able to get by without a screen protector…

    I like the boot screen too. I would not mind at all if your designers idea (notion) ended up in the final release.

    Here are direct links to videos and photos for those who want them:

    More comments to come later. Going back to bed for now (gotta dream about using Mail’d and Sniffer, etc)…

  55. wow, really bigger post and rather bigger satisfaction!
    I jst chkd the blog(planning to make 1st comnt^^ ) and no new post, had a nap. Now 70+ in no time :-O
    u guys must be ever online.

  56. hi

    nice teaser video. Sometime please show us also the sunshine conditions perhaps in Bangalore. i like the sound when the entry for the place and temp takes place. cool!

    good that one by one the apps are now making it to the beta stage. also i like the mention about the updates, that will be very crucial later. i do not knoe bue perhaps through genesis we are going to get the updates. in that case please make sure that the update takes place smoothly without the system getting hanged and etc.

    the matt finish looks promising. can you also through some light about how u guys using S/W have managed increased the contrast for PQ screen.

    nice to know about the NI members.

    if possible please give us a small update about FCC clearance? at least let us know are we still on time or not.


  57. Thx for the update Rohan!

    I’m really excited to hear GPS navigation software will be included (although I would have been fine with Google Maps or is it coming without Maps?).

    What I’m wondering about is that some software has just gotten to beta status?
    I hope everything will be finished in time, I want my Adam now 😀

    Seems like I will spend all day refreshing the notionink.in site, waiting for an Preorder button or at least new information!

  58. I don’t really understand the expiring email or being able to undo an email that has been sent? It sounds like it wouldn’t be accepted by people. I wouldn’t like the idea of someone sending me an email that could then be removed from my inbox? It doesn’t make sense? Surely once it has been sent to me – it is mine to keep? Unless i have got the wrong idea of how this works?

  59. @Nishit appreciate your concerns but most likely these would be optional features …. having said that – as the world evolves whats taboo today may be mandatory tomorrow, so more the merrier always rather than locking ourselves to a handful options

  60. no one can delete an email from your inbox(except you and your email service provider ofcourse). I think it would be more like a recall feature supported by MS outlook.

  61. well i think that’s a grt idea to have those features..
    haven’t you ever felt after sending a mail – “Gosh, shouldn’t have sent” or say “my god, missed adding those stuff”.. so undo an email is really good one…( as long as it comes with some definite time limit, else it might prove disastrous)

  62. Yes – your understanding of the functionality is correct, however Lotus Domino by IBM to my knowledge supports email undo. I have found it very useful when I have sent out corporate emails with smelling mistakes etc. If the person has not read the email then I find it perfectly reasonable to be able to undo it.

  63. It only works if the recipient server is Exchange or Domino. What about Yahoo or Gmail or whatever?

    My policy (at least in Outlook) is to disable the ‘Send automatically when connected’ option, so that I get a chance to check the arrow after I release the string. It requires me to do a manual send/receive [F9], but at least I can now avoid those embarrassing email moments.

    And from the legal advisers’ angle, it would be better if potentially embarrassing matters weren’t discussed on email in the first place.

  64. Rohan didnt get into the details yet and he promised we will hear more anyway…
    for now, my interpretation is at the minimum what Mail’d can do is pull back an email sent inadvarently to someone; most likely it will be done only if its not open yet by the receiver.

  65. i think the weather app is meant to be simple…….i think tat is more than enough…..but never seeen a weather app lik tis till now…..so it is great and good thinking….
    About mail id……“UNDO a sent email” feature tat is really cool…..many times i hav thought if I had this feature……the most exciting thing about adam is how notionink people think… just lik us….good work guys i love adam an Rohan’s updates

  66. Well, if you like comics then you gotta love the weather screen. Though I’m not a big comic reader and I like the weather screen. It sets it apart from other boring weather apps.

  67. I would love it more if the actual device boots up as quickly as it is shown in the video 🙂

  68. well, think abt some email from security or intelligence officials.. or between bad outfits..

    in that case this feature can be misused.. but i guess they would have thought about it..

  69. By the way, will we be able to program and to install software for the Adam, without the need to use the store ? I love doing some program to myself (even if there are not good enough to be distributed) and I know a couple of free/libre software which could be really interesting to install.

    I had another thought about the pixel QI screen. It’s probably your hardware killer feature, I you have been/will be able to code a really great ebook manager/reader, with the possibility to read plenty of file formats (ebooks, txt, html, pdf) and to annotate them.

    By the way the drawing like design for the directory is mayby not definitive but is a good, idea. It probably render even better with the B&W screen setup;

  70. ibm dot com/developerworks/lotus/library/notes8-recall/

    p.s. for information you can read how the feature works in details as part of V8. I’m pretty sure Mail’d will work in a similar fashion.

  71. 🙂 poor AB; sorry dint mean to add another redundant reply after you already heard back from all!… I think what happened there was we all reached the end of the comments after scanning thru all and you were the lucky one who’s comment screamed reply!

  72. Nope, not a screen dump… It is a rendering.

    “as shown in the image on your right (please remember, I cannot share the final images, else my investors, design and legal teams will kill me! 🙂 )”

  73. Well it isn’t really a “new” feature. As I said it has been implemented by IBM on their notes client before and apparently was the most requested feature by users for IBM Domino V8. I am not sure excatly how Domino servers work but I am pretty sure they keep copies of emails on the server for compliance reasons anyway. Even if they aren’t delivered to the user.

  74. Every post comes to show that we are moving closer and closer to having the final thing in our hands. Can’t wait. 🙂
    Will post a more detailed reply while i get back in the evening.

  75. Great!!! Although the “baby” is overdue, I can and will wait until it births for real. Rohan, please don’t wait for 3,000 comments before answering some of the questions that have been raised. I hope posters keep this post focused and make other digressions on some of the “unofficial” forums that have been opened.

  76. In the first 100! Also, this is great! Thanks for the update. I love the weather widget/background!

  77. I know this is pretty damn anal but the “Coming Soon” is not perfectly centred towards the end of the teaser. It is closer to the right panel then the left.

    ok I’m done being a geek now.

    I often browse on my mobile and the opera browsr dont show the links on wordpress!
    And with last post it cudn’t load all comnts when the no. reachd 1000+! 😦
    link plz,.. 🙂

  79. Hu, usually my english is crap, but this time it was worse than ever. I should not write comments when too tired…

  80. you can’t take a bullet back once it is fired from a gun.

    same is the case with emails. once i have email in my inbox, you can’t come in and take it back….

    we need explanation on this feature

  81. So i just checked http://www.notionink.in, I’m only able to see a picture of a ADAM, but can’t do anything.

    Is anyone able to do more (EAP developers maybe)?

    Anyway I found some pictures of the UI I haven’t seen before:

    Anyone seen these before?

  82. Rohan,
    In the teaser video, I see that ‘adam coming soon to the stores near you”. does it mean that adam will be selling in select stores.
    Will adam have a media player and will it support Ogg Vorbis and theora?

    can you please update on the FCC approval status?

  83. Great post Rohan,
    Its been an amazing journey so far on how each steps you took before you learn to walk. The passion that drives you, the creativity and perfection you look forward for is just simply amazing. rather than companies or people wanting to come up with devices for the sake of it, you (we) have done an awsome job keeping your dreams high and fighting for it. I always feel bad that why is this getting delayed but seeing your efforts i feel its worth waiting. Im your fan!

  84. Yeah but the thing is emails are often needed as proof of something or a record of something- often they act as a legal contract! If they are no longer permanent then they would be useless. I don’t think this can be what they are planning. Perhaps if the receiver hasn’t opened it it can be recalled? Seems to open up alot of questions.
    A lot of ideas and they definitely think out the box but also i don’t they need to be too clever on everything!
    I.e they don’t need to reinvent the wheel on everything!

  85. I like the what you have told us about the screen,But i how that you will be selling/recommending supplies of screen protectors to fit.

  86. well, the Info is not thaaat big but dammit. Please tell me this is the design youre going. i NEVER saw something so beautiful in an electronic device.

  87. the video is indeed a teaser. it teased my by flaunting the fact i cant get an adam yet!

  88. Also equally anal- it says “coming soon, to THE store near you” It would sound better saying “coming soon, to stores near you” – It sounds better without “the”.

  89. My appoligy, i reacted to quickly and didn’t think it through. You’re completely right.
    It blured the rest of the aricle for me (cause I saw a big delay ahead) and there are many nice teasers in it and i must be thankful that there’s so much interaction with the future users of this product. Not many compagnies are so open by productenvelopment.

  90. You cann’t get an Adam until the end of December 2010. That is a fact, if you do not know that by now no one can help you.

  91. 1) Actual bezel (black border) size?
    2) SSD memory size (16 or 32 GB)?
    3) Device dimensions?
    4) PREORDERS???

  92. I agree keep this post focused…but think, even when it is focused diving through a couple hundred posts even still hurts.

    “unofficial” just means looking out for you guys that is all. I seriously thought all my time would have been for nothing because this update I really thought the site would have been updated.

    My work was done in two days…I don’t think that is alot to ask for in time what we can think of as advertising.

  93. i did know that. however with a device like this waiting is quite hard. i want to see a package arrive at my house, open it, and see “notion ink” sprawled across the front

  94. Thank you for the update.
    I’d just like to point out that at this point we really need some UI spotlight.
    We all know that the NIA hw is top notch, but actually I believe that software – and especially UI – makes the real difference. For instance, yesterday I was talking about Adam to a friend of mine, and I realized that info about the Tegra, the Pixel Qi and the GPS are effective only on “true geeks”: average people (even mild geeks like the friend I was talking to) need to have a simple, nice and clean UI in order to get familiar with a product.
    In this sense, the sniffer preview looks more than awesome in my opinion.
    But the sooner you will show us the UI, the sooner we will be able to start REALLY advertising the Adam in the “average joes” world.

  95. I’m anxious to have it. Notion Ink is doing a very good job. Only few days for the pre-order opening.

  96. Undoing a sent email that has been read by the recipient would be unacceptable to just about everyone for many reasons so this cannot be what they are suggesting.

  97. ### THE main issue out of all: ###

    How much heat does adam produce?

    I very much hope the cooler not to turn out to be a blow-dryer on the outwards. That’s the MAIN problem with my current tablet PC. So what’s your answer? =)

  98. That teaser gives an insight into the “magazine UI” he talked about.

    “Then there is the magazine-user interface which I believe will (be) the future of UI (user interface)”.

  99. Hello Rohan, I know this has nothing to do with this post but i want to ask you a big question about the video player. Is it stock Android player? Because i was playing with a Galaxy Tab past week and i could not find an option to add subtitles. Also it would be nice if Adam could play mkv, because i and alot of people have a video colection of 1080p or 720p movies.
    Also i was wondering when could you share a information abou the price of Adam. Thank you and good luck!

  100. GREAT! I follow your entreprise since one year now , and i’m very very excited about the soon release .. In Europe???

  101. Yeah that would do to – just not “the” store. They need to sort these small things out when launching to the world as it will look unprofessional. I understand though this is for the blog and would take up extra man hours checking every word.

  102. Rohan said: “At the end of this video you will see notionink.in, but its not up (shows the older version till now). Will be releasing the new one in 48 hours”

    Maybe a forum will be attached to the new website…

  103. where is yr office location in bangalore?
    my google-fu skills not working..
    can the adam enthusiasts in bangalore at least see yr labs from the outside and admire?

  104. adam is overdue, thought we would get some more pictures of adam and a video… Come on Rohan, give us something..
    I really think its some mean people u have working the legal and financial things out, denying us the things we want 😉

  105. Thanks Rohan for another informative and excellent post. On Saturdays as soon as my Blackberry notifies a post from Notion Ink, I run to my computer irrespective of whatever I am doing and whereever I am. That’s the frenzy you have created! The urge to know more about this device has surpassed anything that have experienced in the past for any technology device.

    With every post and every detail you share on Adam, you make your fans that more impatient. While everythings so far has been ahead of such tablet devices, the only thing I find a compromise is it’s thickness. But I hope, the next generation upgrade will take care of this. Further, if the device performs on every feature it’s packed with, the size, shape and weight issues would be non-issues. Good luck with the remaining activities before launch it in the market.

  106. Nice post! Also I am glad I post comments again.

    The comment a long time ago…long long time ago Rohan mention google. Now the bootup screen. You tease us with your clues 🙂

    If you don’t know what I am talking about look here and let the rumors start.

  107. Ok I am sure the comments will kill wordpress by the time to finish breakfast. I will say howdy to all of you and go back into hiding.

  108. Will the Adam include an eReader software supporting ePub, PDF, DOCs, etc?
    Will be possible to write notes in the ebooks with this ereader?
    An app. similar to Kobo ereader could be very good due to its flexibility and configurations. The option to change the background from white to black is very interesting.
    Unfortunately at this moment there is not a good shop to find spanish books with a good price.

  109. Funny you should question that…

    I was at the .in site and it’s been taken down, except for a single (updated styling) pic of an adam. Well, I’m a rather curious girl, so I pulled up the source coding for the page, and yes, I do believe there will be forums. There will be a few links on the page; one is to “forums” (others were for “articles”, and “eap”).

    I also snagged a few renders of the screen displaying a few different things. I’ve been sitting here wondering if it would be bad to make a post with them. I thought they were interesting, but I wouldn’t want Rohan to be mad.

  110. @Andreu

    As far as PDF and Doc in the last post Rohan said there i will be a full office suite. This should cover your DOCs reading and in the Mail’s screen show PDF and DOCs as attachments with a Doc file being previewed. ePub nothing has been mentioned yet Rohan has stated that Adam will have market access and I am sure there is an app that will handle ePub and surely a Genesis version would be available as soon as developers get their hands on the SDK.

  111. I am just excited to hear that ….and maybe I am reading into this..but there is a GPS Chip on board? I kinda gave up on it..but seeing you are working on GPS Software… Kinda clues me in….

    But does this rule out using a Google Maps product on the ADAM?

  112. I cant wait any more for adam, Still production not started and it will take at least 3 months to come at stores in mumbai. I think They are interested more in global market than in India.

  113. Since my previous post is still stuck in moderation i will try it again. Sorry for possible duplex-post

    Can’t help it, but I am a little disappointed by the post.
    This is just an other not much telling/time gaining post 😦
    We did not get the promised post about the adam taken apart. Nor did we get any further information of the UI. All we get is an animation of the boot up screen (As far as I understood not even the real one??))
    Furthermore you are telling us some(!!!) of the software goes into beta now??!!
    And you still havent got a logo because you are waiting for the reply of an other company?? Thats hillarious!You just send them an e-mail and wait wheter or not they will send an anwer during the next weeks??
    After this post i finally give up my hope to get the adam in december/January..
    If you core software is still in beta and you have not managed such basic issues like your company logo (think about the time to prepare the wrapping for the adam and other company related papers etc.) you won’t make it to the market in december! 😦

    Furthermore we did not get any information about shippment and how guarantee issues will be dealt with, as requested by so many people..
    Its hard for me to preorder a device for 500$ with so less information.
    Behind all this great enthusiasm notion ink is just a start up company in INDIA. What kind of guarantee do i have for my money when preordering? If adam has not the time advantage on its side by beeing on sale 2-3 months earlier than any other usefull tablet out there, than its getting harder for me to convince myself to buy it..
    It will be so much easier to wait an other 4 weeks more or so after adam finally is for sale and just buy an equal tablet from a big company which you can be sure is able to assist you with guarantee and everything.Furthermore this companies are most likely able to do proper shop supply. So i can touch the thing with my very own hands before making my decision to spend my money..
    Again: I love the adam and were really looking forward to buy it. But if i think in a rational way about it, it becomes more and more stupid to safe the money just for this device under the given conditions… And the problem for notion ink: The ordinary customers thinks the same. As soon as there is an alternative (and this will be the case by early 2011) the people spend their money!!

  114. IMO…There are a few companies in the world that seem interested in making the world a better place through great technology. One of the only companies is Google. The way NI is being run, they seem so interested in the people…that is great to see! Keep it up! Just my two cents.

  115. Dude, I couldn’t agree with you more. The bootup is awesome.
    Ofcourse, If you leave the adam on for 24/7 – 365/1 and the system is crashproof, you would only see the bootup once.

    But hey, that wouldn’t stop me from turning it off and on to see it.
    Just hoping the bootup is really THAT fast and the system is up and running when the bootup is over.


    PS weekend.

  116. My B’day tomorrow without this(ADAM) gift will be a dampener. Dying to get my hands on this marvelous device. Rohan and Notion Ink, my very best wishes to you and here’s wishing Ganapati bappa guides you to success you deserve. Good luck.

  117. Great Work for Notion Ink!
    Can not await Adam.

    But what about the FFC? What about release?
    Are there any informations about it?

    I hope you will sell it before xmas.

  118. Hey Guys,
    Whoops, that was an old test site I put up of the older website. I thought I had deleted it. Sorry about that. Thanks for the feedback on the glimpses you guys have got of the UI to date. Extremely encouraging, means a lot to us.


  119. Awwww…..shame on you 😦 jk

    Can you at least let us know Andre if something will come up in the next week or so for a web presence?

  120. Well, they aren’t earth shattering. I think the display on the screen of the adam currently sitting in the middle of the site is going to have a few different “slides” showing renders of the panels displaying different things, giving you an idea how they can be used to multi-task.

    I’m considering it another in a long line of “teasers”. Interesting bc I’m dying for all the new info I can get, but not very satisfying and leaving me wanting more =p

    Although, the forum thing was really nice to see and made me feel content knowing one is coming soon (I think… lol)

  121. Cant wait to see the new website! I missed that Rohan said it would be up in 48hrs!

  122. There is a certain unsend email app on the blackberry. How it works is that you set a “time-frame” and any email you send will actually be sent after that particular time is up (say 5 minutes) You can just send it and forget about it, the email will autmatically leave after 5 minutes, but if within those 5 minutes you want to cancel the sending of the email, you can do so

    Simple piece of software really, but it can be quite useful a lot of time (trust me, i have used it many a times)

    I think, what Rohan means is something similar..

  123. WELL I cannot believe it is 707am here and haven’t gone to sleep yet. I am happy it was a nice update. I hope this still means that it is possible to have the device to manufacturing soon.

    Night all, well good morning I guess….


  124. It looks like the test site is quite dated judging from the specs that differ especially the exact variant of the Tegra processor and the placement of the swivel camera 🙂

  125. I do the same!

    the weeks go so slow, waiting for a new post, and when i receive an update, i jump to the laptop to read it.

  126. Ah, I see it now, well I am SURE the site will kick butt if it has anything to the quallity of the Adam. Can’t wait to see it.

  127. Very nice update. More information then normal, but then again, it’s never enough for most people. 😉

    I very much appreciate the hint to the multitouch support working!

    Also the GPS application, could it possibly be Sygic Aura, since their website states that the Notion Ink Adam will be compatible? ( http://sygic.com/aura/list/ ). Also, before wide spread rumors start, will it be included or an option available through the Genesis market?

    Too bad about the logo issues, it’s ever increasingly difficultt to be original now a days, although I believe you are doing quite a good job with the adam and the community support you are creating with this website and frequent updates of information. To my knowledge, that is quite unique and very much appreciated in contrast to the stance is tightly clamping on any information out there such as most other companies do.

    Thus conclusion, open up those pre-orders. 😉

  128. (That part wasn’t part of the original post, so if you did’t go back up and re-read through again later, you wouldn’t have known it was there. Also, it said 24 hrs, before being changed to 48. Hope they are using the extra time to actually get some sleep =p )

  129. I am a graduate student composer and my friend and I had a discussion the other day that there was a true lack of music notation software for touch platforms, despite the seeming intuitive corollary of interface. When I told him about the unique features of Adam we agreed it would be ideal. I have had some programming experience in undergrad but never worked with android. I was wondering if there were any developers who would be interested in helping me create an intuitive music notation software.

    This was an amazing weekend special!

  130. u cant undo an email unless it’s not really sent, so undo cant be more than just an timer postponed delivery.
    thus, effectively your mail will be held up in the adam before its send off to the recipient.
    hopefully it can be turned off as well…

  131. i can see the full video being released before Thanksgiving in the U.S.. This way we can all talk about it with our families.

  132. Will capacitive layer be removable? I hope Adam will be easy to modify so i will be able to add resistive layer. I really need precise input in my engineering faculty. I cant understand why notion ink didn’t implemented Atmel maxTouch technology like Samsung did in Galaxy S.

  133. Hi Rohan,

    Now I see taht you and your team are putting your hearts in this project and It would be something more than iPad.
    I cant wait until I get one in my hands 😉
    Good luck

  134. My 14 year old just broke his kindle. I said let send it off to amazon and get it fixed. His reply was, “no dad I just wait for Adam.” Thanks for the update and we are looking forward to “next new thing”, ADAM.

  135. gr8 updte,luv d boot up
    in an interview few year
    s back bill gates said that the new googles and apples will be from asia,i feel we r seeing the birth of one of them, congrats rohan!

  136. @Vector

    They weren’t old pics, they are new… Have you not been back to the .in site to see that it’s been stripped except for a new pic of an adam sitting so tauntingly in the middle of the screen? If not, go back. It’s a nice render showing the panels multi-tasking.

    There are a few others (and some links), which are the pics that I “found” that I mentioned above, but decided not to post. Although I have a *HUGE* problem with keeping things secret, so I should probably just go to bed so I’m not tempted.

  137. Great update.
    I love the new Website Idea. Can’t wait to see it out there. The glass looks like I may not need a screen protector. I must have oily skin or something as I cause a lot of finger prints on screens. I always buy matt finish (anti glare) screen protectors to cut this down. I’ve been looking for a roll or full sheet of it but now may not need to.

    Sniffer: I file browser is a must. This seams to be more than that as it is also a viewer and it is also viewing a .doc file. If you integrate this with the editor this will be out of the park.

    Mail’d: I’m excited about the idea but not enough info to make a judgment. Offline has me really intrigued. this is something that can score big in a Corp environment.

    The boot screen is exactly how I pictured it and exactly how it should be. On the logo I had a feeling this is what was happening. What ever comes back he did a great job.
    I wanted to get my comments down before i read what others are saying so now to start reading. Thanks again Rohan for the updates.

  138. “(At the end of this video you will see notionink.in, but its not up (shows the older version till now). Will be releasing the new one in 48 hours)” -from Rohan’s blog post above

  139. Very very soon, hard at work at it as I write it. Thing is, I don’t want to put up anything at all, it has to look great also provide a lot of information, and compatible with all systems this time. Everything except IE6! 😀

  140. I am in total awe and inspired and humbled at your commitment to your vision and would like to apologize for every negative thought or word (which were not many) I may have had or written. But please start advertizing, I see all these articles about the failures of any and all competition to the Ipad and wonder when? Start the Hype!!!!!!!!

  141. I see also that you are changing the site, and is superb.
    Previous version was very fat, and slow.
    It was using my entire core to render flash and it wasn’t smooth [Q6600].

  142. curious to know if it ‘broke’ literally – if so – did it fall face down? that would be interesting coincidence with today’s post related to glass etc.

    btw, refreshing id! make friends with gecko soon he can help sort out any bugs in the farm! he dont even need to eat’em all they will just crack their tummies open reading his comments!

  143. thanx Rohan…

    thank you for the update with the video.

    the video is good. hope your marketing team maintains that level… if it can adam will be a big hit.

    Releasing a great product is not enough, you need to promote it and market it well. wishing you good luck.

    waiting for the release date…

    and hoping for some info on e-reader app too…


  144. lol tried two times now to say something a little critical here. Both times the post stucks in “waiting for moderation” mode.. wired thing.. What does it help if post become approved after 50 posts came after them. only very few people will recognize new posts in the crowd of other posts,, nice way to silence critics??

  145. @ROwan Fire
    Those pictures of the multitasking have been seen at developers.notionink. com.
    I think Andre just temporarily ported that source from that site, stripped it off and its now acting as a placeholder for monday. I am hoping we will see the forum!!!

  146. 😦 The first video isn’t showing for me… tried two browsers and both don’t load. Followed a link posted above and it says the video is private!

    Please help! I’m missing out on the goodies! Otherwise, nice read and update 🙂

  147. Google navigation is not available in all countries….so it makes sense that NI provides an additional nav. app. IMO one does not rule out the other (on my Nexus I use Google Nav and Copilot)

  148. there was something that turn me off about the first promo video in the beginning (ending was perfect style). being a new yorker, I would much more prefer to see my beautiful city with a sunny forecast.

  149. You can do this on a Exchange server and in some other systems. But I think once you cross out side of that system you are correct. even in Exchange it is just a recall request. This is also an issue with Mail that is forwarded to other devices Blackberry’s as it would not be recalled from them, although I am hearing that they are working on this for the next BES release.

  150. Don’t like Zagg feels like an orange peel. Good at what it does but just don’t like the feel. Also if the screen is done right may not need it.

  151. Great job Rohan, I’ll be very happy to buy this amazing tablet before Christmas in Italy 🙂

  152. as far as the logo should be, if it looks very similar or remotely copied it should be forfeited. The logo, like Notion Ink’s Adam, should be an original idea.

  153. GMail labs have the same feature. The way it works is to delay sending the email. it says ‘sent’, but waits 30 seconds before actually sending it. So you can have a short amount of time to ‘undo’ it. Basically the system hides the truth from the user. another great thing about operating systems 🙂

  154. @Greg
    It’s not just a weather app. It’s the screensaver too. And that is an awesome screensaver!!!
    The big news is that the Advert said “coming soon to a stor near you”. That is big! Not just the website but a store!

  155. The expiring emails is a very good idea. keeps those would be users from keeping a bake bean recipe from 2004 in their in-box. yep I’m one of the Corp type Managers who loves when users come to my desk as say i do need a 5 gig PST. i will give you this it needs to be a setting. Baby steps. FYI you can move emails off that are a must to keep

  156. Well done Rohan! That looks amazing!

    Please could you tell us if Adam will have a digitizer?

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let Adam have it!!!

  157. @ Rohan.. Just a Suggestion Pls make sure that which ever website u gonna make official is hosted on a gud server with enough bandwidth as m sure there’s gonna b lot of hits in a very small amount of time…. I know ur team must have already thought abt it….

  158. Hi Rohan!

    Try this on that Adam – http://www.sumopaint.com

    Since Flash works on Adam, here’s a paint software that should work on it right out of the box. Its called Sumopaint. It is the best Paint software out there that is entirely free and works inside a browser. Ofcourse the Pro version is Adobe AIR based and would stay local on your machine, with the main advantage being that you would not need an internet connection “ON” for it to work.

    Sumopaint has Superb features for any serious artist with such features as Gravity/Scattering/Wet Edges Brush strokes and more.

    My question is, will this work on Adam? Can you please try it out and let us know the results? It would be amazing to use this on Adam with a capacitive stylus or just a finger too.

    Ronak Rathod

  159. Well done, Rohan…Very unique…Again, since thanksgiving is nearing, any news on the release date so that we can say big “thanks” to you..

  160. One more question, how would the file system (open, save, delete) work in this case on Adam? Maybe You folks should tie up with the folks from sumopaint and make it work flawlessly on Adam with its file system. IMO, this is a really good combination – Sumopaint + Adam – it would open up Adam to a whole new segment of amateur/pro digital artists.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Rohan, please do reply on your thoughts on this s/w and how it works on Adam.

  161. The current placeholder for notionink dot in is actually the index page of the notion ink developers site. If you notice, even the title of the page is ‘Notion Ink Developers’. And that had a link called forums there. That explains the link which rowan fire saw.

  162. @ Rohan -> would like to know something about the pre- order. will the pre order be available to us Indians too or would it be only for rest of the world.??????


  163. The information is great! Thanks for the update.
    It’s hard going about my daily life without the adam when I know so much about it.
    Sitting on the train, watching friends buy iPads, etc.

    I almost wish I knew nothing about it until the day we can make pre-orders.

    That being said, these updates are great!
    They give me a view of the process and the decisions that have gone into it.


    Me want ADAM!

  164. I am starting to look forward to my Saturday mornings (East Coast US) just because of the blog updates. The Adam sounds better with every little tid-bit that’s released. I am hoping you’ll be able to reach the goal and ship the first wave before Christmas.

  165. Please tell me the email client will handle IMAP accounts, and be able to use LDAP for address completion.. I still can’t believe how badly the android mail client hardly works witn IMAP and that google didn’t include LDAP support!

    Not all corporate email runs on exchange. My large company uses a Linux based mail server for reliability and LDAP for our directory.

    Also, a calendaring client that supports caldav would be important. Another google omission in android. I can’t connect my phone to our company calendar directly and have to use a web based interface!

  166. Rohan,

    Great attention to detail.. Looking forward to more frequent updates 🙂 Can you treat us with 2 updates a week from now on ? I really cant stand the 7 days of wait any more..


  167. Flash based devices boot up fast. iPad is instantly on. And Apple learned a lot from that and went with full flash drives on their new macair models. Even the normal macs with normal hard drives with a full blown OS boots up in a minute. Windows sucks in that aspect. And Linux too interns of boot up time.

  168. @Rohan, Andre and all at Notion Ink,

    Amazing amazing amazing! The details are fantastic and not a disappointment anywhere; you continue to exceed expectations!

    Thank you; we eagerly await more as you can share 🙂

  169. Looks pretty cool.

    I’m wondering how this Navigation is going to work though. This won’t have 3G, right? So when I am on a trip I understand the GPS will lock my location, but how is the map information downloaded to my device?

  170. Rohan!
    im, like everyone else here, ‘hookrd’ on the adam;)

    I wanted to make sure about one cam function. Suppose the cam is facing me and i start recording video but then i decide to swivel it while still recording. Is there any sensor to rotate the video so that the remaining part of the video doesn’t have an upside down image.

    Im sure, thnx to your attention for detail, u’d have already looked into it. just confirming…


  171. Andre!

    nice to hear from you.

    Please make the new website neat and clean. also please make sure the menu buttons and the letters are big and easy to understand. i liked the developer site appearance. all the best.

    waiting eagerly for the new website with clear specifications.

  172. Team Notion Ink i feel that you have got the design spot on.
    1. the Pixel Qi screen which reduce the eyestrain
    2. the weight distribution: easier to hold and less tiresome.
    3. the amount of screen real estate compared to bezel, 73% screen !!!!
    4. the size bigger than kindle but smaller than ipad – i think its perfect.

    Keep the light burning

    from “Week-End Special!” https://notionink.wordpress.com/2010/09/18/week-end-special/
    aspect ratio: https://notionink.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/margin.png
    weight distribution: https://notionink.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/image-3.png

  173. Nice Post .. excellent teaser video … love the sounds in that …. waiting for launch date …
    I have compiled all the information about Adam , iPad Comparison, Videos and Photos and Rohan’s post in one place … has the full story line of Adam tablet

    Enjoy Dreaming …
    I hope Rohan wont file against copyright 🙂

  174. The recall function with exchane/outlook only recalls unread emails. Once it has been read there is no recalling it

  175. Rohan!

    i dont know whether it is possible or not.
    now a days in this blog i dont see guys who earlier used to write quite frequently and were asking about website, specs, forum etc.. now since everything is in good progress, i was thinking may be it is not a bad idea to send them a notion ink mail regarding the latest updates. i think they will like this gesture from notion ink.


  176. Hey Everyone,

    I’ve been lurking for quite some time now. Just wanted to let you all know how much I’ve enjoyed reading your comments.

    I’m super psyched about the adam and will preorder as soon as it’s time to do so – it seems to be offering everything I want in a device.

    Thanks especially to Rohan for the blog and all these super insightful updates. It’s enough to keep us all interested, without giving too much away.



  177. I think they need to start hard their hype/advertisement soon.
    I would say they will start it on 1st of December, coz I almost certain that ADAM won’t be on the market by Christmas, and it is not just the FCC or CE,
    but the HW and SW do not seem to me finalized.

    So, what can happen? Just a few tablet-ebokreader-interested people of the huge potential Market knows about Adam.
    Therefore the rest, who do not have any clue about Adam, are going to by some high-hyped (iPad, Galaxy, Blackbery, Nook etc etc) gadget for Christmas.
    So, to get a bigger piece from the cake, NI should need to inititate a hyper hype/wave to get the public interest therefore some percent of those millions should postpone their Chirstmas’ gadgets buying for 2 or at last 3 weeks. But, to get this done the NI needs to have at least 2 things. Very good product (promising HW and SW) and advertisement.

    No doubt that the HW should be very potential. The SW is a bit hard thing, as the people in general, does not like the changes (like JooJoo OS).
    But, we will see…

    Also, the advertisement-generated hype needs bunch of money. As I remember MS spent about 700m for the Windows 7 advertisement but I doubt that NI can afford that.
    Also, I remember an urban legend, when an old people went to a shop buying Windows XP despite of he did not know what the Windows XP is at all.:)
    So, what other options do they have? Internet (weblogs, news etc.) and CES. But CES is after Christmas, so they need a hype before Christmas.

    They should send some nearly-finished-very-high-quality samples to some well known-weblogs (engadget, slahgear etc) to generate some waves around Adam, but to aim it, Adam needs to be ready for the market…

    Anyway, my thoughts above just theories and the facts just will be known when Adam is out on the street.

  178. +1 to mkv. I pretty much encode all my videos to mkv to save space and still get high quality, hope it works.

  179. Good job Gagan, Jaya , Murali and all developers at notion ink. Do whatever best you can do we will wait for your updated versions. You will get a lot of good informations about your software for improvements.

  180. Rohan,
    Wow, so much excellent material to read through. Great post – I especially like the attention to detail on the screen. You must be frustrated by the gag order, but it will feel that much better when you can release the details fully. I’ll be in the States by late Dec./early Jan. so I hope that the release goes according to the current schedule. I’ll do my best to get one regardless, but I wouldn’t mind a little luck in the timing.

    There are lots of tablets coming out, but it’s the pixel qi screen in a hand held that is winning me over. Also, from what you’ve said previously, it seems like you’re intending this device to be something other than a tablet. All of the other details are icing on the cake, and the more I hear, the better it gets. It seems like I’ll be getting a lot more than I had originally hoped for. Maybe the icing is going to end up being even better than the cake. Keep up the excellent work and good luck with the release schedule.

  181. I think that is why they worked so hard on the screen. They knew they would have a fine tipped stylist for the digitizer

  182. It just x and y co-ordinates for both the fingers (with straight lines) and of-course leaves a trail behind when u drag them. This looks like some test app used to judge the multi-touch accuracy.

  183. Blown away is the only way I can describe my feeling…
    Love the boot up, and love even more the icons…
    the concepts are killers , and the weather app, OMG!

    Rohan, Murali, Jaya and team,
    you guys will change the world
    and I can’t wait to pre-order my adam
    and tell the ipad folks – IN YOUR FACE!!

  184. patients. I think Rohan has guide line on what to release and what he can. This i think is the crown jewel and will need to be kept under wraps for a little longer. I have a sneaky feeling that Rohan has a update planned for us on this subject in the near future. Most likely right before prebooking starts or just as it is shipping. 1 so that it is released in his words and 2 before all the unboxing and first look videos start hitting YouTube.

  185. Wow! I didn’t expect such a big update. Now I’m really excited. Like everyone else I can’t wait to buy adam. And I hope the dollar price won’t be converted in Euro like the price for the Ipad. Here in germany the basic version of the Ipad (499 Dollar in US) costs 499 Euro, so it’s converted 1:1. So I hope adam won’t be as expensive.

    Finally we know how the non-glossy icons icons look like. I must say I like them a lot!
    Thanks for update, keep the good work going!

  186. The Tegra is made that it does not need active cooling. it’s also being talked about being put in Phones. This is one of the big issues i see with the Atom tablets. The Atom is a great processor and does not need active cooling but the heat-sink on them is an 3/4 of an inch thick. So either that tablets are going to be 1 -1.5 inches thick or the heat-sink is cut down and they are over heating the chip. The Atom is fin in a Laptop or netbook but not in a device that needs to be only 1/2 inch thick (Tablet).

  187. I noticed Rohan said (in the Nov. 20th Week-End Special Update) that…” Mail’d will be one application that gets amazing updates as we enter January…”

    Does that mean that it’s not coming out until January, at the earliest, or that it will be getting updates after the Adam is released?

  188. Dementia is a loss of brain function that occurs with certain diseases. It affects memory, thinking, language, judgment, and behavior.

    Looking at 1000 posts for one blog post and then 200 posts for the enxt one, It looks like there are many afflicted with “Adamentia” and the only cure is with NI and hopefully it comes before this year end. 🙂

  189. the file browser is really gr8. its basically the start menu found in old windows pc. but it really make sense to use it in a touchsreen tablet. well done. also the boot up screen video is awesome.

  190. Rohan and the NI team have professional respect for what Apple has done and continue to do. IF we can’t respect apple, at least we can learn to respect Rohan and the NI team for the respect they have for iOS and such.

  191. Hi Rohan,

    Though I have been following this blog for about a year now, this is my first post. Your vision of the device (“not a tablet”) and your commitment to that vision in spite of various odds has been truly noteworthy. Also impressive has been the attention to detail and thought given to the design. You have taken on board various suggestions given in this forum to make the product better and have striven for perfection. It has been a excellent effort from you and your team. My congrats to you and Team NI.

    Now that you are on the home stretch, I hope you give the same amount of attention to marketing. Seemingly small things like “coming to the stores” instead of “a store” can make a difference to the average customer – especially since NI is an unknown (yet) entity. (I notice the video has now been changed to “a store” though. BTW, on the teaser video I also notice the local time shown seems to change to 9:20pm from 9:30pm after the hands “flip” it – see 00:18). Considering Adam is a convergence device which can be put to different uses by different (type) customers, you may want to do some targeted marketing (field of education, music, etc).I am sure your marketing team is already on the job. My best wishes to you and the team. Like so many others, I want the Adam to succeed.

    Dev K

  192. I couldn’t even finish the reading all i hear is Blah blah blah whine whine whine blah blah blah. Why oh why. What about my money. I have one question What brought you here or to look into Notion Ink in the first place? If your not ready to take a chance on them then you need to move on to a product that you are comfortable with. I for one want the 2nd generation tablet this year. Most of the features notion ink is putting in the adam you will start seeing in other tablets but not till late next year. That , the Pixel Qi, and battery life is why I came. The way the company is being run and the information that is being released and the explanations of why decision are being made is why i am still here.

  193. Ooh! good eye Quindor on the GPS software. Never used the software but it seems to have good features

  194. I think you mean “matte”, not “matt”.

    And yeah, that will make reading & surfing so much easier. Thanks for the slavish attention to detail.

  195. Once you go to his site, be prepared to stay there as it seems you’re locked into his site


  196. “Behind all this great enthusiasm notion ink is just a start up company in INDIA”

    would you like to retract this? No one is forcing you to wait for adam and also no will force you to buy adam (at the least NI). If you are worried about your money, please dont buy and also dont comment here.

    Its up to you to trust them with your money. Rest assure no other tablet like adam will be there in the market. (not even Ipad 2 which is a defferent category device).

    Read the comment of mrzeal about adam’s analogy with a biryani. That may help you overcome your frustation. 🙂

  197. Awesome update Rohan, really looking forward to the file management system and the way it operates.

  198. Hi Rohan,
    As a dental student, Adam would be perfect for study and looking up tons of massive textbooks for information. But I also intend it for uses in the clinic for better patients documentation and care.
    so I got a few questions about the device:
    1. Can it be frequently cleaned/swiped by the common antiseptics (e.g. 70% alcohol, chlorhexidine, or 5% chlorine bleach). Will it affect the longevity of the screen or framework?
    2. If not, will wrapping it in wrapping plastic(those kinds that are used to wrap food and put into a fridge) affect touch screen using experience a lot?
    3. Can it response to voice command amid the noisy environment in a dental clinic
    4. I am also interested in the viewing angle of the Pixel Qi screen

  199. Rohan, great job by you and Notion Ink. Please get it out there fast.

    Usually I am a fast follower, but NI’s Adam is going to make me a bleeding edge leader in buying the product. Congratulations to you and your team, in seeing your (collective) dream through.

  200. Rk:
    > 200 posts and not 200 posts

    Wow how very Zen.
    Seems like you’re Adamented yourself. That’s such an awesome term!

  201. Hi, I went to best buy yesterday and checked the galaxy tab for about half an hour. The main problem i feel it has as compared to apple iPad is that the multi touch feature is slow. I have an iPad and believe me till today no tablet has come close to the speed and multi touch, and User interface as in iPad. I am sure Adam will beat(EAT) the apple as the guys at notion ink know what they are doing. Best of luck Rohan and Team. Keep it up.

  202. I really enjoy reading your posts. Sharing the trials, tribulations and excitement of developing Adam makes us all part of the family.
    A clarification on the HDMI output capabilities please?
    When connected to a HDMI TV via the HDMI output, will the display:
    A) Only show photos, videos and other selected content — the way my daughter’s HTC EVO 4G phone does…
    or, hopefully
    B) A duplication of what is currently being shown on the Adam? i.e. what you see on the Adam screen is EXACTLY what is passed along through the wire and displayed on the connected display device. If this is the case (as the Archos 101 IT proposes to do) will the Adam screen concurrently display. I’ve seen videos of the Archos internet tablets and when they’re connected to a big TV the Archos screen is blank, making it very difficult to navigate across a blank screen.
    Thanks again and Hurry Up with the pre-orders!

  203. Please do not use alcohol on any touch screen device as it will damage the screen. You can clean it using white vinegar and water(1:1)’ and don’t use paper tissues to clean the screen as you know paper is made from wood pulp and every piece of paper has micro wood chips which can damage the screen though not obvious to naked eye. A microfiber cloth is best.

  204. ***** fan-tas-tic *** Rohan , you, the Gagan gang and no doubt several other gangs working behind these teasers and screens are doing a superb job.

    What a wonderful paradise for adam and this community!

    Thanks for sharing.

  205. Just wondering, do you guys think down the line we may need to jail break Adam. I hope not..!! BTW notionink.in site is down I think we may bee able

  206. Rohan himself did make this point clear in an earlier comment:

    it is B), a duplication.

  207. I agree too. Weather customization is good, nothing great. I am just hoping that whatever is the “delay” is worth the wait and when finally ADAM comes out it will be solid product and will give quite extraordinary experience.

  208. LOL, one more thing.

    I know you didn’t intend to use it that way.

    Just geekhumour.


  209. Friendly suggestion. Please hire a ‘communications director’ who can make sure that all your external communications (videos, blog posts, advertisements, non-live presentations etc.) are thoroughly vetted for proper English. There are plenty of qualified people in Bangalore who can do this. When I say proper English, I don’t mean the Queen’s English; just modern, even colloquial English, but with proper grammar even as they allow a dash of style. You guys have to start worrying about managing your brand right now. The same attention you pay to technology now has to be paid to other aspects of your business. You are getting out of the Lab phase and trying to compete with the likes of Apple, and I for one, wish you the very best and want to see you take them on.

  210. @icons:
    We still do not know if these are the final ones. Maybe just “sketches”?

    @ €/$
    I hope that because we will be ordering adam at a central point (at least at first), there will be no 1:1 conversion.

    I would understand higher “Shipping & Handling” costs, as things will most likely be shipped individually in that stage.
    But a 499$ to 499€ conversion would hurt a lot.

  211. maybe your comments came in the “ridicule” category that Rohan mentioned in this post.

    IMHO your comments were not “critical”. A good critic should also understand all aspects of what is being criticised. “Wise are those who know when to open their mouth”

    BTW you may change your perception after seing the new website (many here are banking on the pre-order button whic is expected to be there)

  212. Hi Rohan, this is an awesome update! The teaser video is nice and the boot up screen looks very cool! Yea I noticed that the Pixel Qi from older demos of Adam (and Innoversal’s Lattice) on Youtube has that yellow-green tinge on the screen. I thought it was just the lighting, I didn’t know that it was actually an issue.

    As for the logo…everyone here knows that I have been playing around with Photoshop (at work during my breaks and after office hours) since the winner was announced. This is my first time to seriously use Photoshop. Many active commenters complained about Pratik’s logo not being trendy and exciting. They actually prefer the revision made by close runner-up Bjorn. He combined his logo #1 with winner’s logo #9. I made my own mod of that revision and called it the Pratik-Bjorn logo. Many liked it too. I think that if there is another company that has a very similar logo, either use the runner-up’s logo or modifiy the winner’s logo to avoid any sort of unexpected and costly legal ramifications in the future, especially since the company who has the similar logo has never responded. For a startup, Notion Ink should adopt a logo that’s more unique and easily remembered. In that regard, I present to you my Pratik-Bjorn version.

    [gigya src="http://www.flickr.com/apps/slideshow/show.swf?v=71649" width="320" flashvars="offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=/photos/7642865@N02/sets/72157625364980598/show/&page_show_back_url=/photos/7642865@N02/sets/72157625364980598/&set_id=72157625364980598&jump_to=" allowFullScreen="true" ]

    Rohan (and company), I hope you make the necessary modifications like the ones Bjorn (and I) did to avoid later troubles. If you consider Bjorn’s or my version…how about a free Adam? 😉 Just a suggestion 😛

  213. I’ve a suggestion for you friend: just delete that bookmark/fav link in your browser(s) to NI and better get your admins to block NI forever… good riddance… all pennies saved

    while you leave us make sure you have a word with Sovereign John (he may be hiding here with a different id – dont know, not sure) and also convey our special thanks to our beloved friends at Crapple for taking away a precious customer from here

  214. Glad to see some videos on this update. I was hoping the software would have been past the beta stage for the included apps as I was under the impression that once the FCC had been finalized we would start hearing about pre-ordering and shipping dates.

    As far as GPS Navigation I am hoping that it will be using a “layer” type navigation of Augmented Reality using the onboard camera. Yes I do plan on making my own car/dashmount for the Adam as using it for the GPS and MP3 player. I don’t want to have to sign up for a 3G data plan to have any Google maps streamed. Just give me the POI and road data and scrap the cartoon navigation of yesterday, this is the future, this is Adam, let’s see reality GPS Navigation !

    I’m loving the sniffer viewing as a file browser. The preview feature and 3 panel layout is fantastic. This will truly set the Adam apart from other generic Android devices without a optimized UI for the specific device. There is no doubt about it that you have hooked us all into waiting for this product and raising the bar of what a device should truly offer to the end user. I can’t even think about another device as they no longer satisfy my needs / wants.

    Time to sign up for my Longbox account and get a couple of free comics to read once I get my hands on my Adam. Not sure how Long the Longbox promotion will last so I’ll just save them and wait to load them on the Adam.

    Let’s see some pre-order dates !!. Thanks again for a great update and thank you and the NI team for a terrific design and paying close attention to the little details which makes a device stand out.


  215. Its got camera, its also got a paint app, office suite, and (i hope) it will have image editor, and then (hoping against hope) it will also print. Self-reliable! 😛

  216. You would need to replace tho whole glass front with some flexy screen

    + often these layers are fused together with the LCD.

    –> unlikely

  217. sry for double post:

    Well, as the above picture shows, adams screen seems to be very acurate.
    + Hopefully there will be an option for a digitizer.

  218. hello Andre; very pleased to see your comment here; congratulations again on the wonderful work you guys/gals are doing behind the scenes… I suspect not many have noticed you sneeked in here….

    btw, I hear you guys have been munching on the leftovers of tearing down the itrash stuff — thats ok since you folks are in south India all the spicy stuff will burn anything down to the last atom — just make sure you take 1 full glass of lassi.. and dont forget to sleep; worst case all those adams will wake up in the night and code the website themselves – we know they are that smart

  219. Tobi, I am very sure NI will address all your concerns before pre-order starts. You will all the information and the warranties will be comparable to any other brand.

    Also, what’s wrong with NI being an Indian company? What makes you think that an Indian company will have sub-par product/services? Here in US, we have been buying form Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan for ever. Do you ever worry about buying something from HTC, Samsung, LG, Sony, Acer, Asus ….. which are not American companies? I understand that India has not had anyone significant in Electronics but believe me, things are starting to change …..

  220. There is no doubt that you guys are artists. It shows in your teaser and boot-up video.
    You converted me, I’m sold just by these two videos.I was initially thinking of waiting for Adam2, but not now.I will buy Adam, the first one, and be a part of history.Cheers you dudes, cheers!

  221. @rowan fire

    I did see just the Adam on the page yes. I do not know how I am functioning right now 🙂

    email me some screen shots, I would love to see.

  222. You did really tease us by making a small video that we can’t make much out of it 🙂
    @Rohan you are best at it. Good for the updates. So we can have something soon (wow wow… can’t control).

    Sniffer: How can we do multi-select of files (features like windows explorer). How to handle huge folders (if it displays the way it does currently). Some of my picture folders have 100s of pictures in a single folder. How is scrolling possible?

  223. Andre,

    I seriously cannot wait to see the new site!!! More excited to see that right now 🙂

    Are you the only one working on it? I think that is fun, just curious. I would love some way to be involved in something from a company like this. Let me design an icon or something 🙂

    Besides my professional works, never been this excited about a new tech piece of hardware and this close to seeing it grow. (is there any way to contact out of here)


  224. notionink.in website is down and is showing a picture of adam. does it mean that the new website will be up and running soon.

  225. well nothing to worry there – yes the alphabet look similar ‘cos they are both same language

  226. The teaser adam ui is really good(its too teasing.. small and no revelations of the UI as usual by Rohan due to the legal issues).
    Looks like adam is nearing its releasing date, website up in couple of days (wow), expecting a “full” teaser video and lot of information worth reading for a week 🙂 – until next post

    mail’d : Undo mail send, is it something how gmail does? Delays sending mail for a pre-configured time to give an undo functionality? Its a nice feature that we can rely on once in a while(which shouldn’t have been sent) but every mail gets delayed when you expect it has already been delivered. It’s still a nice feature if we can configure the time 🙂

    I really like the adam ad above ” coming soon”. The Weather app video is a real teaser ( 😦 didn’t reveal anything though specific to adam UI/functionality – as usual you have to honor your investors/legal team).

    Thanks Rohan, your team is doing a wonderful job. Once adam gets hit in the market, no wonder you will see flood of job applications in india (that probably you may not probably be seeing now).

  227. 🙂
    Thanks MrZeal.
    Did you check out my show or what? Or is the film-shoot thing a joke?

    I make a show called Company Bahadur – it is India’s first ever ‘web-series’. It’s in Hindi, though.

  228. Oh i think i mis understood your question. In a previous post Rohan mentioned they have something to do with Google’s Tablet and we would know in time what.

  229. point noted; tell you what, if the adam does not sell itself, I wonder what will…

    its the MS and the like who needs marketing … personally am happy for Rohan concentrating on adam itself… the investors and their money will /should do the talking in the 1000+ languages the world has – never mind if English is one of the most spoken

  230. I think GPS maps have be preloaded else every sec the Adam has to download coordinates from satellite and map from service provider and render screen co ordinates on a co ordinated map portion which gets really difficult for any software (what if one of the above service is not available in the midst of a AriZona desert)
    it would be preloaded or downloadable.

  231. Thanks for the update, can’t wait to learn more! 🙂

    By the way, many of us would still love to see logo number 1 as the chosen one… besides, it doesn’t even have any originality issues, its totally unique!

  232. Adam will sell itself to you and me and others on this blog. I am not usually an early adopter of gizmos, but certainly intend to buy Adam first up, perhaps even two of them. But, cool products need to translate to successful businesses as well, and that means not letting the attention of a generic consumer slip just because of a typo or ungrammatic phrase somewhere. Perception is often reality in such a context and unlike Apple or Samsung, Adam will not get the benefit of the doubt, especially in the early take-off stage of their business. Again, I am talking of the generic consumer which Adam must be able to reach in order to make a viable business out of their enterprise.

    Just worrying in an avuncular mode on a Saturday.

  233. they are updating it now or doin sumthing with it because if you go to it theres jus a picture of adam

  234. haha gotcha! yeah we made a lot of jokes (well just 1 or 2 sachi!) at your expense while you are away… but my guess was not bad at all (search my comments in Rohan’s previous post)

    btw CB was cool – and I just leant a new word too – webisode

  235. 2 questions that I don’t believe have been addressed, please pardon if I have missed them.
    1) Been awhile since I used Win XP, but wasn’t the search program called “sniffer” ?
    2) Re: whether Adam will have 16 or 32 storage – could that mean 16 internal and up to 32 via external card?

  236. Really like the two videos. They´re looking really great.

    Damn, another weak till the next weekend-special…;)

  237. What am I writing? I mean “week” of course. It surly happened because I´m so upset about the new special 😉

  238. @gigantor,

    i feel the same way you go through all that work 🙂

    personally I WISH I didn’t think “oh well I have no shot” and would have worked on a logo to submit. I REALLY liked number 4 I think it was. I like the effort you are putting in, just not sure if they are in a legal issue now if yours is different enough to consider also. I do think though the second place number 1 would have a shot also.

    But seeing the logo here OH I HATE WORDPRESS!! I TRIED to find the link to it but couldnt and that is just from last night.

    Again, you have said you are limited on your photoshop skills so I commend you.. 🙂

  239. elmelao,

    no disrespect to anyone but I do not know what you guys see in notionaddicts.com 🙂

    I am not bashing or anything and I commend this person for putting it up…who made it? I looked them up and its a hosting company.


    I didn’t do my work to compete by any means and I do not care if anyone visits my site I worked on. I just wanted to make the best of a spot I could for people to feel represented the values that Notion Ink supplies to us.

    I created http://www.notioninktalk.com/ for everyone here and put alot of time to make it look as nice as it could. I do not feel that when going to notionaddicts.com

    Oh well, no disrespect to who created notionaddicts, you did it before myself so again props. I will keep my site up for as long as the Adam is around and will keep updating the main site, you can see I updated my main site instantly last night when the new post came online. I have drive with technology…always want the best and I think Adam is just that.

    Great job Rohan and his team!!!


  240. @Rohan

    Talking of the logo, I don’t know why not many are seeing the possibilities with the logo no.3, which had an ink drop outline as the background and a small case n inside looking like the outline of a tablet in portrait mode, with the i integrated into the right leg of the n.

    this represents the notion ink concept very well;
    there’s an ink drop and an n like tablet shape is also very clear;
    there is no TM or resemblance to any other logos (at least I believe so);
    the ink drop outline also is used as the border of the icons/indicators on the Adam;
    suits animation for marketing promos;

    What say you all?

  241. Hi Kumar S, I got your message on my Flickr account regarding revising your submitted logo. Thanks for the feedback. I know you still prefer your original but I made some changes on my revision to give it an even more balanced look (the symbol with equal height and width dimensions) with the simpler and cleaner lines and typography. Well if Notion Ink decides that Logo #9 cannot get authorization/permission then let’s hope that they consider using your logo or logo #1 (or maybe Eric’s N! who I think has the best concept).

    [gigya src="http://www.flickr.com/apps/slideshow/show.swf?v=71649" width="320" flashvars="offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=/photos/7642865@N02/sets/72157625303946679/show/&page_show_back_url=/photos/7642865@N02/sets/72157625303946679/&set_id=72157625303946679&jump_to=" allowFullScreen="true" ]

    I know several Adamirers think that the light bulb logo is such a cliche but you gave it a twist. The unique shape of your logo and the concept behind it gives it a fresh perspective and doesn’t look outdated at all. I really like my latest revision. I can already visualize it at the back of the Adam…it will look beautiful!

  242. lots of love to the notion ink, working hard at realizing their dream.
    i feel inspired. i am praying for your success!

  243. 🙂
    I saw that comment in the other post. But when you mentioned it here I thought you’d seen the show and were talking about it.

    Thanks for liking it.

  244. Heck I do not even remember what they all look like, just using this WordPress is annoying now. (that has nothing to do with my forum creation either)

    Just gets boring going all over to never find what you are looking for.

    I personally think even though of all the hype they received the logos were rushed.

    The point is that you need to be able to seperate the typeface from the graphc and either will bring ownership to the company.

    They each should have a look that says POP. I think with Notion Ink being new and all yes people do not think logos are that important but with a startup you HAVE to have something that speaks for you. The Adam for example once in people’s hands will be an icon of what Notion Ink stands for.

    Now take their logo for whatever they use it for and make a 3d rendition of it, put it in your hands and walk around, you want people to look at that logo and nod at you and smile saying “I got ya, my Adam rocks also!!!) separating from the pact if you shall say.

    I personally think in regards to releasing the Adam it is the second most important item. Picture being at a press show and you are across the venue….A big image of the logo hangs above, you cannot make out the typeface but wow you see the image and say I have to go see if Rohan and his team are in.

    How exciting is that feeling!!!????


  245. @Gigantor

    Since you are doing so much on collaborating with modifications of the final logos, I request that you try some refinement to the logo no.3 too.

    I am not able to get to the post where the 10 logos were displayed, so I could refer it here, but it’s the one having an ink drop background and a small case n that looks like a tablet outline.

    If I had something like what the Adam will be, I could put you on to it right away 😉

  246. That was great information thanks Rohan. I would also like to thank you for updating us every week and I can not wait to get my hands on a adam!

  247. It’s not so. Adam requires attention of the world. So it’s worth releasing it in US as the world pays attention and gets reviews from prominent tech sites like embedded, gizmofo, Chet etc. Also releasing it in India first will give an Indian tablet view and many would think it’s more localized forIndians. Spacing it with just 2 weeks for an Indian release will capture both markets.
    2 weeks difference wouldn’t make much of difference. And you can always order from their site and get it shipped in 2 weeks. I think they would have atleast 100k Adams for their release. If you look at the comments Indians following is just a minor percentage of the whole world.

  248. Well, I probably feel like yourself gigantor I just want now to feel part of somehow this creation! 🙂

    Hmm want to contact me offline and see what we can come up with?


  249. Don’t worry. If your message is stuck in “awaiting moderation” mode, then it won’t be approved after another 50 msgs have been posted. In fact, it won’t be approved at all. “Awaiting moderation” is a euphemism. There’s nothing about these blog comments, especially the zeal of us NI fans, that’s in moderation.

    But, at least, the messages are consigned to ‘awaiting moderation’ hell automatically, so it’s nothing personal. If there were links in your message, take them out or disguise them by putting spaces before and after the dots. (They won’t be clickable, but it is assumed that the readers here know how to use the delete key although, to judge from some of the comments, that assumption may not be totally accurate.) If you’re signed onto gravatar at the same time as this blog, your comment won’t be posted, either, for reasons totally mysterious.

  250. Bruce, on the new website:
    > many here are banking on the pre-order button which is expected to be there)

    Rohan said pre-orders would be early December. If the new website goes lives on Nov 22, that would be December -9, but that’s not really early. It’s pre-early. Obviously, pre-order will be there, but not necessarily right away.

  251. Do you think so? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us know!
    I had a look at what the kno can do and it wold be amazing to have a tablet with such responsiveness that will allow exceptional notetaking and underlining, etc!

  252. and look at the the A and other tear drop designs on his design for mumtazz.com
    remind you of something?

  253. Great to see that Notion Ink is taking big steps towards the release and that they are taking care of build quality such as the right choice of glass for the screen. Those are the details that make a difference.
    Still don’t understand why NI did not go to a professional agency for the logo, it would be a shame if all these problems would be a cause of further delay. Now it seems like the logo contest has restarted as people start plugging their design again. 😉

  254. They are about to embark on what is likely to be a pretty big business opportunity for them with many big investors. I hardly think they are going to run away with your money. If you do not trust the brand or their partners (I’m pretty sure Reliance will be in on this, Longbox etc) then as others have said no one is going to force you to buy the product.

    You seem to be frustrated by the lack of information but to be frank, Notion Ink has no obligation whatsoever to provide any information until they see fit. Starting a company and launching your first product is a gigantic task and therefore delays are all but part of it. If just try and count the Level 1 and Level 2 tasks involved in this project, I’m sure that will give you an idea of the sort of time scales this type of activity requires.

    I wouldn’t expect to see anything in your hands until January (that is my personal expectation for availability).

  255. In addition, Hardware is not how you differentiate yourself from the competition (you can to some extent) but rather the Value Add Services/Uniquie Software is the key to this type of business because sooner or later someone will best your hardware.

  256. yep it is.. Rohan clarified this in one of the posts.. there is a mechanical switch which rotates the screen 180 degrees after certain point

    “I read in the comments regarding an unknown sensor working somewhere in the Adam. Well I believe it came out from somewhere wanting to explain the “Auto-Rotation” function for the camera; where, when you swivel it beyond a particular angle, view on the screen rotates 180 degrees. It’s more of a Mechanical Switch than a sensor.”

    this is what rohan said

  257. WOW there is a real sense of excitement around the adam now the last post had over two thousand replies. Just goes to show that when a company is honest and open about their plans (as much as the lawyers allow) even down to the minutia of the decisions they have to make about materials, consumers really appreciate it.

  258. I’ll bet that what’s going on a NI right now is exactly the same as what goes on behind the scenes at any new company and isn’t much different from what goes on behind the scenes when any new product is being rolled out even at an established company. It’s just that Rohan is giving us some idea about what’s happening. It’s said that those who like the law or sausages shouldn’t watch either being made. Same for electronics.

    The information your asking about – guarantees and so on – is reasonable, and if Rohan doesn’t provide it at pre-order time, then you don’t have to pre-order. But it’s not reasonable to demand it well before pre-order time, at a time when any other company would be trying to keep things as quiet as possible.

    I don’t see the problem with core software being in beta now. There’s a problem if it stays in beta for a couple of months, but you don’t need release versions until about 5 seconds before you load the software onto complete Adams. it’s not like you have to specially tool a bunch of industrial robots or anything.

    I also don’t see the problem with the logo. It’s likely that the other firm has lawyers that are researching and discussing the logo; then they have to pass onto the management for a decision, who may have to throw things back at the lawyers, etc.

    Finally, if you can find “an equal tablet from a big company,” you should buy it. I would. But there isn’t any, and there isn’t any announced, and there isn’t even the prospect of any. The pixelqi screen (or an equivalent, but none is on the market yet) is a sine-qua-non for me, since a primary use will be as an e-book reader. The only other pixelqi machine I know of is from another startup; its release dates are even hazier than Adam’s, and its specs are inferior (with the exception of storage capacity). There are rumors that the next iPad will have a PixelQi screen, but Apple products are not suitable for me for a number of reasons (I can’t work with the walled-garden approach, for example), and the rumors may not be true.

  259. Oh, blah. I meant “The information you’re asking about” not “your asking about.”


    or at least something editable messages. I don’t know how to spell editable.

  260. The Adam is shaping up nicely! I’d love to see in time for the holidays. I’ve heard rumors in both directions — what is the timetable looking like, and when can some of the tech sites get one to play with?

    Sorry about the logo. Unfortunately, with some thing so simplistic (and quite frankly, unimaginative), it’ll be hard not to be like another company.

  261. Ah, “MrZeal,” your nickname is ironic, yes? Where’s your sense of seal? You object to people staking out spots early in the blog comments, but it’s really no worse than a dog peeing on the neighbor’s bushes to stake out his territory. Haven’t you done that yourself from time to time? I certainly have.

  262. aaugghh – sense of “zeal” I meant, not sense of “seal”

    We need a forum. And it should have a recipe section.

  263. > imagine having it next to your bed while you sleep as an alarm clock, the screensaver kicks in and *FLASH* lightning strikes

    It would be even better if it could administer an electric shock.

  264. Paul Kemp:
    >Been awhile since I used Win XP, but wasn’t the search program called “sniffer” ?

    If you thought the search program was sniffer, than you were in some trouble. sniffer.exe was the ICQ War Trojan 2000.

    I haven’t used WinXP in a while, either. Since last night.

  265. @Steve You only live once. Don’t wait buy Galaxy and then buy the real thing ie adam. You can always sell your Galaxy Tub on ebay/kijiji. But who would want to buy it?

  266. @Kalyan,

    If you recall the comments in one of the recent blog posts, there was speculation that the secret sensor was a water sensor. If this is true, then you can don’t have to risk a heavy thunderstorm to view that screen. Just take it with you to the shower, and the water sensor will ensure that the weather app will show you the thunderstorms !! 🙂

  267. Oh dear. This may be a cultural thing, but to me that logo unfortunately looks exactly like a cartoon symbol for exasperation.

    There’s also an obviously obscene interpretation that will have 8th-graders giggling, but perhaps that’s not one of Rohan’s major demographics.

  268. Retracting would solve nothing. These are all people that really love the product and are just frustrated etc. If comments like this are still coming then thats good info for PR. I imagine a simpler solution is for notion ink to either add an ignore button for users that dont want to wade through these sorts of comments or just get the forum up and running which I assume will have that sort of functionality or could just make a “no negative here” thread.
    Considering a forum could be up and running within hours I am amazed they havnt yet. Although moderating it would need more staff or a mix with neutral minded individuals.

    Plus saying your concerns over a product is no different to chasing down every negative comment and telling them to retract. Every person you shoo off is a possible loss of custom for NI. Doesn’t help when you bring up peoples posts from previous weeks even though they haven’t said anything. If they dont get enough userbase they wont get the support and they will fail. If you really cared for their future you would promote. Not offend.
    A new visitor coming to this blog isnt going to go away because of what Tobi said. They might if their first post is followed by one of yours though.

    This is a business not a free public service. While there is no need to be immature towards NI they still have to justify to their userbase why we should part with our money buying their product and not someone elses. They are not creating a free new os that anyone can put on their hardware. They are making premium tegra 2 device at a premium price and charging you for it.

    Asking for a secure way of preordering has many answers that may help Tobi feel at ease such as only being charged after an item is shipped. That way if it doesnt arrive in so many days you can cancel through credit card company. If they charge your money now and ship january its to late for some credit cards and the money would be gone. If preorders start in the next few weeks I would hope they are looking at all these factors about now. So its not totaly unfair to hope that Rohan might be able to give an answer.

  269. Dude, if you want the Galaxy Tab, buy it. Availability is not the only difference between GT and the Adam. They have different form factors, among other things (like UI, screen, cpu, etc). Personally, I think it’s not bad, but it’s too small.

  270. Haha.
    Kidnapped by Dmitry who revealed his identity as the real Jigsaw. 😀

    Are you into stand-up, Gecko? Would love to see some performance of yours. Seriously, each comment of yours is gold.
    It’s gold, Stuart. Gold.

  271. Folks, don’t get upset with Tobi. He is just expressing his frustration.

    Aww..Tobi. Don’t be disappointed. Have some patience, relax and have some schokolade
    , it will cheer you up.

  272. If you’re worried that someone might mistake the Adam for an airplane, I think I can put your mind to rest. VideoCopilot is just a simulator, so any mistakes will be completely non-lethal.

  273. Cthulhu:

    > I hope those tabs actually fold open and close like that! Awesome UI if

    Hey, dude, someone named Cthulhu shouldn’t use terms like “awesome.” Just saying…

  274. Response to: gecko said, on November 21, 2010 at 01:19


    I don’t think mrzeal pees on his neighbor’s bushes to stake out his territory. You, however, have confirmed that you do so :-).

  275. Beautiful! Love the boot screen, amazed at the level of detail of the weather application, almost too much for this type of app but it’s a good indication of good things to come. The Sniffer looks cool too.
    Good job guys.

  276. 14 year old is wiser than his years! He knows how and when to upgrade. We may soon witness a jump in the return rates of iPads too.

    But then that will not be very public knowledge.

  277. arshidpandith:
    > don’t use paper tissues to clean the screen as you know paper is made from wood pulp and every piece of paper has micro wood chips which can damage the screen though not obvious to naked eye.

    Take a piece of wood and try to scratch some glass with it. There is some glass which is very soft and can be scratched (camera lenses, for example), but otherwise no problem. Remember, in the demo, Rohan couldn’t really scratch the Adam’s glass with a screwdriver (although some cheap screwdrivers I’ve seen – from Pakistan, not India – have been so soft that they probably couldn’t put a dent in a pancake).

    I’m a little grossed out by John’s need to disinfect his Adam. Does he just spray infectious material around his office? Are there other people around? Where does he eat lunch?

  278. The attention to detail is staggering. Mail seems such an easy problem to solve, but the mobile solutions around are so crappy. IT doesnt like activesync, webmail doesnt display well on mobile devices, blackberry enterprise server is expensive. Hope NI can lick this problem 🙂

  279. So any one see the new photo on Nortionink.in the Cammra is on the right side not in middle this would suck for Face time type of aplication ….. what are you doing leave it in the middle OMG.

  280. Response to: civil said, on November 20, 2010 at 15:34


    When Rohan wrote that that Genesis is up and running, he meant it literally and not figuratively. That is why the website still says that Genesis will be coming soon, as it is still running and not yet reached its destination. Hope this clarifies any concerns. ;-).

  281. Not to forget, all of the screen protectors add their own matte finish (however less) to the screen. So, not sure how much matte’d(?) the screen will end up being if we put a screen protector atop.

  282. Every update is better than previous, thanks Rohan 🙂

    One cuestion, Will be any gadget specilized press people in the EAP?. I guess they might help in spreding the word and mitigate some people’s fears about preordering something without much information.

    Regards, Raúl

  283. Folks,

    Thinking about the Mail’d features that Rohan mentioned (especially the undo feature and the sending of the email even when you are offline), I get the impression that NI will probably host and provide one or more NI cloud based services.

    This way, the email client will not only store some messages locally (for offline viewing) but will post them to NI’s cloud service. This cloud service will evaluate the rules (e.g. delayed sending and the ability to send even when you are offline) and then forward it to the target mail server.

    We could all have a @iNotion.com email address !!.

    There are of course many other use cases for having NI cloud services associated with your ADAM (and other future NI devices) too.

    What do you think?

  284. @50mm

    Rohan said “We wanted to make Adam independent and self-reliable”. I assume it would have to support printing somehow in order to meet that criteria… I have my finger crossed!

  285. 4. the size bigger than kindle but smaller than ipad – i think its perfect.

    It is bigger then the iPad. iPad is 9.7. Adam is 10

  286. @ Sri

    Logo #3. I believe Bas, one of the 43 semi-finalists, made a better version of this. And if I can remember the author seemed to combine Bas’ logo with Send2Dev’s logo. If they mated and have an offspring…this will be the result, LOL.

    I’m not so sure how I can refine it, but perhaps just give it some Photoshop filter treatments will do the trick. I didn’t know that the canvass that the symbol is lying on is suppose to be an ink drop. To me it didn’t register. The integrated N and I was also one of my concepts as you can see here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/7642865@N02/sets/72157625256341550/show/

    It’ll have to wait because I’m home and I don’t have Photoshop here. I actually plan to work on Logo #1 this week because if things fall apart for Logo #9, then the runner-up will be next to consider.

  287. Hope the Adam is as thin as that. that’s a mock up for sure but a nice design none the less.
    It’s a given with apple that they keep slimming and thinning the device and add more features, capacity for a lesser price than the previous version.

    More the reason for Adam to come out dec end/jan beginning so that Adamenters get the bragging rights of their design getting copied instead of the other way around 😉

  288. Will it be possible to skip your OS completely and install some lightweight version of linux on it instead? Will you release drivers for all the hardware as open source for the community to get other OS’es up and running? I must say that I’m a bit worried to invest in a device with too much custom software. The risk for lock in is just too big. But please prove me wrong on this point!

  289. Windows vista is horrendous booting up from Hibernate even with 4G RAM. Windows boots up in 15 seconds even after having many apps installed? It just cries and cries as days pass.

    Mac OS X rocks in that aspect, however bitter it is to swallow that.

  290. And I forgot to say that the laptop was running sandisk SSD. My original post mentioned that Macs with hard disks boot up instantly. there’s a lot of difference between a hard disk and SSD. So please!!!!!

  291. Vector, not quite sure how to email you. Your gravatar page didn’t have an email listed. What I did do was sign up as a user on your site. I thought I’d send you a private message or post on your forum, so keep an eye out there. (Btw, I’m from PA too =p )

  292. As I remember MS spent about 700m for the Windows 7 advertisement

    Most of it was to try and counter the effect of their famous viral video, which apparently shows a party as imagined by someone who lives in a cave and has never interacted with another human being in his life:

  293. Gack gack. First line “As I remember MS spent about 700m for the Windows 7 advertisement” is a quotation from ilap’s msg.

  294. If M (James Bond’s boss) went for an adam and became a adamaniac, what would the user id be?

    M-Adam as in Madam. 🙂

  295. No, technology I am writing about is compatible width capacitive layer used in Adam, the only difference is number of channels and decoding chip. Samsung Galaxy S screen is just fine, isn’t it?

  296. Launch it in Denmark asap, and you will beat App**, we are still waiting for the launch of IPAD

  297. @VB You may be right… I can see the logic behind what you are saying. I guess we’ll have to see.

  298. Ohmigod! Disaster!! Look at Greg’s avatar. It’s Evil Greg, with a look of maniacal self-satisfaction. WHERE IS GOOD GREG???!!!

    I tried to warn him (or her) – oh why didn’t he (or she) listen?


    Ok, folks, we have to find where Evil Greg has hidden Good Greg.

    ROHAN ROHAN are you listening? Can we find Good Greg with the secret sensor?

  299. @gecko

    Too funny!

    I assure you this is GOOD GREG. Evil Greg spends all his time in darkness (ie: in the apple forums).

    I changed my avatar photo because you said my old one with me and my wife in it was causing confusion… No more wondering if I am a girl or a guy. 😉

    On a side note (and I’m sure you’ll find something to say about it that will make us all laugh); after Pratik came back and posted today, I saw his avatar and noticed how they are kind of similar. Both our avatars have arms folded etc. Just coincidence though!

  300. People, this product is non-existent. I’ve been in computing since it was IBM cards and….the promises this young dude makes re: new matt(e) screens that don’t scratch and beta software of all kinds – GPS, Office suites, etc. can not be accomplished in years let a lone the few months he talks about. And, did yah ever notice there’s some new impossible feature every week? Impossible.

    I really WANT to believe and…this device is the one I’d buy, but…it’s too good to be true and therefore…it isn’t. Motive? Who knows maybe they want your pre-payment in December to make a Slumdog Thousandaire movie. Move on to Samsung Tab or some of the less vaporous offerings. This is a dead horse.

  301. Hey Guys,

    I am not sure if anyone noticed this, in the first video (showing the weather app) in the fullscreen mode it shows: New York, Time: 9:30 pm.
    But when the app is turned into small pannel, it shows New York, Time: 9:20 pm.

    How could they miss such small thing. Or may be its just my eye for detail.

    @Rohan: I think you should pay a little more attention or have some one who is very meticulous take a look at every thing before you go public. Just any advice.

  302. In his blog post Rohan wrote – “Its made in-house by 2 of our very special UI Gang Members – Gagan(s), and they have done a good job in the final video as well which will be released soon.”

    He wrote ‘final video’. It does give a sense of that NI/ADAM is near completion, doesn’t it?

  303. I’ve been to your site a few times to check it out (and recently registered). It’s really well done, and I’m sure took quite a lot of time and effort.

    Love the RSS feed on the main page, and the chat feature is pretty nifty. Will definitely be hanging out around there. Thanks for the site =)

  304. My 4 year old PC with Windows 7 for the past 1 year boots up in 39 seconds – It’s got an WD 1 TB harddisk to boot from. It’s really not that hard to disable startup apps with msconfig – in fact over time, Win 7 feels more responsive at startup, since it’s preloaded my startup apps into memory.

  305. Wow, Staples will have the Viewsonic 10″ tablet with Tegra 2 on Black Friday for $399. Even though adam is far superior, I do worry that with tablets like the Viewsonic and Advent, available pre-holiday and no official word on whether adam will be here by Christmas (yet), that they may lose a lot of potential customers right out of the gate. A few friends of mine have already indicated they will likely go with an available tablet for the holidays and wait for adam 2! Not me though 🙂

  306. I love comic books and the primary use I’ll give to adam is reading e-comics and e-books.

    I like a lot the look of the icons and the overall design like it is a paper notebook (the tablet design itself and the fact that icons looks like drawings, the kind of paper texture of the panels and the weather aplication.

    It gives me hope that an actual digitizer is the secret feature that “every tablet must have”.

  307. this is staring to be like when you have to go to the toilet really badly. The closer you get to it the less you can hold it in. the closer we get to the release date the more impatient I get, and all these updates are not helping because it just makes me want to have it even more. Dam you Rohan for doing this to me

  308. Hmm, interesting…

    I really hope Rohan and the team would come up with some NI flavored backscene renders as well. Rohan’s posts will definitely serve the commentary marks, but video will be another perspective to record the historical path…

  309. Someone, l think it was either Greg or Victor66 suggested a screen saver for the adam.

    These are two l uploaded to Flicker



  310. OK, I’m going to address you as Greg just to humor you. And besides, you have a gun.

    You haven’t cleared up the girl-or-guy question, though, so let me ask you a simple trick question: are you man enough to wear a dress? (I’m not.)

    Interesting point about Pratik, though (he might be zombie for all we know, but I’m hoping not, because zombies are so popular now, and Pratik doesn’t seem such a slave to fashion). Anyway, I know you’re not Pratik because Pratik has a spicy tongue and you have a – what? – Utah tongue?

  311. Pratik:
    > Are you into stand-up, Gecko?

    Yeesh, no. I’d have to deal with actual people, which would defeat the purpose of the internet. Last time I simulate stand-up was in 9th grade as part of a class called “Public Speaking.’ I don’t remember the details, but diarrhea was involved. Unfortunately, my sense of humor hasn’t gotten much more sophisticated since then.

    > Seriously, each comment of yours is gold.

    My bad. I set the bar too high. Please stand by for fart jokes.

  312. Greg you should check Pratik’s acting skills too (companybahadur dot com); may be you could match his steps too on the dancing floor… make sure you check with your wife before you head to bollywood though

  313. yes; forget Sachin; bring on Viru anyday! this is the grand blockbuster… 500 or 1000 or 2000 or 5000 all within the range

  314. GroundSit:
    > 40+ languages is nice indeed!

    Well, it depends on what they are. It’s not so nice if the languages are, e.g., Upper Slobodonian, Middle Slobodonian, Upper-Middle Slobodonian, Lower Slobodonian, Upper-Lower Middle Slobodonian, S’xtqql, Sx’tqql, S’x’tqql, Tictac, Fricfrac, Micmac, Nicnac, Shakeshack, Ackack, Dutch…

    (n.b.: one of those is real. Not the last one.)

  315. I’m at BestBuy right now posting on this. Blog using a Dell Streak. I’ll lea ve it on this page for the floor next guy

  316. Love the file browser and the idea of making Adam self-reliant! Most frustrating thing about my family iPad is the need to sync up every time you want to move files to it.
    Another annoyance I have with the ipad is the lack of communication between apps. I’m looking forward to Adam’s multitasking and file browser for being able to move files between apps. ie, to stick an image inside a text document.

    I can’t wait for my Adam! I love the design of it and I’m so glad it’s not an ipad rip off. I will be proud to pull my adam out in the subway 🙂

  317. Ok dumb question, is there going to be a redirect? Wouldn’t you think a good idea to stick to a .com? I know Rohan you are based out of India but no offense but before Adam I never went to an .in before

    That is obvious because I am in the US but isn’t that going to be the majority?

    How come the twitter and facebook havent been updated in forever? I only ask because this venues require almost nothing to post an update like

    “hey checkout this picture I just took on the Adam”
    “wow just got out of a great meeting about the Adam”
    “you should have seen all the apps I was using on the Adam without a hiccup”
    “wow this unreal engine works like a champ on the Adam”
    “hey look at THIS picture we just took with the new camera, swiveled, not swiveled”

    dont they sounds like great tweets or facebook posts?

    Two seconds out of your life and many more hours of the community talking about those tweets, most of all they are done on the “ADAM”. Oh wait “adam”

    Just thoughts…..

  318. HEY!!! you stole one of my wallpapers!!!! You just added a new image to it 🙂

    Yes I made 7 wallpapers and on my site said I will take reasonable requests to make more

    Things like this are great contributions

  319. I know it doesn’t matter and that notionink.in will be online in a litte bit but if people are interested I have a live chat if you want somewhere to talk and meet eachother in a more personable area.

  320. If you calculate the mm^2 for adam and the pad then the adam is smaller. Regarding screen size the aspect ratio is different.

    Size comparison:
    adam(239 x 158 mm = 37 762 mm2)
    size compared to
    ipad (243 x 190 mm = 46 170 mm^2)
    – > 20% smaller than ipad.


  321. I definitely agree. Keep in mind the market you chose to launch the adam in 1st and what will likely be the biggest market. We here in the US are used to .com sites. With NI being a total unknown to the vast general public, I think it would be better to make things “familiar” for your potential customers. Also, I don’t think most ppl would take to time to look into NI and find out it’s an India-based company, but with you making that pretty obvious with the web addy, ppl might think twice about ordering a $500 device from a total unknown from well outside the US. Just saying…

    Also, I’ve been wondering do you guys get just how big the holiday shopping season is here in the US? Why have you not been using all the possible ways you could (facebook, twitter, etc) to get the name NI and adam out there in advance of the shopping season?

    Even if adam won’t be physically shipping for Christmas, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t (and shouldn’t have been) priming ppl up for it. I’m sure a lot of ppl would be content enough with just having one on pre-order. You could add a feature to print something out from the site (like a little gift-giving packet with info for the adam–specs, features, etc) for those of us wanting to give one as a gift.

    I soooo want to see adam succeed. Please don’t let this season go by without making the most of it you can. This is the time of year that ppl splurge and go for the big ticket items. If you don’t get the adam into the minds of the general public (we don’t count, we already know and love adam), they are just going to buy some other tablet. The longer you wait, the more ppl will already have bought something else. To a great many ppl one tablet is pretty much just like any other tablet and if you don’t get the word out why ppl should wait and buy an adam, they’ll just pick up anything at the local electronic store.

    Please, please… you really need to make your move by the end of the Black Friday (11/26) weekend. So many ppl will be doing their major shopping then. I’m afarid if you don’t do something major by then, there just won’t be the momentum for a great/successful launch.

    Update your facebook and use it. Start making little tweets like Vector suggested. Ppl will eat it up. It will keep adam fresh in the minds of ppl. It will make them excited knowing you are using it and how and they’ll soon be too.


  322. In b&n right now testing the Nook color. Was at Bestbuy and tested the Samsung Tab and the Sony Daily Edition

  323. @Andrew

    It is a weather app, not a movie that builds up the tension until it reaches a crescendo and in a burst of action informs the current weather conditions.

    If the app can convey the required info in a single glance, then it has served it’s purpose admirably.

  324. rowan,

    I dont think I can agree more. People SPLURGE, i worked retail for 9 years and the money they spend is insane and dont even think about it or have regrets.

    I think the idea of being able to actually preorder heck even send 100 dollars something, then either have a printout or something mailed to your house in a small box with a picture of the adam or a cardboard cutout is SICK….I mean seriously. January and February will come around and the market will already be flooded with more 10 inch Tegra2 systems. Its only the truth.

    Ok fine yes there are die hards but reality hurts sometimes, we only want to see Notion Ink succeed or we wouldn’t be here.

  325. there is an actual need to disinfect the area around the dental chair. It is the protocol and the way mordern dentistry is practised. If adam can cater these needs, they have one more thing to promote when marketing to dental hospitals.
    the suggestion of using vinegar is not a possible solution as it does not meet the standard of disinfection we have.
    I like adam that it really suits the need for students and is can be used for serious business. Not just for entertainment.

  326. I’m just glad there might be some hope of ANY OTHER logo besides the one that won. The first 5 logos all had a nice contemporary look. I would think if there were a run off between 9 and 1, the people who voted 2-5 would all go with 1, which would beat 9 by a long shot. It’s just like having 2 liberal candidates and one republican who wins with a 40% vote because the other two got 30% each. Those 60% who lost would be happier with either of their candidates. That’s why there needs to be a final run off who wins with a majority, not a plurality.

  327. Does anyone really think Notion Ink wants to miss the opportunity to have the Adam available online and on store shelves by black Friday, or even before Christmas?

    I’ve got to assume some of you must think that because you keep telling Rohan he absolutely has to have Adam available before then… As if he never thought of that. Like as if all of a sudden the light is going to come on and he is going to say “you know, we should probably consider getting these to market before the Christmas shopping season. I sure am glad someone told us to do it because I never thought of it…”

    Sounds kind of silly, huh?

    I have no doubt that they are doing everything possible to get Adam to market ASAP.

    But maybe telling them again will help. I know when I push the button for the elevator over and over it makes it come faster, so it might work, right? 😉

    I’m just saying…

  328. seriously, put the site up or at least have something that says currently down. the only reason I know anything is because I came to the blog.

    Can’t wait to pre order. I put notion inks website on every ipad that i come across in stores…. Love the Message it gives.

  329. @Jason

    Good you are still here 🙂

    Buddy you dont need to feel sore. 🙂

    Let me say this again : PATIENCE.

    And if anyone is insecure about their money, they have the choice not to impart it. And if NI fail to deliver, you have routes to solve it. Though the point raised is very genuine and I feel it should be asked from NI, but its better put up across in a mail to the company’s customer care. Whats the point in putting up in a public forum? Isnt it obvious that one is airing his insecurities aloud?

    We have notice the level of care to bring out product. So wont it be similar in the case of customer care? How can one have the right to denounce the service just on the whim that “because I am frustrated your comapny will be frustrating”?

    I am putting up mrzeal comment :”it takes the right time, place and ingredient” for the biryani to be special and one cannot hurry/delay because then it wont have that special taste.

    I am especially offended by the intonation of “startup from INDIA”.

    Whether adam succeed does not depend on few customer’s whims. It will succeed if it is good for everyone. And that is what we are waiting for. That is what NI is trying for. And that is the end of this.

    (lets not have symptoms of premature ejaculation) 🙂

  330. Well, that’s great, but the site they took down and are going to re-open by the end of the weekend is the .in site.

    We definitely need a place with updated specs and info, but I still say it should have been the .com site. If they update and open that for pre-order, then that’s wonderful. Yay.

    However until (if) then, everyone will be going to .in, which is unfamiliar to most ppl here I’m sure. Not that it’s a huge deal, but it might make ppl stop and question and be hesitant.

  331. and if i may add you are new in this blog.

    So imagine my frustration: I came across “The return of Newton” in june 2009 and have been hooked. I thought I would be having adam in my hand in April 2010, then in July 2010, then novemeber 2010, then december 2010 and now most likely Jan/february 2011

    But you know what: I empathise them. They have gone through hurdles you guys have not accounted. They have fought that and now the journey is almost complete.
    (hey they have also been frustrated, down with depression so you are not alone in that department.)

    And dont take an otherwise meaning of what I had meant “negativity” earlier.

    Once they become successful and “if they develop a big inflated company ego” lets skin them 🙂 but for now shall we be little empathic?

  332. Greg WTF? You’re trying to talk some sense into these people? Reason with them? These are FANS we’re talking about, and a fan isn’t reasonable by definition. It’s cruel of you to try and squelch their annoying enthusiasm. (Similar remarks can be addressed to Rowan Flower and mrZeal, of course.)

    Or … maybe a little sly misdirection on your part? Could it be that Rohan really has 100,000 Adams all stockpiled and ready to ship, and he’s just stringing us along in order to raise the fans’ frustration to the optimal pitch level before he releases his machines? Could this be what the secret sensor will detect?

    And why I’m I sitting at home, typing on this blog, on a Saturday night?

  333. @john

    What’s a “dental hospital”? I’ve never heard the term before, at least here in the US. If you’re in Britain, well, um, about all those British teeth …

  334. @greg

    I do not think people think that saying hurry up means anything. or “why arent you ready for Christmas” but there has to be a way to grab uo the market before others come? pre orders? i dont know.

  335. Did anyone notice that the website name in the end of the video is now changed to www[dot]notionink[dot]com

    I hope its the actual website will be up in 48 hours and not the beta site 😀

  336. The generic consumer – its probably the person who still has to let go of MS products because everything else requires more than point and click. We should not go totally anal on having the perfect grammar on this blog – understanding Rohan’s ideas is precious enough. Whenever people start invoking the general public to justify their comments, it brings up the image of a race to the bottom (see American Politics). We wouldn’t want to go there in the technology arena at least.

  337. How about you keep the sarcasm to yourself, Greg?

    Actually, it occurred to me that Rohan and his team must not REALLY be getting it. If they did, they would have been marketing the adam well before now. For goodness sake, why did it take so long for updates specs? Where is a decent, updated Facebook page. Where are the tweets? Where has there been ANYTHING that would have let the general public know that adam is out there and a possibility for purchase (even if only pre-order) for Christmas? Many major stores have already “leaked” their Black Friday ads.

    Being they aren’t from the US, they might not get the timing of the shopping season. I wonder how many people outside the US have heard of Black Friday? Christmas is near the end of December, but how many ppl wait until the last minute to make a large purchase? Who is going to risk the stores being sold out of the new tablet and be empty-handed for gift exchanging? With all the major stores luring ppl in with their Black Friday sales, why would someone not already in the know about the adam wait…and wait… and wait???

    Ok so pre-orders are the 1st week of December, that’s great, but how many ppl already spent what they were going to spend on that great Black Friday weekend blockbuster sale?

    Who the hell said adam had to physically be in anyone’s hands for Christmas? I 100% don’t think there is a chance of that happening. However, there is absolutely no reason they couldn’t have already been marketing it. Just bc something might not be physically available, doesn’t mean it can’t, or shouldn’t be marketed…that it can’t be sold.

    How many ppl last Christmas were content with just a pre-order for a nook? I know I was. I know several of my friends and family were. I had a nice little holiday, gift packet with info about the nook in my stocking and I was definitely ok with that. Many, many ppl didn’t get theirs until after Christmas. They were still shipping from pre-orders into the Feb if i remember right.

    Marketing is going to make the adam. Do you think that most ppl (like the ppl you seeing walking around in Best Buy, eyes wide w/o a clue) are going to know the diff between Tegra 2 or an Atom, A-GPS vs GPS, wireless b/g/n vs just b/g? Adam’s specs are only going to get it so far…

    If you deny NI is failing on taking advantage of the holiday shopping season (even if only for pre-orders) then I guess you should keep drinking the kool-aid bc reality might be too much for you. (Yeah, I can do sarcasm too)

  338. @gecko

    Rohan’s very early post :”the return of newton”, “the user eXperience”, “pervasive processing” etc throws better light into what they are upto. Their vision is very similar with Apple’s (that’s why their respect) but with a fundamental difference.

    We can expect a certain uniqueness from their approach. My take will be a device with something like sixth sense technology supplemented with cloud computing. Off course their UI and services with much differentiation.

    And they are serious about corporate usage also. (Mail’d feature was one clinching point).

  339. Good Post Rohan, Can’t wait to get my hands on on the Adam!.

    Also 500 posts in a day!! keep it going guys….

  340. @rowan

    Couldn’t have said it better myself. I’ve started to miss tintincub compared to seeing either “lol you is so funny” or certain sarcastic, demeaning posts. Reminds me of the stereotypical “popular kids”. High fiving each other over the simplest stuff and then being nasty to those who aren’t one of them.

  341. Isn’t the pixelQi capacitive multi touch?

    From the above site:
    Pixel Qi Display Variant
    10.1″ TFT Liquid Crystal Display
    WSVGA (1024 x 600 pixels) resolution
    Transmissive, transflective, and reflective display modes

    Non-Pixel Qi Display Variant
    10.1″ TFT Liquid Crystal Display
    Capacitive touch panel with multi-touch
    Matt finish/ Anti glare Coating
    Scratch resistant and Finger print
    resistant surface

    All the touch/finish is on Non-pixel qi variant. what about Pixel Qi variant?

  342. I am assuming that indian price would be INR 25K as many of use average out $500 to 25K.
    I have seen somewhere GalaxyTab is priced at 32K, so keeping 25K would be a good bargain/market price.

  343. No they are updating the test web site. Still not the final web site

    Genesis probably won’t be till they go live. It may only be from the adam tablet.

  344. Great going Rohan. Best update ever. I expect to use the Adam for email (amongst other things) with my exchange server and I’m glad to see that you’ve spent so much time on “enterprise” issues on mail, office etc. I tried using the iPad for exchange – it works just fine but I didn’t enjoy it. 5 days and I removed mail from iPad – possibly because the iPad didn’t get me anything more than what my blackberry already does (just a larger screen). I am hoping to use the Adam as a replacement for my laptop and from your various repeated posts on the Adam being “stand-alone” I am getting the reassurance I need. My only challenge is going to be managing my 16GB mailbox on a device that gives me a maximum of 32 GB at any one time (I know I can keep multiple microSD cards but….)

    I also went to notionink.in – somehow the border still looks thicker. Didn’t you say that the border would reduce and that the earlier ones were trial?

  345. I think it should be available (although what drivers it supports is the question). I am not sure if printers have universal protocol like post script?

  346. @Paritosh : “store near you” does not literally mean “physical store”. It meant as notionink.com here (virtuall near you) 🙂

  347. Not sore. Just a New Zealander we tend to just splurt out what we think. Why beat around the bush.
    True I dont understand why people are not a bit more patient myself. But then I am the sort of person that would wait for reviews and not care if it released or not. I dont care who makes it. If There is a time constraint that means they release after I need it then it was never an option to begin with so why care. There will always be that next great thing releasing either way. I would just buy what best suits me and my needs when it releases or when I need it.

    Which right now happens to be an DSLR camera. Back to hunting…

  348. @rowan fire

    In some ways you are “preaching to the choir”. I agree with what you are saying on most points, but…

    What I am trying to say is simply that it does not help to keep bringing it up.

    a) As a parent, I know what it is like to have kids keep asking for something over and over again. I heard them the first time. Their subsequent requests don’t do anything to help their cause. Just like pushing the elevator button over and over again does not make it arrive at your floor any faster.

    b) Rohan wants to bring Adam to market, start pre-sales, make public announcements, etc. as much as us, if not more so. If he is not doing it, there must be a good reason. At least that’s what I think.

    We probably just don’t see the whole picture or understand all the red tape, etc. So it’s easy for us to arrive at what seems to be clear cut simple solutions that make sense. But if we were aware of everything they have to deal with we may be making the same exact decisions to delay public announcement and pre-sales, etc.

    I see your logic and understand the advantages of keeping Twitter and Facebook updated, etc. All I can say is I bet Rohan and NI do too. But again, there must be a reason they have not been doing it. However, I don’t believe it is because “Rohan and his team must not REALLY be getting it”.

    There are just too many unknowns to pass judgment. Yes it is frustrating. But there is not a lot we can do other than wait patiently. It may be a little easier for me because “I drink the kool-aid” and think Rohan and NI are pretty a pretty bright group of people. And I’m sure they have lawyers and business consultants also advising them too. So I can sit back and assume they are doing all they can. I trust they will do all the things they need to do as soon as they can. If really I thought it would help to tell them one more time to update their website, Facebook page, Twitter, start pre-sales, begin public advertising, I’d do it too.

    I don’t know about everyone else, but using the parent analogy again, all it does for me is add to the aggravation and stress when my kids keep asking over and over. Especially if it is something I’d like to do for them but can’t. Then it just makes me feel bad that I have to tell them no.

    Anyway, I’m sorry if I upset you. I don’t deny that so far NI is missing out on taking full advantage of holiday marketing. But I’m saying there must be a good reason for it, and bringing it one more time won’t help.

    Just my 2 cents…

    (PS: I love sarcasm. I’m a big fan of the television show “House”.)

  349. rowan fire:
    > How about you keep the sarcasm to yourself, Greg?

    Yeah, Greg. You should leave it to a professional.

    rowan fire has a point, civil not so much. Rowan F’s good point is that Rohan’s done no marketing, and time is running out for that in the US. On the other hand, if there’s a new website going up Monday, well, that’s barely enough time, which is at least something. My guess is that Rohan didn’t want to bother with even a decent website before a lot of the things were finalized and he didn’t have to worry about keeping a lot of things secret. If this is something the investors have insisted on (and he, obliquely, indicates that this might be the case), then there’s nothing he could do. It’s their money, and they can be stupid with it if they want. It would be a shame if a company like Reliance, which knows nothing about the American market, was making, or forcing, bone-headed decisions for that market, but I wouldn’t be surprised if something like this were happening.

    rowan flower:
    > (Yeah, I can do sarcasm too)

    Uh, not so well. But you can practice here if you want. You’re among friends.

    As for civil’s point, well, it would make sense if the choir were lamenting the absence of a marketing campaign, but it’s not. Not quite all, but almost all of it is lamenting the absence of a physical machine. These lamentations are silly and useless. Seems to me sarcasm is a perfectly reasonable response to something that’s silly and useless, although there are other possible responses, such as reason which has also been tried; in fact it was tried first. It failed.

  350. “the screensaver kicks in and *FLASH* lightning strikes and your now awake way before your meant to be .”

    like the idea… i cannot snooze.. even if i did, i would end up hearing many more lightnings…

  351. Yah, I don’t know either.

    Like I tried to explain to rowan fire up above, I’m just gonna leave it to Rohan and NI to do what they can and trust in them to make the best decisions.

  352. Awww, I agree on both parts…it is frustrating but we really cannot do anything to “push” the idea along.

    I never thought I would be taking hours and hours to see something come to light. I just hope it is successful. I NEED a slate tablet, lets just hope the Adam comes to fill my needs.

  353. @Civil

    Sorry, I did not mean for my comments to be demeaning. I see sarcasm more as a form of humor and sometimes a good way to emphasize a point you are trying to make. I will try to be more sensitive in the future. I was never one of the popular kids so I know what you mean. But that was a good high-five you gave rowan fire. 😉

  354. the above means no disrespect to apple…just my take on blind fans who see the world is following a closed system, and think its better than a slice of heaven…

  355. @Sowmya

    Yep. Seriously. I’m a fan. But maybe I should have used “addict” instead of “fan”!

  356. @Sowyam

    Even though I drink the NI kool-aid, I like to read different view points and opinions. We were just seeing things differently. That can be a good thing. It helps us to think things through a little more, open our minds, and entertain new ideas. Right?

    But yah… Truce! 😉

  357. hmmm na i was wondering while we have the forum where pvt msging is possible.. why open a separate gmail account dedicated for this ?????

  358. I was just at BestBuy today to shop for an eReader and test out the Nook Color and the Sony PRS-950 Daily Edition. Best Buy sucks man! At least the one here in San Carlos (CA). First off, the Sony Reader is not even connected via Wi-fi so I can only test the other features. Then their Nook Color has a broken power cord and the battery has ran out! To think that the Nook Color just came out November 19, not one sales person there tried to fix it for consumers to check it. I even called it to the attention of this kid who works there and all he said that he could not help me with it at the moment. He went to this guy in the yellow shirt who greets you when you walk in and out the store to let him know but whoever that guy is, he didn’t do anything.

    Out of my frustration I walked to the tablet area and sampled the Dell Streak, the Samsung Tab and the Huawei Ideos. At least these ones have working internet connections. Not really shopping for a tablet since i’m waiting for the Adam so I just played around with them.

    Incidentally, while i was playing with the tablets I can’t help but hear these couple checking out the Tab who was talking to a sales guy. They said they have an iPad already but they wanted to get another tablet with Flash support and an AT&T carrier. I was so tempted to tell them to check out the Adam! I was actually busy posting here using those tablets but for some reason they all went to “awaiting moderation” hell. I left the tablets (as one poster here suggested prior) in either the NotionInk.in page or this blog page for the next unsuspecting guy 😉

    Anyway, I left to go to B&N store a couple of miles away and got first hand experience of the Nook Color there. It’s actually very nice but for an eReader, it’s on the heavy side carrying it with one hand after a while. It is quite responsive when navigating and also browsing the web. One major feature I like in the Sony Readers is the double tapping of a word to look up the meaning in a dictionary. With the Nook Color you have to do a search of the word by typing it in. I thought that’s not very convenient. With the Nook, you can change the text font which is not possible with the Sony and also the background color. They are priced the same ($249) but in an eReader standpoint, I think the Sony wins, however, if you like the vivid colors of an LCD with some tablet capabilities like browsing the web, the Nook Color is a no brainer. I wish Sony came out with a Mirasol display. B&H Photo, on November 14th, had a pricing error of $199 on it but I was too late to snatch one. They quickly ran out of stock that day.

    I hope that if the Adam wants to be an eReader as well, it should have all the esoteric features of the Nook Color and the Sony Daily Edition (as well as the Amazon Kindle). I don’t know if Adam has lending capabiities like the Nook or double tap to look up the meaning of a word like the Sony but it sure would be nice to have them. Since I need an eReader and the Adam will not be available until Christmas or at the latest a week after New Year’s, then I for now will settle for the Sony Daily Edition until the Adam comes along.

  359. My family has a personal blog and my wife does not want me to clog it up with a lot of NI stuff so I am thinking about doing a separate blog for that. I wanted a way for people visiting that blog to contact me without giving them my personal email address. And I posted that address in my Gravatar profile (I assume that is how you found it) so people here can contact me too if they want.

    And “geckofan@gmail.com” was already taken.

  360. Yeah. They will have like two of them and you will have to wait in line for two hours to have a chance

  361. greg:

    > Just like pushing the elevator button over and over again does not make it arrive at your floor any faster.

    Yes, but it makes it *seem* like it arrives faster. On the other hand, the continual “give me now my adam now” complaints make the wait seem longer, not shorter.

    I have a feeling you were extrapolating from this blog to elevators without having ridden an elevator yourself. Do they have elevators in Utah?

    (My own elevator experience, I have to add, is more limited than it might be. I live in an 8th-floor apartment. There’s an elevator in the building, but I almost always walk up.)

  362. @gecko

    “I have a feeling you were extrapolating from this blog to elevators without having ridden an elevator yourself. Do they have elevators in Utah?”

    Yes we have elevators in all of our outhouses. 😉

  363. Okay, I’ve been following things here for a while now. And although I have always planned on getting Adam as soon as it’s available, there are a few things that I feel need some work if this product is ultimately going to succeed. Because let’s be honest, a few thousand fan boys (myself included) are not going to be enough to make this thing succeed. It needs mass market appeal. So here are the things I feel could use some tightening up.

    1.) While I appreciate Rohan’s commitment to his followers, his willingness to listen and change things for his future customers, and his amazing candor. I really do feel it’s time for a TRANSLATOR! Stick with me for a second… I am not racist, I have many Indian friends, all of whom are very intelligent people, and a few of which who are amazing entrepeneurs. But in order for people to really start taking Adam seriously (many still think it’s vaporware), Notion ink needs the polish and execution that much larger companies (read: competitors) have. I love Rohan’s updates, but sometimes I have no idea what he’s trying to tell me!

    This DOES NOT fill me with (or the average, non-tech geek consumer) with confidence. I’m sure everyone at Notion Ink are genius engineers and programmers. But millions of typos (Who the hell is “Matt”?) and overall bad English (mine is not perfect either, so please save the grammar/spelling lessons) is not the way to capture the hearts and minds of the consumer. Trust is a huge aspect for the consumer. Ever hear of the Chevy Nova? Yeah, they didn’t sell a whole lot in Mexico… for stupid, but very real reasons.

    2.) What is the deal with the video at the beginning of this post?!?! What does this have to do with anything? If that’s supposed to be a weather app, than it’s a failure. Is there any where else for people to go to learn about Adam? Where else can people get so excited about such a great product? Nowhere! Which is why this blog needs an editor, or someone to control the signal. I’m all about the customer/company relationship (I have a Red One digital cinema camera, and they were arguably the first major product to use this whole company/customer feedback ecosystem.)

    But this video serves no purpose, in that it doesn’t tell me anything about the product, it just tells me that someone is having fun with aftereffects at Notion Ink headquarters… and so why include it as though it’s some sort of definitive aspect of Adam?

    Again, I am supremely stoked for Adam to arrive, it’s the only reason I haven’t bought an iPad. But despite what all the Apple haters in the house think, there’s a reason why they’ve sold so many damn iPads. And that is because they know how to market their products.

    In closing… grass roots are awesome, but somebody’s gotta keep the yard looking nice, or no one will buy the house that sits behind it.

  364. Only thing I have to say is that no, I don’t believe those business consultants you’re sure they have advising them are doing that fab of a job.

    I do think Rohan/NI has been reading the blog and constructive criticism as the video now has the proper American English grammar for “coming to a store near you”, as well as showing the .com addy and the temperate in Farenheit. Why wasn’t it like that before? That says to me they weren’t advised too well about their 1st and probably largest market….

    So, if they didn’t know those little things were more correct for the US, I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to wonder if they didn’t really know the timing of our shopping season. If they’ve been advised Christmas was their goal, well that’s too late.

    I’d rather make the post I did then sit back watching what’s not been happening and wonder if they were really that in-tune with their market. Maybe, just maybe they didn’t know how important Black Friday was in the shopping season here.

    Oh, and please show me a post before mine that specifically addressed the timing of shopping and Black Friday and I’ll apologize for being “aggrivating”. Also, I can’t remember reading many posts asking for an updated Facebook and wondering where the tweets have been, but they might have been lost in all the recent mass nonsense posts. 😉

    PS. If you are actually reading, Rohan, the American English spelling for the glass surface is “matte”. “Matt” is the British spelling. Here when you see “matt” you think of a boy’s name.

  365. true its good to hear ppl’s opinion and be open to ideas…

    ok then let me add mine
    There is this famous ‘Project Triangle ‘ conept everyone would have come across
    Though i had always never been a big fan of it..
    I just happened come across it another article and wondered how true it was wrt NI.

    With respect to the three attributes that make up the corners of the triangle, you can choose two depending upon the kind of project you are working at

    wait, lemme paste it from Wiki

    You are given the options of Fast, Good and Cheap, and told to pick any two. Here Fast refers to the time required to deliver the product, Good is the quality of the final product, and Cheap refers to the total cost of designing and building the product. This triangle reflects the fact that the three properties of a project are interrelated, and it is not possible to optimize all three – one will always suffer. In other words you have three options:

    * Design something quickly and to a high standard, but then it will not be cheap.
    * Design something quickly and cheaply, but it will not be of high quality.
    * Design something with high quality and cheaply, but it will take a long time.

  366. @Greg

    Yes those that just pop on and go “omg the actual device needs to be here now!” can be a bit of an annoyance. For quite a few blogs I would respond to such posts with a link and an explanation of how they wouldn’t be hitting fcc testing until november and that their hands were tied until then. To go to your parent analogy: You have 10 kids (grats and goodluck lol) and each one asks you separately when you’re going to the movies. None of them know that the other ones have asked, but since it is the 10th time you’ve been asked do you get to snap at child #10?

    You have to remember a lot of the info is spread out throughout many of the blog posts, sometimes even hidden in comment sections. Add to it that only the 5 most recent blog post titles appear in the directory and many of the potential adam buyers will miss the small link at the very bottom which leads to older posts. Hopefully the official/unofficial forums will put up FAQ relaying the info.

    I apologize for reading the sarcasm too much as an insult. Between your comment about hitting the elevator button over and over and gecko’s comment on fans it seemed more like “If anybody doesn’t think like us they’re just a drooling idiot” than it did “just relax they’re pushing the product out as fast as they can”.

  367. So, my one question about mail’d is: will it work with my exchange server with more than just the default folders?

    I’m pretty convinced this is the device for me, but that capability would be icing on the cake.

  368. @rowan fire

    > “Oh, and please show me a post before mine that specifically addressed the timing of shopping and Black Friday and I’ll apologize for being “aggrivating”. Also, I can’t remember reading many posts asking for an updated Facebook and wondering where the tweets have been, but they might have been lost in all the recent mass nonsense posts.”

    LOL The irony is that I don’t think I’ve read your previous post you are referring to. No wonder you have taken such issue with my opinion. You must have mistakenly thought my remarks were aimed at you. But then again, maybe not. My post was referring to people who have been saying they have to have Adam by Christmas or they will go buy something else. I did not refer to facebook and twitter updates, advertising, etc until my reply to you, after you brought those things up.

    Well, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I do enjoy reading them. Sorry I missed your previous post.

    I’ve got to go get some sleep… Have a good night.

  369. @Civil

    You made a good point with the extended use of the parenting analogy. I agree with you.

    But you are probably right on the money when you imply that gecko is saying “If anybody doesn’t think like us they’re just a drooling idiot”. He says exactly what he is thinking. Right gecko? 🙂

    K, that was my last post for the night. Gotta get some sleep now…

  370. Did anyone say how totally cool the screensaver is, and one should not miss the attention to the detail herein as well such as –

    – the faint red glow of the light on the towers and their reflections (though I know not on what)
    – the angle of rain falling slightly variable (maybe by 1-3 deg)

    I just like the way they think and with every post my fears for Adam not being a success diminish ever so more. One can now, I think, really begin to appreciate how the Adam is not a tablet to supplement your laptop/deskie but a full blown portable personal computing device.

    I Wish the NI team the very Best for their brilliant efforts – there are multitudes of software startups in this world – fb, twit, salesforce wat not…which are essentially one guy with excellent programming skills sitting down for a week/month and bam…..but it is definitely a much much grittier task to marry h/w and s/w and manage employees and investores (and fans) as a startup and comeup with a world beating product. Hats Off.

  371. GI Joe:
    > the above means no disrespect to apple…just my take on blind fans who see the world is following a closed system,

    Apple can be disrespected from time to time – I forget the name of the machine that Steve Jobs insisted have no fan because it wasn’t elegant or something, and it had to be pulled from the market because it kept overheating.

    An Apple fan once told me that you don’t want to be locked into an open system. He was being serious.

  372. The idea for panels as well is a Killer…….

    The file system would feel more integrated with the device itself this way as unlike other tablets/phones thus bringing it closer to the usability of PCs.

  373. welll…. video co pilot is a tutorial as you said,.. everyone uses it… so its common to get inspired and make one urself….

  374. For those who feel NI is going to lose big time by not launching Adam before the splurge season in the US; yes they are correct, and no sarcasm when I say that. Its pretty straight forward, isn’t it? And it would have dawned on the guys at NI too. But when there is a choice between a)rushing off a product in order to CASH-IN on immediate earning potential(temptation?) and b) to stick to your vision of building a solid product even if that means you lose out on initial spike in earnings, then I think its brave to pick option b and speaks volumes about the company and its vision.This is what matters in the long-term.
    As said in a hindi movie, 3 idiots, “Don’t run behind success, but strive for excellence – success WILL follow automatically” As cliche’d it might sound but that is true – how far you can go has little to do with the take-off.(Ah, another cliche, but you got the drift, right?)


  375. @VB
    actually possible that they host their own cloud based service..
    but a little premature to speculate on that…

    i am still wondering what he meant by ‘offline’
    cos he says- fixing the time of delivery when u r offline… not necessarily mean sending an email when you are offline…

  376. I don’t know if notion ink has anything lined up to compile through their ui but on android it doesn’t seem like it. You can use the android ndk to compile it on a separate machine, from there you should be able to run it(as far as I can tell).


  377. ultimately a world class consumer elctronics product from apna desh. Great job Notion Ink team

  378. Goodnight, Greg.

    No, I’m most definitely not of the group demanding/whining to have the adam in my hands *now*. I would much rather have everything about the adam be right then them just push it out.

    For example, I asked for a nook last Christmas, and got one as a pre-order gift. Sure I would have liked to have it in my hands, but I lived. What really upset me, is that in B&N’s haste to get it out (they did ship many out in time for the 25th, but mine wasn’t one of them) the software was unbelievably glitchy/bad and the plastic bezel cracked very quickly for many early customers.

    On top of it, Customer Service was far from knowledgeable or helpful for a lot of ppl (I belonged to the official nook forum, so got to read daily about it). The whole experience was very unpleasant and if i had a choice, I’d definitely not want to be part of a repeat…so I’m all for NI taking their time to work out the hw/sw (within reason).

    I’ve been waiting since CES last year; I can wait a bit longer. I just don’t get the lack of marketing before now. I’m not bringing it up to be bitchy or be difficult. I so very much want to see a great launch of adam here in the US. I just want adam to have the best chance of it, and I thought I had a legitimate concern of them possibly not knowing the importance of certain times in our shopping season.

    NI has a pretty big uphill climb to separate themselves from the pack for the average holiday customers here and they haven’t even started =( With the economy not being so great, I just don’t see ppl having the money after the holiday to make such a big purchase, and then it will be CES with new tablets likely showing off some impressive specs.

    I don’t want my adam to be an orphaned device, you know? I’d like NI to still be around to launch Eve, bc I’m sure whatever she is, she’s going to be great. That’s the self-centered part of me thinking. The other part thinks Rohan seems like a genuinely nice guy. I’ve been reading his words for many months now. I know how much this all means to him and I want to see his dream be a success for him, his team, their families. I’m sure they have invested so much time, effort, heart and money.

    I’m just getting stressy for them…for me. I’m sorry if I was a bit too firey, but I do like a good back-and-forth. Sleep well.

    @ gecko, the rowan flower things makes me laugh.

  379. civil:
    > You have 10 kids (grats and goodluck lol) and each one asks you separately when you’re going to the movies.

    The analogy goes awry at the word “separately.” The things that’s silly here is the pile on of comment after comment all imploring Rohan to get the machines out sooner than possible. If all 10 kids lined up and, each in full hearing of the others, asked when they were going to the movies, you’d have to wonder what had gotten into their breakfast cereal.

    > But you are probably right on the money when you imply that gecko is saying “If anybody doesn’t think like us they’re just a drooling idiot”. He says exactly what he is thinking. Right gecko?

    (gecko rolls his independently movable eyes) Exactly backwards, Greg. I don’t think, I just react. So, if anybody did think like me, he’d be a drooling idiot.

  380. “They are about to embark on what is likely to be a pretty big business opportunity for them with many big investors. I hardly think they are going to run away with your money.”

    There are a lot of Indian big businesses (including Reliance) who treat you like crap after they get your money. After sales service is generally poor in India and I see nothing wrong in Tobi raising the question.

    In fact, the service by Indian companies is so bad that even Indians prefer to buy foreign made goods.

  381. “Also, what’s wrong with NI being an Indian company? What makes you think that an Indian company will have sub-par product/services?”

    You are making me laugh. You should ask this question to an Indian. Just how many Indians would prefer to buy Indian made goods when they have a choice of foreign ones?

    Even the foreign companies who sell in India lower their service standards. But even then, it is usually far above the low bar set by Indian companies.

  382. But as long as they were upfront about the adam not likely to ship before Christmas, I think a lot of people would be content with having one for a gift as a pre-order. That way, NI would have time and not have to rush.

    I’ve been there, done that last year with Barnes & Noble and the nook. It really didn’t turn out so well. They promised Christmas delivery and ppl paid for that with very bad software and bezels that cracked.

    Like I was discussing in a post above with Greg, if they miss the pre-holiday shopping it’s unlikely they are going to get nearly the number of sales after the holiday bc ppl will have already spent their money. Then it’s time for CES. Will adam still stand out in 2011 amongst the other tablets like it did last year? I don’t know, I hope so. But if it doesn’t, now what?? NI will have missed their window for a successful launch.

    Sure, adams will sell, but how many? How long will NI be viable if they don’t sell the amount they know they need to. While it might be brave and admirable for NI to chose “option b”, it’s not the smart business move.

    I don’t think anyone here wants to see them rush off to cash in, but there is going to be a point when waiting longer will have ended the game for them before they even really got the chance to play. Please don’t disregard earnings, bc surely their investors are going to be looking quite closely at their returns. Also, while nice, cliches aren’t going to pay the bills, and I actually disagree about how far you go doing little with take off in this soon-to-be flooded tablet market.

    Btw, if your post was prompted by anything related to mine or the convo above then I suggest you might have missed the point. No one wants them to rush the physical device. I personally just want to see them begin a kick-a@@ marketing campaign and try to get the holiday shoppers here to wait or pre-order an adam, but they won’t bc as of right now they don’t have the faintest notion about adam.

  383. Gecko,

    Thanks for the link; interesting points. I think that’s part of what keeps people coming back to this idea of NI and Adam; the feeling that Rohan trusts his audience to have the brains and imagination to use the revolutionary and open ended device he envisions … I hope 🙂

  384. rowan forever:

    > the American English spelling for the glass surface is “matte”. “Matt” is the British spelling. Here when you see “matt” you think of a boy’s name.

    They tend to use British spelling in India, and that’s usually no problem for an American, except “matt” does look really funny, especially if you know someone named Matt. But is “matt” really a British spelling? On his linkedin profile, Andre lists one of his areas of expertise as “Digital Matte Painting.”

    I hope Rohan has enough sense to hire a native English speaker, preferably with editorial experience, to fine-tooth his advertising copy. All the English-language material from NI has been very fluid, but the occasional glitch might be a bit of a stumbling block to a market looking for any clues about the quality of the product and that, let’s face it, can sometimes have its xenophobic side.

  385. @ gecko

    The mystery revealed:

    “matte, matt or mat?

    In British English word matt means non-shiny surface, matte for the make-up/foundation as well as the photo/film technique involving superimposed images.

    In American English matte is the same spelling for all three (mat is an alternative US spelling but rarely used).

    The meaning comes from French word mat, meaning dead, from the 1600s. The -tte suffix is the feminine form first used on English in the 1800s, hence the different spellings. Oh, and mat is the name for a small carpet, from Latin matta.”
    So, I’d guess that Andre uses “matte” bc that applies specifically to photo/film

  386. Will the Office app be able to communicate with google docs? I am planning on transitioning to it and it would be nice if the adam would support it out of the box.

  387. I believe you are referring to Daria’s logo #4.


    This was the only logo that was changed quite dramatically from the original and made the top 10. The link above is the original, the link below is the revised version.

    I should apologize beforehand for my ensuing comment on this logo because it’s not positive. The typography on the original is an imitation of the B&N Nook. I believe many used the Nook font and a few of them made the top 43. The revised version works better although the font to me looks a bit Astroboy-ish (like his head with pointy ears). That’s not my major critic on it, in fact I think it’s very trendy. My major criticism of this logo is that the light bulb is inverted and it’s black. It means it’s a dead bulb. An upright bulb, even without the light rays, connotes an idea. Also the light bulb inside the O looks like a bomb.

    Also the O and INK are of the same color which at a glance will be read as OINK. If the color of the O which is shaped like an ink droplet is black and pointing up and the light bulb inside it is upright in white, then it would have worked for me.

  388. “And Steve loves it too” – so you gave steve one before even putting it for on-line registration ?


  389. I did get your point – you want Adam to succeed, you are one of its ardent fans, but are worried how far it can go considering the holiday season is here and their marketing is nowhere to be seen.True. But try to understand that probably as much as we want to see Adam out before the holidays, or at least the pre-orders(which I’m sure will be out soon), guys at NI want it more badly- or let me put it straight – their investors are the most eager. After all, its their money that has gone into this venture – not yours , not mine. No one would have gone in hibernation and acted indifferent to see December go away and then launch their product. There has and will be a darn good reason for it.Just have faith, I’m sure NI will be working overtime with sleepless nights so that their baby sees light of the day before the shopping season starts.

  390. If you read the post, they are updating it and it will be up in next 48hrs from the time Rohan posted.

  391. @rowan

    similar sentiments have been aired when NI fails to deliver in July. (about missing summer schools etc etc)

    Lets have a big picture:

    What share of market will the US be? and again the share of christmas?
    The pie share of Ipad will be still large. So if they rush production will NI get the share you project (they are a startup right?). Also they will have bigger market in the rest of the countries. India alone will be a very big market (biiger than the US) if they price adam right for India. (So instead of losing steam, it will be vice versa)

    Another aspect of the target market for NI might be the enterprise. Consumer, prosumer although its a big pie, if adam NI can cater to the enterprise market, then you can rest assure your fears, they will have a HUGE market for the long run.

    You see NI is bringing to the US market first as a litmus test and also to build up their competent brand (which if successful will bring worldwide audience)

    When do you think the market momentum will be for adam?
    IMHO its when the actual reviews of the device surface, when word-by-mouth campaign gains momentum, when the reliability of the usage scenario is measured.

    So whats VERY important for all these? adam has to be good without FLAWS. Hence it has been thieir only priority.

    But time is very near when we will see all that we want to see. At the same time lets first digest adam and see whether its worth all the hoopla that was created.

    And sad to see you taking offense to @greg’s comment so quickly

    *ipad was joked as sanitory product. but now its momentum is increasing. why? it was introduced with a vision in market created by itself. There were many critics and still are, but the sales going on strong. So whats the vision for NI adam? A little to ponder?* 🙂

  392. @gecko
    true …
    but i guess they will hire a PR agency to do full fledged advertising; rather than in house…
    so the question of proper usage of english would dealt with.
    nevertheless it is an important factor.
    i guess as pre order nears.. they would want to give an official press release rather than communicating only thro’ the blog, in those cases it is important that communication is well established.

  393. @bruce
    Well the Indian market cannot be considered larger than US..
    i beg to differ with you, pulse of the people in india is different – not a technology aware market at the same time only very less percent of the market is very open to update of technology in the sense – if a person is happy with his laptop, unless and otherwise it becomes necessary for him he wouldn’t want to change. and of course money matters here a lot.. But i guess it all depends on innovative marketing that can capture the attention of the people and introduce to the common joe on the streets the kind of detailing that has gone into the making..,

  394. @bruce

    Rightly said.

    NI could be aiming for the serious market, not the impulsive, frenzied, holiday crowd, who may not really use the gadget to its full potential, so not giving much benefit in terms of word-of-mouth.

    It could be counter-productive rather, like Rowan’s own experience with a hurriedly put out (by an established business) product, pre-ordered in the last Christmas season.

  395. Ok people, don’t want to put a downer on all this but let’s face it there will be no pre-christmas Adam coming our way and I doubt pre-order either. Just can’t see it happening with all the stalling (for want of a better word) that is going on. And so where will NI be then? Well I agree with a previous post – they will have missed the ideal market window and sales will take a gigantic hit – remember we are in global recession and many will not have the money in the new year. And yes I have read the “lets get it right before release” posts. I’m afraid I fall into the ” want it now” group, and let an update sort out any problems. So, from now on I will look at the blog weekly, NOT daily, as it’s just too disappointing. I am a serious Adam fan but can’t go on like this!

  396. This week is the 4th PC/Gadget show in Singapore for this year.
    How many more PC shows i need to skip buying a tablet pad, for Adam…!!?

  397. Guys, I think in marketing there are two terms to be considered, one penetration and the other frequency. If Adam gets released before Christmas it penetrate in to the market and get good chunk of money. If Adam gets released after CES then with marketing and every Adam fan will bring more customers to NI. Still can penetrate into the market with lesser share.

    If a perfect product comes before Christmas then they might get good money, if not it wouldn’t be nice. I am happy to wait to get the best.

    I only suggest to do a risk assessment regarding product release. 

    Will be waiting for pre-order.. 

  398. @Sowmya

    I differ with you. The Indian market you describe is a thing of few years back. There are millions of customers now who are impulse buying home theatres, smart-phones and such gadgets in the INR 25K ($500) range with wild abandon. Also check the sales figures of fancy bikes and consumer electronics in the INR 75K to 100K range.

    These are all high prospects. Especially all those who are now getting bored with the touchscreen smart-phones. The time is very right. A month sooner or later is no big deal. Also, don’t forget the fact that at the moment, NI’s production capacity is only 100K units per month. Bangalore alone might have that much demand.

    Adam is going to sell like hot cakes in India.

  399. 1. Given in an earlier post
    2. Was never given but 16/32GB refers to you adding your own micro SD I believe (could be wrong)
    3. Given on notionink.in
    4. Hopefully soon =]

  400. I think you will find the EAP developers are on non-disclosure agreements until the official release.

  401. @ Pratik,
    Glad to see you again. I was wondering what the hack this guy is doing, you won the logo and slipped away silently. Welcome back blog-brother.

  402. I agree, I think it may work quite favorably for NI to release in full strength after the holidays. They are not trying to provide a hype product. Think about it, to start real advertising now you would have to compete with nearly every other tablet out their and Apple is in full swing at the moment snagging impulse buyers. If Notion can come to the table after Christmas when all the big shots have spent their advertising budgets, then they can get greater visibility and can imprint a brand more strongly, while they may have missed the hype, their product isn’t going to be ready and i think can be greater targeted at serious buyers (us, business’ etc.) who will be more inclined to create buzz and good word of mouth about it, so that by the time the next impulse buying season comes around, people won’t be confused by all the tablets around and all the hype but instead will have clear vision that adam is the product they want. all because they stuck to their guns and made sure to provide the best possible product to the market.

  403. @chillg
    u r absolutely right..! am so with u..! market penetration is totally imp n i think it can be achieved by attracting ipad customers or gettin the non-users to buy it.. n am sure Adam will do it cos its really good 🙂

  404. @sowmya

    Hey are you forgetting the HRD minister Kapil trying to bring a tablet PC for educational purpose?(You have heard of Kno.and its targetting the education sector in US only?) Isnt the ministry hoping for a future education system in India fully computerised, and distribution of educational resources from a centralised server?

    Roughly calculate the number of students (schools, university) to be supplied with Tablets?

    With Reliance as an investor, you can imagine NI stake in such venture — a subsidised adam for the students … wont it create a roar?

    Even if they didnt get the stake in the govt pie, calculate the number of students/parents willing to buy adam as an educational device!!!!!

    So one can understand by NI even missing Christmas in the US . (and I have not even started about China! ;-))

    So let adam be very good, it will create its market!!!!! (Hey Rohans ideology is of a total convergence device. If he succeeds, it will define new paradigm shift!!!!! AND I WANT ADAM TO BE LIKE THAT because my “addiction” for this device is just because of its present/future potential to become a ubiquitous device!!!!!

  405. Lack of commitment on a launch date is killing me ! Let the update for next week be just one date, the launch dat

  406. @chillg
    u r absolutely right.. am with u..! penetration is very important n i think can be achieved by attracting ipad customers or the other non users.. n am sure Adam can do it as its sooo good 🙂

  407. All looks great.. Now all required is launch date. When do you think you can give the firm idea on launch date? Are you behind schedule or on schedule

  408. @ sri
    Well i agree with you partly (only partly :))
    gone are the days when there was a single desktop at home and everyone fighting over it. almost every single member has his/her own lappi, ipod ,cell etc etc.. but still this is only a meagre tech savvy population but a growing one.. i agree
    technology penetration in india is still limited demographically and sector wise as well.
    let me not sound pessimistically – Colleges and schools still adopt to the traditional methods of teaching, (hardly premier institutions have all these smart board and interactive white boards in classroom ) and even if not that the concept of dedicated eblackboard- announcing assignments online and submissions online are still not a practice in India – For a non indian – a tablet like ADAM will be a grt addition to their school and college kitty, for us it is just a addition in other aspects…

    And what i meant largely was – i dunno, you might not agree with me – i found it difficult to convince my dad to switch over to a higher end phone – ADAM will definitely be a rage among the young and the business ppl … but for someone like my dad asking him to switch over from his lappi to ADAM would mean – Wait and watch … cos his usage can be satisfied with a lappi …even if he does, asking him to spend another 500$ after an year or so for ADAM 2, that would be a no no… that’s what i meant in my previous post.!

    Nevertheless i do believe that this is a revolutionary product that’s gonna rock…

  409. @ bruce
    Since you have raised that topic… i guess i must do write..
    well, there are lots of things surrounding the 35$ tablet…. not a easy project.. but a commendable one ! i am waiting for it to materialize

    When i did my schooling, my school supposedly the popular one, did install these interactive white boards, never once did they use it ( may be once in a blue moon)… its still a part of the school just as a marketing campaign… may be now they do but it is limited usage. Education sector esp has shown a reluctance in accepting technology – the concept of using student response systems in not a practice in India – in fact we are going more towards traditional method of teaching with emphasis on hands on – idsicoveri, butterfly fields is on boom in india –

    Leave the schools, i would love to see more of technology usage in college levels. at this stage with the policies followed in colleges, and universities, ADAM will definitely be a supplement but not a complement.
    but hopefully in years to come we can see more of it.

  410. Funny guy.

    Why should NI develop an own very customized UI for Android and then provide drivers for other OSs? BTW: Windows won’t work because of the ARM processor.
    The Genesis UI will be one of the famous things around Adam, so if you don’t want it try to install Ubuntu instead (this works at least on the rather similar Galaxy Tab) or just buy one of those cheap crap tablets already available.

  411. @animisha
    Adam cannot dream of attracting ipad customers (maybe few).Nothing will convince isheep that there is a better product around than their precious ipad 🙂

  412. And I think you should just wait until Adam is finally released instead of picking nits. They spend their time for much needed development and not for those absolutely insignificant details. Sorry.

  413. @ramana to compile a program you need a compiler and up today there is no C++ compiler for android! BUT if you install another OS on adam like a linux(Like Ubuntu) you can do what ever you want! So the answer to your question is of course but maybe you will need to change your OS or install another OS beside of your Android OS! (As soon as i have my adam i ll make a tutorial ;-))



  414. And now? Ever had a look at the wide bezel (which was so heavily critisized with our loved Adam)? What about Google Android Marketplace access? Battery life? Only 512MB of RAM? USB connections for external storage/mouse/keyboard?
    Yes, it’s not too bad and is cheaper than Adam will be. But I will wait for the latter, because I really want USB support and the Genesis UI with Eden. These features will make Adam rather unique and he will have a 3MP swivel camera.

  415. When i read your blog, i think: “If apple was small company, this could be apple”.

    But world is different.

    And from my point of view there will only be one app-store (android-store). If you still believe in google and android, do you really have the manpower to adjust your sdk to the next android releases?

  416. @ Raj
    dnt think so…..if a product is so damn good i dnt think ppl mind takin a look at at it…whether it be apple fans or who ever it may be…….

  417. @John you can do what ever you want with your Adam you can even try to install Linux and not only light weight version (Ubuntu already support almost all the Adam hardware)! so don’t worry get your adam and install what ever linux you want on it!



  418. +10

    I don’t understand why people are demanding for new information and updates and then aren’t able to read the clearest things out of Rohan’s posts.

  419. @Chillg
    I went to an IPOD store in Syracuse. My son wanted to try how the video in this post would look on an ipod computer. So, he tried it on 5-6 computers there. Well, I heard a couple of people asking about the Adam. One person asked if that was an Apple secret tablet! And if it was available for Christmas. In the meantime, my son explained to me and a few people that he loved the end of the video because it was very creative!
    My point: the elements are already there for a successful campaign. People will love it once they see even a photograph, because 1) it looks very different. 2) once they see it in action, they recognize a great product. But it doesn’t have to happen overnight. The longer Adam is out the more it will be recognized. By the time Adam2 comes out, NI will probably have a bigger market share in US and elsewhere. I think.
    Of course, personally I want to preorder ASA is A! And ASAP! Tomorrow if it were possible!

  420. @mleitner0 if you read the previous post rohan already explain that the camera will not be in the middle due to the battery and other problem and i dont thing that i’ll suck for the face time it does’t change anything since when you have your external webcam normally you put it in the right side of your monitor and webcam is not sucking!



  421. paulikxp (with added numeration):

    >[1] I don’t understand why people are demanding for new information and updates and [2] then aren’t able to read the clearest things out of Rohan’s posts.

    I believe that number 2 answers number 1.

  422. another idea !! people .. it would be nice if it had a crank mechanism on the side … where there is the circular shape .. it would be very very nice… we can avoid the need to charge and extend battery like ….

    do ping back on the idea people !!

  423. Ok, so we have our marketing campaign:

    Adam – it’s more than a tablet … it’s a laxative!

    Thanks, Piringo. Every time I sit down, I’ll think of you.


    FYI I am using the CSL SPice android tablet . the tablet has everything except the low speed processor 600 Mhz which acceptable. I love its size (7 inch) which I can put in my pocket and walking around on 3G broad band or on wifi whenever suitable.

    But deep inside I still want the ADAM since its try to be beyond the norm of tablet. I like this spirit. But I cant accept 10 inch size tablet since it is consider BIG. I have friend having IPAD and me having the 7 inch tablet. I always turn it during the meeting checking emails and so on. I look at the IPAD guy..they kind of shy to open it since it is big and worry someone will stare at ipad and read what he is opening.


  425. Hi people .. ! !!!!

    one more idea… it would be nice if it had a heart rate sensor on the place where the users hold their hands to detect the daily heart rate of the user and model the acquired data using an beautiful android app !!

    do ping back your comments people … i have a few more .. will keep you updating !!

  426. @Sowmya

    I hate to see my daughter lugging anywhere between 6 to 10 kg everyday to her junior college (she completes inter this academic year) and my feeling is reciprocated by hundreds of parents of her peers. I look forward to see her going to college next year packing just an Adam. We already have a desktop and a laptop. The desktop will go (donated perhaps to someone needy) and I will get an Adam for myself too. And, I am just an average Joe.

    NI, of course, would have to take on board the book publishers (just like Kno is doing in the US) and create a real nice education eco-system too.

    The so-called $35 tablet is for a totally different niche who don’t need very high computing power and possibly some kind of country level school cloud will house the eco-system there. Anyway that won’t come into the picture at least for 2 years I guess.

  427. @ rowan pyromaniac:

    Everything you write is correct, except for one thing. People aren’t getting it. You write:is:

    > No one wants them to rush the physical device.

    Lots of people do; that was the source of Greg’s original plaint. And even in this response stream, Bruce talks about rushing production (“So if they rush production will NI get the share you project…) and Sri responds to him in the same vein (and Bruce and Sri are among the most thoughtful commentators here). So, lots of people are thinking in terms of rushing the physical device. This is bad, people, bad, and you should cut it out.

    If people (and other table-buying creatures) want a tablet, they might be more likely to buy one than wait for a better tablet that they don’t even know about. But you’re right that advertising can be expensive and NI might be thinking in terms of strategically deploying its dollars. The free stuff – website, faecesbook, etc – should be done right away, of course. Maybe it will be.

    Just because it’s the investors’ money and they want NI to succeed doesn’t mean that they’ll make the right decisions. A lot of investors think that because they have a lot of money, that means that they’re smart. I’ve seen investors ruin the companies that they’ve invested in by sheer pigheadedness. Remember, Rohan’s first set of investors tried to wreck Adam by turning it into yet another tablet with a pedestrian CPU running Windoze.

    > *ipad was joked as sanitory product. but now its momentum is increasing. why

    Because women like it?

  428. Hi,

    I wonder, is the logo similar to the Bongo bon one´s?
    (link : http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2759/4281746901_203208b7c1_o.jpg )
    I presume that number 2 on the selected list might become your new logo now, what is actually a good thing since it looks much more modern and inspiring ?

    Also I wanted to ask a question that is still not been answered by Rohan, so please Rohan answer it in your next weekend special : what about the option to boot linux? Will this been fore seen in the official bootloader or does it require some hacking to get it running? And if it is not fore seen in the loader will Notion Ink share the compiled drivers like required by the Android Open Source system?

    Next to this I wondered, why is the location of the touchpad on the back left side?
    I see this as a missed chance to create a new market! It is a genius option for a tablet if it was located on the righ back side. The reason why? well imagine some shooter games coming out for the Adam, you could use it easily to aim/look up-down-left-right .. for example.
    But I gues it´s too late to change the location of it at this moment, but if it is not; please do change it !!

  429. Some points you make are actually correct. For example, time is essential. But I can make the case that NI can’t expect to succeed over night. And that it will come with time. Ironically, the way is going, it is overcoming a lot of misconceptions, and prejudice about start up companies. The development has been quite amazing. Take underconsideration this blog. SOme can say that mostly tech people write here. So…how many blogs (from other companies like Aple, Samsung, etc.) can show this kind (and number) of responses in a short time, and with the passion seen here?
    And the number of people visiting are hight, according to Rohan (when voting went on).
    I don’t think the enthusiasm will diminish. On the contrary, it will increase! Not only because the holidays (US), but because many people are already identifying with Adam (Even before is released!).
    I’m a bit of a dreamer, but I expect a great product when it comes out, which is why I think the hype waits.

  430. Hi All,

    I’m also waiting for Adam. One feature that attract me is obviously Pixel Qi screen.
    Now, have anybody has actual reading experience (ebook, web, etc) on a pixel qi screen on e-paper mode?
    Some websites mentioned that pixel qi screen can not match the e-ink screen.



  431. Ray Myers
    > People, this product *is* non-existent.

    (emphasis added) Good. You know how to use the present tense correctly. However, few things in this earthly realm remain the same forever. Actually, only one thing does, and that’s human stupidity.

    > I’ve been in computing since it was IBM cards

    And you’ve been bitter ever since you had a rush job, dropped the stack of cards, and got them hopelessly scrambled. (Yes, I know that real computer jocks back then made a diagonal line across the top edge of the cards precisely in case this happened, but your judgment was as bad then as it is now.)

    More recently, you tried to suggest that Adam have a “card reader,” and Rohan completely misunderstood you. No wonder you’re bitter!

    The mind-blowingly stupid thing about your post is the timing. It’s as if we’re at the pig races and our pig is out front, but a few hundred feet from the finish line you declare that our pig can’t win and storm out. All of us will know within a month or two what the Adam is like, except maybe you because don’t seem to see what’s right in front of you.

    I know the expression is “don’t let the door hit you on the way out,” but actually I don’t care if the door hits you.

  432. I hope they wait with advertising till after the preorder. I think it will be sold out at once, so don’t tell everybody about the adam before i get one.

    they don’t have 2 advertise this product (if it comes through on its expectations) will completely sell itself and maybe crush the market completely (if they don’t run out of time )

  433. Greg:

    > Yes we have elevators in all of our outhouses

    I meant do you have elevators for the people, not for your poop. Oh, never mind.

  434. kj:
    > adam is sexy

    I’m trying to think of a response that’s not unprintably obscene (10.1 inches diagonally), but you stumped me.

  435. In my opinion, with the matte display reduces any glare to match the e ink on that. The pixel qi also has a higher refresh rate and video capability. The one problem, though, it cannot match the battery life. Don’t get me wrong, the battery life is great, just not the full two weeks of e ink. I personally don’t mind this as I first wanted the adam for e-reading. But if you really need the battery life, the nook is going on sale for $99 during black friday at best buy.

  436. I understand that this matt(e) 🙂 display is also fingerprint resistant/proof. Quite useful in a touchscreen device.

  437. Well, I hope you are wrong on that one!

    In a serious tone, personally, I didn’t expect the Adam to be launched before Christmas.

    If it happens, GREAT! I would be extremly happy. If it doesn’t, then CES. I will be happy too.

  438. Longer battery life can be simulated with an external battery. xpal makes some very nice ones. You won’t get two weeks, but back-of-the envelope calculations (I actually used the front of an envelope) show that their model XP8000 might give an extra 5 hours of Adam time if you’re using Adam in a way that runs down Adam’s battery in 15 hours. This figure is basically made up, so don’t take it too literally. The battery cost me about $35 at woot dot com; usually available for a bit more elsewhere, and is small, about 3 inches by 4 inches (someone else can do the metric conversion; google doesn’t help when you type in “3 inches in grams”).

  439. I have one…I’m returning it. There is a nice mod community running around it, I’m currently running a Cyanogenmod ROM, butthe out of the box experience is pretty bad. The stock UI is horrible. The hardware falls short in a couple of places most notable the screen; viewing angles can’t be more than 10 degrees. It isn’t any cheaper that the Adam either.

  440. Considering colonial Indian history using the Term “matt is perfectly reasonable. It is rather typical that a few Americans to think themselves the centre of the universe. American spelling of words is atrocious. Remember you speak English and believe it or not there is something called the Oxford dictionary which is the definitive spelling for the English language. I’m sure Rohan has disregarded your post as he is too busy trying to release a product to the globe no easy task I imagine. But you probably have done this already as you a an international business man no doubt and are not just someone sitting in their room complaining. Good luck Rohan I’ll be purchasing as long as the initial reviews are good. Really enjoying the regualr updates. Weather app look fantastic.

  441. Even though Pixel Qi means a shorter battery life than E-Ink, it’s still the best compromise out there (at the moment) if you want a normal screen AND an e-reader like screen.
    I wouldn’t worry too much.

  442. Rohan already said pre ordering will start it in his Post: “More on the Images you saw”:
    FCC: […] Pre-booking will start in early December (if the case id prior). […]

  443. Rohan already said when pre ordering will start in his Post: “More on the Images you saw”:

    FCC: […] Pre-booking will start in early December (if the case id prior). […]

  444. @row on fire:

    Thanks for the history of “mat[te] – it didn’t even occur to me to look it up. I hope NI is alerted to the fact that “matt” looks like a simple misprint to an American. It’s a little disturbing that Adam’s finish will be etymologically dead.

  445. It’s a pity that Notion Ink will miss selling the Adam on Black Friday which is this week. That is the biggest shopping day in the US and the Adam is nowhere in sight. Every tablet and eReader from every company has been released to take advantage of this. Many, instead of waiting for an Adam, will or have settled for something else which accounts for losses for the company. I wish Notion Ink success and a huge one but marketing seems to be lacking.

    I wish the ADAM is selling right now at AMAZON.com, at least for pre-orders even though it’s not going to be shipped until a month from now.

    Rohan, Rohan, Rohan, all I can say is…”Just shut up and take my money!!!!!” (Phillip J. Fry of Futurama)

  446. My first post !!!
    And I’ve been following NI since Genesis (pun intended).

    * Look at the self exploratory image on left.
    Multi touch FTW !!!! 🙂

    Both video’s are Awe-Inspiring !!!
    All the best.

  447. @ Gecko.. Thanks bro for clearly the many thoughts that many non regulars have…. but wat pains me the most is some of the die hard ADAM fans….

  448. @sri
    on a lighter note, don’t worry, no college going person carries 6 to 10 kg of books to class everyday. 🙂 🙂 its prevalent in schools agreed.. and that’s plainly the Indian school education system to blame…

  449. My son is able to print on my new HP from his cellphone with blue tooth..so is that the way to make it print any printer with blue tooth?

  450. michael:
    > It is rather typical that a few Americans to think themselves the centre of the universe.

    Well, since we have by far the largest number of native English speakers, larger than all the other countries put together, this claim is not unreasonable. (I borrow this argument from HL Menken.)

    > American spelling of words is atrocious.

    Not all English seem to agree; “tyre” and “gaol” are increasingly replaced by “tire” and “jail.” And if you seriously prefer “oesophagus” and “oestrogen” to “esophagus” and “estrogen” then either you’ve got something stuck in your throat o you’re getting hot flashes or something.

    > there is something called the Oxford dictionary

    Actually there isn’t. There are a lot of Oxford dictionaries, but none have that name. One is called The New Oxford American Dictionary (it was compiled by Americans). There are also American dictionaries and these are the ones considered definitive by most English speakers, since most English speakers happen to be American.

    Isn’t it a little odd that, while presuming to tell Americans how to spell our language, you criticize us for being arrogant?

    I have a slight disagreement here:

    > Weather app look fantastic.

    Two problems with it: A thunderstorm when the temperature is 38 degrees (F) is exceedingly rare in New York (and the prospect is not likely to be welcomed by our local tourist board). Also, the lightning strike on the Empire State building doesn’t hit the top of the tower but the side, and lightning doesn’t work that way.

  451. @ gecko
    good compilation of points..
    But do u think average ppl care about whether lighting strikes at the top of the tower or at the sides…

  452. from $199 to $99? Are you just exaggerating? There is the 7″ Nook Color for $249. It’s a hybrid e-Reader/tablet but doesn’t do the best of both worlds because it’s an LCD not e-ink and it has limited browsing capabilities with with wi-fi but no 3G. Maybe the price goes down to $199 on Black Friday. There is also the Sony PRS-950 Daily Edition which is a 7″ touchscreen B&W Pearl e-Ink reader also selling for $249…half the price of the most expensive Adam with Pixel Qi, Wi-fi and 3G. I think the Sony is still expensive even though it dropped from $299. With no color and limited 3G (can’t browse the internet, just their bookstore) the retail price should be only $219…right smack in the middle of the Kindle 3 and the Nook Color pricing.

    Pixel Qi is coming out with a 7″ display at CES next year. Maybe Notion Ink will create a true portable eReader next year (or maybe they will go with Mirasol if it can handle video too).

  453. Will the email app support IMAP and SSL/TSL encrypted connections?

    That would be an essential feature…

  454. @wathouse:
    >My son is able to print on my new HP from his cellphone with blue tooth..so is that the way to make it print any printer with blue tooth?

    Assuming that Adam has the right driver (a reasonably safe assumption), then any printer with bluetooth. There are other ways of communicating with the printer, of course (USB, wifi if it’s a networkable printer, etc).

    When your son is printing from his cellphione, he should be very careful not to print things he doesn’t want his parents to see.

  455. @Raj,

    Just my viewpoint on “isheep”. I own 2 i devices; laptop and touch; durable, reliable and perform as advertised. I Do NOT own ipad; it does not offer what Adam promises, hence my presence on this blog and my willingness to wait for Rohan to be able to make good on that promise.

  456. It should be obvious. Now a days all gadgets have this feature. It’s very simple to implement IMAP/POP protocol with many net libraries having this feature

  457. @gecko


    And, you keep this blog lively with your ingenious wit.


    You are right, the Indian schooling system is to blame and it’s not going to change very soon. The point is that Adam promises to fulfil a desperate need at an affordable cost and there is a vast market for it in India alone.

  458. @paulikxp
    I wasn’t nit picking here, I was just stating my observation. I thought this is the place to express your thought/observations/opinions.
    I am not criticizing, I am big adam fan, have been following the blog for long time now, but not active as you guys.

  459. Has any one understood the analogy for pricing galaxyTab @$799 (w/o contract)? It’s a7″ tablet smaller than iPad. The only difference is its Android based and a external microSsd card and USB. Are they trying to compete with iPad at that price? I think Adam would kill galaxyTab rather than iPad.

  460. We’ll see if it is still on there when the new(hopefully with updated specs) .in site is released. From this picture: notionink.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/for-blog-14.jpg?w=680 it seems like the docking port may have been ditched. There is a chance the port is on the backside (or covered in the lower right corner, but seemed odd to have it out to the side like that) so hoping it is still there.

  461. I was at Best Buy yesterday and also at B&N to check out tablets and e-readers. I left all the screens on either the NotionInk.in website or this blog. This was suggested on a previous blog and I encourage everyone to do the same to introduce the Adam to the masses. In fact, it’s probably better to leave the screens on SlashGear’sight featuring the Adam:


  462. Did you guys forget something when you updated the notionink website? ([hint] jquery upload [/hint])

  463. @Rohan, Looks like you are using SCRUM model for development (based on the filebrowser documents – stories of the day)?

  464. I want it for Christmas! My roommate and I are gaga for the Adam and have been following Rohan’s blog for weeks. Notion Ink needs to market this thing fast (as in NOW!) to inform the public that a new revolution is about to come. The teaser video above is a good start to put in a commercial (like for the Thanksgiving day football game and LA Lakers vs. Miami Heat game on Xmas day).

    I want this color for my Adam…

  465. @Bruce: wiser are those who know when to leave it closed.

    Better to say nothing and look a fool than open your mouth and dispel all doubts.

    Tobi posted some concerns that I’m sure many people share. People not being able to handle those concerns in a civilized manner is very disheartening.

  466. Software now entering beta now, is not what I would call late, it called perfect timing; If the software would have been finished months ago it only meant that they could have added more functionality, by finishing the software just before EAP means that those 400 EAP members can beta test and the software will be more than likely be ready on the moment Adam start to ship.

    “Its hard for me to preorder a device for 500$ with so less information”, as far as I know you can’t preorder at this moment, by the time pre-orders are accepted more info will be available. But already now NI gives is more glimpses in the kitchen that any other company.

  467. but Tab have also call modul, two cameras, DLNA and some others top technoligies(bluetooth 3.0, 5Ghz wifi n, ultra responsive display with maxTouch senzor -for stylus, gloves etc)

  468. Hi Mike

    I checked your website and find it better than NotionInk Addicts. Go for it. It has an overall a very smooth and refined look.

    I wanted to know a small detail from you about which WP theme you are using for this site. I am a WP newbee and would really appreciate if you could let me know the WP theme (and also the You Tube plug-in as that is really awesome too).


  469. Welcome Dev K!

    I always find it interesting (and encouraging) to see comments like this, as in, “I’ve been following this blog for a year now and this is my first post”. Its great that adam has such a following. It truly is a unique piece of technology!

    Good thoughts on marketing, I also hope (and expect) that they are working on marketing adam as the device for everybody.


  470. LOL, I just got this.

    Man I must be slow!

    I’m looking at this comment and going “who’s he replying to?”. DOH.

    Good one Matt!!!

  471. People, Ray Myers is non-existent. I’ve been in this blog since December 2009 and… well the claims to self-awareness this person makes are just, well, impossible. The only evidence we have of the existence of a “Ray Myers” is some characters typed into a blog entry and one small black and white photo that looks like it was taken when IBM had card readers.

    I really WANT to believe that a “Ray Myers” exists, but at this point we have very little evidence. Maybe somebody posted this “Ray Myers” fiction here to make us vote for such a character in the upcoming B grade movie “Bitter Mid-Life Computer Hack”, but I don’t know. Lets move on to something real like, say, Rohan Shravan and Notion Ink’s adam. At least we have more evidence of its existence than a “Ray Myers”, whatever that is.

  472. I’m probably in the minority, but I don’t really like this one, no matter how often you post it. It’s somewhat.. unbalanced..?

  473. Cant make calls from Tab without hacking. I tried a Tab the other day – how it SUCKS! The display is slow and a few of the apps it comes with look so butt fugly that I had to put it away. Fedex and UPS delivery men/women are the only ones who could be forced to use that thing.

  474. @phillip… My guess is.. that’s the secret feature we were talking abt.. TIME TRAVEL…. woohoo finally I have cracked it.. 🙂

  475. I think so too, cause on my windows tablet, the active digitizer leaves marks on the screen even though the active digitizer tip is plastic. It also has a matte finish.

    There is no need (IMO) to test a normal touch screen so vigorously (My touch screen phone has ZERO scratches on it and its glass!)

    Hopefully this means there will be a digitizer for the adam… but the fact that there is no stylus silo is kind of depressing 😦

  476. Great, that scratch resistant super fantastic screen will be perfect when I use my ultra accurate, razor sharp ACTIVE DIGITIZER STYLUS to create AMAZING artwork that will dazzle the world.

    Just letting you guys know.

  477. Quite nice paint app! Impressed by the fact that it is flash based.

    However this looks too much of a photoshop clone to be ideal for a tablet like adam. In my experience you need something more intuitive and with a gui thats more out of your way. A good example being Autodesk Sketchbook Pro or similar. Check it out if you havent.

  478. @Harsh K

    Thanks for stopping by. Thanks for the comments. It is not a WP theme. It is a customized Joomla setup.

    I really enjoyed building it and didn’t realize that one of Rohan’s friends put up NotionAddicts.com to hold over the bloggers until the new site release. I started building my site prior to the new update to know about that. BUT I will leave it around and continue to work on it when I get the chance. I do like the live chat system and there is also a chat system setup where if you make connections to other members it is like Facebook to have offline conversations live.

    Th YouTube feed is a module designed to either work off of searches or someones YouTube channel. There are a lot of neat things you can do even to customize your own modules with custom code.

    I also wanted a spot that I can put up either custom designed wallpapers or logos or what not if I had time to design some.

    I would really like to know what is going on with the logo here (I am sure Notion Ink doesn’t know yet either) I didn’t get an opportunity to submit one last time and thought when I missed that there would be tons of great artists submitting awesome designs but not being ignorant that really wasn’t the case.

    I still to this day think your logo speaks minds of who you are as a company, it should be able to be split in the sense of either just a graphic or a graphic and a typeface font. Either one should stand out and say “that is Notion Ink”

  479. Is it a fact that adam will have an active digitizer? PLEASE SAY YES and PLEASE NOTION INK SAY YES!

  480. HOLY CRAP!!! I never saw this app before. I am a big Photoshop person. I just brought this up on my 21″ Cintiq and started drawing. LOVE IT I NEED THIS ON MY ADAM!!! NO QUESTIONS.

    Rohan, PLEASE show a quick video running this flash program.

    I don’t want to sound disrespectful but YOU NEED to show a video of this app.

    From what I know Adobe Air is now supported on Android, can the pro version work?

    PLEASE show us this, I hope you realize how many artists want this tablet!


  481. This is good stuff…An excellent resource for any one who wants a quick intro to adam.. I m going to book mark it, so I can show this to any one who shows genuine interest in the device when I talk to them about it.

  482. LOL!! If NI ever does ever decide to use such a clever marketing campaign it would be wise to clearly indicate that the Adam should under no circumstances be used as a suppository. You can never be to careful 🙂

  483. Hey Rohan
    In the Screen demo of usb use the document being viewed is a Split Second game review. Will this game be able run full version on adam. Or maybe just the application version that is listed for other phones and devices?
    thanks Derek

  484. I agree that battery life is a good compromise for the pixel qi advantages. In b and w mode the adam will get battery life far superior to regular lcd, just not e ink.

    There is nothing like the adam in the current market, and I doubt many companies will pay as much attention to detail as notion ink.

    I’m talking about the plain e-ink version, the color is more expensive

  485. I agree that battery life is a good compromise for the pixel qi advantages. In b and w mode the adam will get battery life far superior to regular lcd, just not e ink.

    There is nothing like the adam in the current market, and I doubt many companies will pay as much attention to detail as notion ink.

    I’m talking about the plain e-ink version, the color is more expensive.

  486. Wow! I didn’t realise so many tablets were coming out…
    Kno tablet is missing.
    Could anyone tell me which ones inlcude an active digitizer (or similar) amongst those tablets. Perhaps such information could be included in the comparision table : )

  487. ahh good ol’ scrum agile methodology, w/ scrum masters and all. My former job used it 🙂

  488. Are all touch screens created equal? I am talking about the sensitivity of the screen.

    A couple of weeks ago I checked out an IPad at Best Buy. I pulled up Google, typed some on the keyboard that pops up and everything seemed OK. Yesterday I cut out a piece of cardboard to Adam’s dimensions. It is just the size of your average hard bound book. Then I watched a movie with the window correctly sized on my computer screen to get a feel for movies that size. Today I was figuring out where I could mount it in my truck to work as a GPS and a music server.

    This is going to work great! Back to Best Buy to compare the Ipad for size “ipad is wider because of the 4/3 screen. While I was there I couldn’t get either of two demo I pads to work. It was like I had gloves on. I have had problems with touch screens before. Microwaves with a glass panel can be a problem. I had trouble with a Nook but that was mostly because the screen was to small. My garmin was fine. Has anyone else had a problem like this? I worry that I will pre-order an Adam and then have troubles after and then really go crazy.

    ……………………………………Tom C

  489. Some touch devices work better than others, just the level of craftsmanship. My Zune was a capacitive device and it worked really well. The only time it would glitch was in winter and my hands were super cold.

  490. Forget if I saw this on PC MAG’s yearly list of best free software or on a list of app’s for netbooks, but sumopaint on a touchscreen computer is pretty amazing. My 4 year old loves it (i.e., he can do it himself).

  491. actually, the cards were numbered, at least in the final couple of years they were used prior to their elimination. the really scary thing were the old computer screens. you walk in for an all-nighter and look at white chalk announcements on a black chalk board and leave the next morning to see the same announcements in pink on a green chalk board (same chalk … same chalkboard … fried retinas).

  492. Some a** tipped Engadget with the old, buggy website just in time before the new one is released !!!! Awesome, now NI is getting all that negativity at Engadget 😦

  493. New site in 48 hours , Rohan had mentioned in last blog.
    Still see a pic. of Adam (in fact an overlay of two pictures !)

  494. Engadget got it all wrong!, they got the old website and made an article about it… And is not a really good one at all…

  495. Just another malinformed post. But to an extend where it is painful to assume it really is just misinformation…

    Besides that, Engadgets post sadly is a very biased read.
    Using words like “flashy”, “fabled”, “conceptual glory”, “continual feature creep” and, even if it is cited out of context, they even try to associate adam with “Duke Nukem Forever”.

    Read for yourselves.

    And remember. This post, as theirs, represents an opinion. Objectivity is an illusion.

  496. Correct, it was the old website and yes a lot of negative comments on the site. That stinks, not to be mean, yes Engadget might be biased and have odd reviews but we need to turn this negativity into positivity….

    Ideas? 🙂

    Hasn’t it been more then 48 hours?

    Oh that is right, didn’t you guys get the email?

    The new site is at http://www.notioninktalk.com/

    JUST KIDDING, I will always leave it up to keep GOOD things going. I DO hope either Rohan updates with a new blog about the site or….let’s us know if they are having issues with the site.

    Peace out 🙂


  497. Someone wrongly tipped Engadget with an old garbage link: notionink dot in/home
    I have posted a huge comment on the article with clarification and have asked the author to check sources!!

  498. tbc:
    > actually, the cards were numbered

    So, my first thought was that Ray Meyers couldn’t count, but I asked a computer jock who was around then, and he reports that the numbering was done by punching holes in columns 72 through 80 and the counting was done by an IBM sorter.

    However, the numbering was optional, and a lot of people left it out because it made a mess if you had to go back and insert lines into the program. It was easy to scribe another line on top of the stack of cards, but you couldn’t patch all the punched holes.

    The pink-on-green announcements must have been very exciting in the days before color tv. I expect that all-nighters these days are followed by afterimages with a much wider color palate. The marvels of technology!

  499. Ideas:

    .gently inform the Authors of said post.
    + post comments in there that reflect YOUR view on the adam (every opinion welcome)
    + rank / vote the comments you deem good

    As Engadget is quite popular (50+ comments on said post, growing), any helpful link comment will be visible to a massive audience.

    More important: Have fun.

  500. “Update: We’re hearing from a number of commenters that this website’s actually an older revision that was thought to have been taken down. We’re investigating now.”

    Thanks Prakhyat and all the other people wo sent their comments.

  501. Yes!!! The post has been taken down by Sean Holister!!!
    All adamoholics flooded the comment section with clarifications!!

  502. It would be awesome if the new website is up before Sean issues a clarification. A post on Engadget with the all the latest info from the new website would very helpful!

  503. Has confirmed pricing been announced yet? or even what versions are going to be offered?

    I have read that they will be offered a 16 and 32gb model option as well as lcd or pixel q screen and wifi or 3g models.

    The price range I have heard is 300-800. Is this true ? or does nobody really even know to this point?

    My other question is about the pixel q screen itself. Everyone here who is talking about it relates it back to e-ink .. what if I do not do a lot of ebook reading? is it not worth the extra price? I will occasionally but not often enough to warrant extra money if its a lot. So can someone please run down the advantages and differences between the two screens for me? and basically say what sort of user base each screen is for?

    I have also heard a lot of people asking about if this device will have a digitizer, what exactly will that do if it has one? Does it just make the touch screen more accurate or no? sorry to sound dumb I have done a decent amount of reading about the adam but those questions i have listed above still confuse me

  504. Unimpressed so far. The New York start screen does not feel like an authentic reproduction of the NY skyline at night which could have easily been done since many stock images might be available for free. It looks like a lot of time spent on something that will be of very little value to the end user. If I compare these to Bing images it feels like Bing is 1000x better than your images.

    Hope you are doing usability studies with users around the world under NDA to get feedback that you can then tweak.

  505. engadget link is no longer accessible , goes to home page.

    but i was able to catch it along with some starting comments .and going from commenst on this page to the comments on eng***** site, it was shocking for me

    i was giving eng some doubt of benefit before for their earlier attacks on adam , bcs in honesty adam has been getting delayed for some times. but now i m pissed . hope they realized beauty of this product and come around bcs in reality they have a lot of fan following . i hope it happens .

    if adam deserves it , i am waiting to read a great review on end**** site specifically

    go adam go(in hindi: kar le duniya muthi main 🙂 )

  506. The video really suggests, that this ought to be New York.
    But, if I recall correctly, it seems to be a city independent weather screen.

    Thank you to point out the Bing images!
    Competition is healthy, isn’t it?

  507. Don’t worry Andre, Monet was similarly misunderstood…… 🙂

    @Partha – The idea was not to have an exact image but the impression. Being direct is not exactly considered art and classy. So much for Mr. Bing!

  508. Hello Rohan,

    I have been following Adam’s creation for some months and I like it very much. I like your approach to the production/creation of a new innovative computer. However, i can’t stop wondering, why Adam is not being released in India first? I know festival season in USA provides a huge market. but..still…..
    As an Indian, i would have been happy and proud to show off and provide reviews of my Adam to my friends in other countries 🙂

  509. When are you sending this for FCC certification? Earlier you mentioned Mid November…mid-November has come and gone…do you guys stick to any timeline whatsoever?

  510. http://notionink.in/home

    UH HOPE NOT, that is the old site…wow never realized how slow and resource hoggish it was.

    But on a serious note, doesn’t anyone realize this is what people have been talking about forever now about getting the Notion Ink name out? I mean SIMPLE things. People may come back and say those are just jerks or something but Engadget isn’t small, people claim to be techies there.

    You are telling me that if not over the last year the Twitter account was blowing up and the Facebook account was hot to trot that people wouldn’t be saying vapor-ware?

    I do not think it is vapor-ware, I do think in time the Adam will have hatched and be here but this is because we have followed Rohan on here.

    I BELIEVE highly in free advertising and free “getting people excited” if I was in my business meetings and had my twitter app blowing up with DUMB posts of anything, knowing it was coming from the Adam and Rohan I would be ecstatic to say to my colleagues, “hey look at this update” we wait for 7 days before any updates, write thousands of posts on a crappy WordPress.

    These are not marks against Roahan but observations, I do not believe one of those comments would have been negative if the interest was outside of this blog here.

    I for a while was fine with people saying the lawyers probably are saying he can’t say anything, there is a difference in saying things to hurt your product or contracts but showing off things to improve business awareness I cannot believe that.

    Maybe things are different in India and I am dumb but some comments may be true…

    I only ask how can we fight fires with ink droplets when we need fire hydrants?

    Think to yourself before you reply with harshness.



  511. Would you care to clarify whom you are adressing?

    I can understand how people might believe that.
    Not everyone cares to notice or even has the time to evaluate the available facts; conclude for him-/herself.
    At the same time, it is critical, that sources people rely on to do that are reliable and are kept reliable.
    This process in motion is what we see right now on Engadget.

    I really welcome their openness.

    @free / viral advertising
    There is nothing to believe in. (From a ‘sceptical’ POV) 😉
    It actually being well researched.
    for starters: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_marketing_intelligence
    Very interesting read!

    @”Think to yourself before you reply with harshness.”
    Thank you. Nothing to add.

    Have fun.

  512. agreed. their attention to detail is simply impressive, isn’t it? even i haven’t even thought about scrutinizing screens and visual accuracy up to that level.

  513. Prakhyat

    I really appreciate that (Being nice), if you REALLY think about it…it is scary for the new technology coming out. I don’t agree that in time they will get passed by with Tegra4 chips and all but I am guessing the CES 2011 is going to be flooded with SICK technology.

    I would LOVE to be able to go to CES or an E3 or something like that, I am in love with technology and gaming and all.

    I saw the one post today about http://www.sumopaint.com I almost dirtied my pants.

    Yeah people say that it is like a Photoshop clone BUT I use Photoshop all the time. The reason I bring this up is that Rohan has an AWESOME demo he can show in a video.

    If you can show SOMEONE, I do not care who. I mean if you are too busy. BUT if we can see something like this working on an Adam, how many artists would eat it up???? You can even save your artwork on their servers, totally on the go work. (free one requires internet)

    Picture walking into Starbucks and seeing someone drawing some cool crap on an awesome 10″ tablet, they say “wow man what is that?” you tell them about the Adam!

    Artist HEAVEN, can we say CA CHING, or is that CA POW I don’t know….oh yeah CA CHING for all the artists buying it. Saving your artwork on a USB thumbdrive? NICE bringing it to your printers…..ENDLESS possibilites.


  514. i read it first, too. though admittably it causes me to be able to comment only until much, much lower on this comments page. =/

  515. You are very correct in observations. It will happen, Mike. Just wait for one more month! As Greg said, no one more than Rohan wants to be able to execute everything you said. So lets just have faith in NI that they are trying their best, for at least a month 😉

  516. @groundsit


    You think I am an amateur?

    I wasn’t addressing anyone in particular…but if you wanted to step up to the plate then so be it.

    I am on both sides of the fence here if you would pay attention.

    I HAVE been around the block…I am not an idiot

    I have been in the professional IT world for more then 12 years
    Worked in the military IT field for 7 years
    A graphic/web designer for more then 5
    Worked electronics retail for 7 years
    Ran my own IT small business for 4

    Do you not think there are people on here as even myself that think will the Adam ever be released? Sure, do I want Rohan to tell us more and be more involved with us YES.

    All I talk about is how can we help make Adam more noticed to the public. I am sorry but really come on here with the name groundsit? I am not one to throw stones but your comments angered me. Keep sitting on the ground and wait for the technology to hit you in the face and don’t come on and challenge peoples wits.

  517. My whole point to all that was I have spent thousands of dollars myself (small business) and have gotten nowhere. I think free advertising does have its place its called keeping people excited until the hard evidence backs it up.

    Take people from other areas (USA) get them interested, show them hard evidence of actual working devices, take ideas on how we work (obviously if not already aware) and go with it all. They took our advice and changed their skyline weather video…not everyone knows everything so people are around to help.

    I worked with a lot of people that thought they were techies and those comments on Engadget sounded like a lot of those people. Uneducated people that work in staples or best buy thinking they know about computers and have no idea what real technology is….so then we take educated people and try to find out how we can get to their level and show them cool products….even works the opposite way, take people that do know what they are talking about but to darn stubborn to know anything outside of their little heads and show them other good devices.

  518. I am sure most people know that you are one of the more active FANS here. Atleast I have been seeing your name on posts for more than a month. I am sure Rohan/NI appreciates suggestions/criticism coming from an experienced person like you.

  519. I saw the comment today about the Open Sumo Paint….

    I think that is awesome, I am sorry I wanted to post this under the actual section but WordPress is so horrible I didn’t even bother.

    I would love to see pictures of Open Sumo Paint on an Adam…I have pictures, obviously this isn’t and Adam but my home office…see picture it, my Wacom tablet is the Adam and it is showing Open Sumo Paint on it 🙂

    I cannot tell you how much I hate my DroidX camera…ugh, Rohan, please tell me your 3mp camera takes better pics then my 8mp one…my iPhone took way better pics.

  520. Oh, that backfired.

    I never thought of you as an amateur. In the contrary, I do respect you for your thoughtful contributions.

    “You are telling me[…]” in your above post statled me. Therefore I sought clarification.
    Thank you.

    Again, i do not think of you as an idiot or anything remotely related.

    In everything I write publicy, I think of the people who might come, visit and read. Undoubtly, not every one of them will be as informed. Consequently, I like to add links to those posts for everyone interested to read on. I do that, because I hope that people will try to form their own conclusion. Based on noumerous sources.
    At the same time, i do not want to say that I am absolutely right or have the only answers.

    Well, even I think that it really is about time for an release (date). So count me in.

    And, I do appreciate your efforts to ignite thought about how to make adam more publicly known. And that is just challenging peoples wits. But in a positive way: Making people think constructive thoughts.

    I hope to have cleared any misunderstanding and welcome further discussion on any subject.

    Plus, I did like your associations with my nickname. 😉

    Have fun. (meaning something around: “be positive, i am”)

  521. @groundsit

    I apologize and took it as a challenge 🙂 I am normally never easily upset…I just have been around MANY IT people that are like the ones on the Engadget site and all and it is very upsetting, I took your comments out of context 😦

    Thanks for not lashing back 🙂

    Lets all soon enjoy our Adam (I hope) 🙂

  522. Wow i find it unbelievable how useless these sites are, don’t they check anything??!

    Andre how is the real site going? Are you still planning to launch it today? Good luck:)

  523. @Ray Myers,

    To design and code a full fledged office suite does indeed take a long while and should not be under estimated. To reduce the effort, NI may choose to enhance an existing office suite and thereby reduce the time taken to build the office suite for ADAM. Further, it is quite possible that NI has been working on this for 2+ years since the inception.

    But I don’t believe this is an elaborate scheme to scam folks of money (at least I hope this is not the case for the sake of everyone visiting this blog who have their hopes pinned on this product).

    I do understand your viewpoint and concern about ADAM being “unreal”. Some others have expressed similar concerns. But IMHO all of this is stemming from the meagre information provided thus far.

    I, however, remain cautiously optimistic about ADAM’s existence.

    At this moment I don’t believe I will be one of the folks who will rush and pre-order. I will wait until it has been properly reviewed by the normal channels (Engadget, Gizmodo, Slashgear etc etc) and then make my own decision (thanks to the 15/30 day return policy in the USA). I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the folks will do the same as $500 is not small change.

    If my want for a tablet turns to a dire need in the meanwhile, and if there is no ADAM in sight, I will still have the option to buy another tablet and will to do so at that time.

    Until such a time, I intend to enjoy this blog and the company of the fine folks here.

    Hope you do the same !!

  524. Hi rohan,

    Eagerly waiting for this tablet from many months…….You are making all Indians proud.

    I strongly hope this will pave a great path for Indians in End product segment …

    As per the news in India this will be released 2 weeks after US release…

    Anyway can i get the tablet on US release date….I am ready to pay right now(any place in India i am ready to pick up)…..Please inform me if there is anyway..i am unable to wait upto release date…and 2 weeks added to that makes me more sad….

    ALL THE BEST TO YOUR TEAM..Hoping for a smooth and great launch

  525. Looks like some guy is tipping all the tech sites with a bad link with old stuff, knowing that NI is launching a new website. Engadget also published through a tipster. Sounds fishy…

  526. This site has been there for ages. Looks like slashgear is trying to add a new post every day about adam. As they didn’t find any they pasted the whole website there.

    Now, it puts pressure on notionink to bring their website up in 48hrs as promised as people will start hitting it.

    Probably this is why Rohan is always reluctant to release additional in

  527. But how to exite people?

    In the past I have seen people espeacially exited about, information that they supposedly should not have received, blurry photos, jailbreakes, hidden webpages, hidden features…

    In short: leaks and hacks.

    And it is interesting to see, that SlashGear is trying right now to satisfy that very need, regarding Adam.
    In their recent post, they (albeit not really) give you a way of how to access the ‘new, hidden Adam webpage!’ that should not even be publicly acessible.

    That is bound to spike interest. Feeling that “I will be first to know”, “first to get… “, …

    I think Adam lacks that sort of advertising.
    Anyone know how to change that? (No sneaking into Notion Inks Lab 😉 )

    Have fun!

  528. Its the same old. I never noticed for the first month or so that “Design” , Technology” are actual links. I found it only couple of months back. If you notice the memory still says 4/16/32GB.

  529. Odd question but it is related to your screen issue, do you often have dry skin? Sometimes dry skin can cause problems for capacitive screens (such as the ipad). If not dry skin is there a chance you had something on your hands(even the thinnest layer that couldn’t be seen or felt)? The reason I ask is because capacitive screens recieve touch signals when something conductive(not everything that is conductive though) touches the surface of the screen. The reason you have no problem with your garmin is because garmin uses resistive screens(usually at least) which rely on pressure rather than conductivity.

    If it isn’t dry skin or something blocking the conductivity on your hands I’m not sure what it could be.

  530. There really isn’t things we can do more then support it but in turn I think the Adam team should be using their Adams and showing them off like no other.

    Seriously I wouldn’t care if the Adam was so prototype that parts were coming off but if the technology was being shown in real time it WOULD show excitement.

    Show the community that you care about us, I know we have weekly updates on WordPress but that is after 7 days…I KNOW time flies probably with you guys..but if you want us to believe in the product we have to see you using it, showing the community how cool it is.

  531. The link is removed from engadget. I am not sure why they have been sleeping for so long. this site is there from ages. Looks like they realized just now that there exists ‘adam’ in this world. The moment they posted the link, Steve called them to remove it immediately 😦

    Rohan looks like you need to overcome the Steve’s negative marketing tricks.

    Why did engadget remove the page. I can see the link to the adam page in the side bar. However, if I click it goes to engadget home page (page removed). Why Why Why ????

  532. Is it wrong that I hope the other company has a problem with the logo? I’d like to see the runner up win! :s

  533. Maybe but i think the winner should still get his prize too if that is the case.

  534. Well, I had my hopes up that this would start happening, when the EAP developers get their devices.
    The lions share of devices (at least in EAP1) goes to the USA. I do think NI does have in mind that once they arrive, people will not keep quiet about it.

    1. Rohan please keep us updated about the EAP
    2. Developers, dont keep quiet!
    3. Have fun!

  535. engadget is pro Apple. So they would never get anything good about adam unless the market forces them. They will for sure find out some issues in adam and project them it as not comparable to Apple (one target would be genesis that it doesn’t have 200k Apps as though Apple has 1000s of Apps from day one of its launch).

    Don’t be wondered if it even fails out adam in its review (like review for galaxyTab).

  536. great. another week and another step closer to seeing the final product. wonder when that day will come when i come to this site wanting to see an update and instead get smacked in the face with the final thing…

  537. Rohan and company seriously are you guys sleeping???

    You have tons of idiotic companies posting about some new (OLD) website….someone is trying something…they all say they are tips from an email.

    This is my point, someone should be right on it, boom WordPress update titling

    DO NOT BELIEVE these reviews, our site will be up in 1 hour and 12 seconds, please stand by.


    We will help you out with ink droppers and not fire hydrants….these fires shouldn’t be burning.

  538. I would blame NI for keeping their old site up…This is keeping unnecessary confusion and negative publicity. At least they should have put “Under Construction” or something like that…

  539. It’s just right that the winner will get his prize but NI just can’t use his logo. Instead they will use the runner-up’s logo and probably give him a free Adam as well.

  540. We arent and asked them to change it some 2 hours ago (and to Slashgear as soon as it was up). Currently it is there on some 20 different blogs! Sad! But cant do much than launching the new one.

    Coming live in few hours, on it! 🙂

    Warm Regards

  541. You know what would be cooler then a dumb guy scooping up something saying “under constuction”???

    A killer countdown timer to bring suspense and keep people from going to bed until the new one comes online, having it stop at 1 second to create more suspense.

  542. Aww I am going to cry now 🙂

    Thanks Rohan though I didn’t know it was on that many and that is to much to ask to contact each. Just stinks that it happened.

    Can’t wait to see the site, but I think my real job might fire me if I keep staying up this late.

    Keep up the good work!


  543. Sri,


    Wow, wasn’t there one also submitted that looked identical including the circle?

    That is spot on, it is such a simple look…

    I took a look at your site you sent me Sri, you never came back 🙂

  544. Totally think that is what unlimited to external means, as long as the OS can handle it then hook up your terabyte drives and go to town!

  545. i know you dont usually reply twice in a small period of time but i was curious if the new site will be the .com or the .in? cause the video changed and im just curious

  546. Oh, where do we purchase archives of the WordPress once the new site comes online?

    We all want to feel involved in the creation and birth….we can then in time look back and read all the posts over and over on our Adam.

    Wait you can make it into a PDF and call it Adam’s memoirs 🙂

  547. It’s only on the left side if you’re holding it upside down. There was a previous blog post stating that the device will be easiest to hold at the thick end due to the centre of mass being closer to that side.

    I rather like that the Adam has an easily identifiable top and bottom. Every time I pick up an iPad I always mix up which side the home button is on because it feels the same in every orientation.

    As an aside, the file browser looks visually impressive (if perhaps lacking in some of the details like dates and file sizes, though I understand the image was not of the final version). If it can stream or copy media from SMB, NFS, FTP, or at least DLNA, it will make me very happy. There’s nothing that kills me more than having to plug in a device to sync when it’s already on a perfectly capable network.

  548. @ vector66

    There were several Notion Ink forums that sprouted due to the massive response from the last blog. It’s too bad that Rohan endorsed NotionInkAddicts.com as the unofficial Notion Ink forum. I actually like the format of your NotionInkTalk.com site better. Maybe you guys can merge it to avoid the confusion. It’s like we created a Tower of Babel in the last blog to reach to Rohan (to give us an update) and then chaos ensued!

    So now instead of being one, we are in disarray. Perhaps Rohan would do his updates in the forum now instead of doing it in this blog?

    My favorite colors for the Adam:

  549. Smart Act……www.notionink.in now leads to developer’s registration page.
    The so called new website falsely reported at various blogs exists no more. 🙂

  550. Thanks Atul, I did talk to Notion Addicts and graciously offered to help make it look more appealing and welcoming. I have good experience in vBulletin also…I haven’t heard anything back. I never designed NotionInkTalk.com to be endorsed but did it for the passion of wanting and liking the Adam.

    Heck I laid in bed editing the site with my DroidX 4.3 inch screen as the wife slept by sometimes 4 in the morning making sure pixels lined up the way I wanted and graphics were the best they could be.

    BUT it was all done for passion and well sure hoping people wanted to talk their but oh well we are all here for the same reason. Promote Rohan and the team.

    The only thing that got me was the Facebook and twitter icons link to NotionAddicts.com pages and mine link to Rohan’s pages I did it all to show what you were bringing to the table Rohan

    Thanks all though, the live chat feature is cool though, there are two different ones, a community one and also a connecting one like Facebook where you can chat amongst connected friends.

    I didn’t want anything but to have a place to show off Notion Ink

    It is easier following the WordPress I have a live RSS feed also.

    Have a great night all!!!


  551. You can also take a look at


    This is another drawing app that works purely on HTML5 – so will work nicely on any modern browser (I use Chrome) – so should work on the adam without any problems.

  552. Rohan,

    I love the design look, haha I never saw the developers site but I commend your artists!

    I do software engineering to pay the bills but web/graphic design is my passion

    I would love time to be that expressive

    BRAVO, what is your designers name? Is it just Andre?

  553. I love deviantart.com

    I never knew they had a drawing app very cool. I will have to use it on my DroidX 4.3 inch screen haha NOPE.


  554. a demo a proper demo of any simple application on adam is needed now . and here on the blog are many tech savy guys who understand technical things and there are many like me who are not tech savy people who understand simple language , why cant some 1 tell what adam can do which even a 10 years old boy will understand and get excited about.
    i have so far 100 people asking me does ur so called adam has voice calling facility as the galaxy and olive pad has ?……can some 1 answer this simple question? people might not use that but having this facility excites them to make a buying .

  555. Cheers Rohan Good luck with the new site! And good to know you guys were quick to react to slashgear and engadget even if they are being slow to respond!

  556. @Vector66 : Countdown timer will be great…in fact killer. But,at the end of count down, the site should be up. 🙂

  557. Ok notionink.in has changed and now takes you to an eap page. Hope there is more coming:)

  558. See that is why you have the 2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1

    It gets frozen there so they have time, well hoping it is in some closeness 🙂

    But Rohan said it should be soon. I cannot wait any longer I have to get some sleep.

  559. @Vector66

    It is registered to Neurotron, Inc. Serial no. 85040252 in the list that comes up for mark search on “NI” at TESS.

    I guess most of the logo contestants are/were not even aware of something like TESS.

    Mike, by the time I came back you were logged out and it was well past midnight on a weekend for you, so didn’t ping 🙂

  560. @raviraj
    yes all these facilites r there and even more features than any other tablet .even if ipad 2 comes it cant beat adam…..apple only try to fool their customers by giving one by 1 every year….hihi

  561. Well hit me up tomorrow if you want Sri, well its 3am here for me and I am going to pay for this weekend of no sleep thanks Notion Ink 🙂

  562. well then start making an archive now, by copy pasting and making a good adam archive book. if its made online, all of us can contribute… 🙂

  563. Dear Notion Ink,

    Great Picture on notionlink.in. Apps Flying to Adam 😉

    Is there an new information about Adams FFC-Status or Release/Preorder?

    Cannot await it anymore. It´s so amazing.


  564. its made for the left hand so you can still touch and type with the right, its alot easier to move a mouse with your left hand then type. Rohan says at first its weird but in the end its really good to use

  565. Really glad to see it is there! Thought the trackpad might have been left out. I am curious though as to how you will stop your fingers from pressing it by accident when holding it in landscape view?? It would be to laborious to have a switch to enable and disable it all the time IMO.

  566. Andre Rodrigues is his full name I believe. Someone stumbled upon his website earlier in the blog: ousiadroid.com

  567. Notion ink new site , page by page it is trickling in !
    Till now, we have not seen the information we wanted, the Date field :J

  568. Andre, awesome!!!

    Are you the only graphic designer?

    I like your work. I love clean vector work 🙂

    Any chance to get a copy of the adam insignia? I mean for wallpaper designs and all

    What are you using for your 3d style work?

    Sorry just interested 🙂


  569. just shows how reliable all these blogs are, heh.
    The only source I trust about the Adam is this blog and nothing else. For a good reason 🙂

  570. Sowmya, Hey!!!

    I would be more then happy to take that challenge on if people were interested. Because in turn it is the growth of Notion Ink good or bad.

    I am thinking the .xml files are already here there has to be a way to have an app import them and we can PDF the front pages of the blog somehow and make it look nice. Maybe a flash style book 🙂

  571. I am reading you can export your .xml files from your dashboard from WordPress.

    Rohan are you guys interested in archiving this in some cool fashion?


  572. I think some type of PDF document or some online document that can be accessed through the Notion Ink website for memorabilia.

    We are willing to make it happen, well at least I am 🙂 I cannot speak for others until they say so 🙂

  573. Mike Hey!!!
    well i suppose there shouldn’t be any issue with that… i would be happy to revisit my crazy past any day.. 🙂 so it should be a good addition…

  574. Touchpad is on top left side if you look at the image. I assume this is done so that even if you hold it vertical, it will be convenient to use/reach. Image if it was on right side?

  575. Hi,

    Unofortunately, no, that was just a document I was viewing. A review I had written of the game for Top Gear Magazine. Is there a Split Second out for android? I certainly hope so, because its one wicked game.

  576. PDF is easy…just 5 seconds to convert. Right click on this page , select print.. then select print to PDF. Just done it.This page is 8 MB @ 300 dpi. My operating system is Linux Mint 9.

  577. for rest of the world who where not following the blog but hear about adam it is in labour room as Andreu said adam is sayin”I am coming”:-)

  578. Engadget is just unhappy that Slashgear got some great face time with Rohan/ADAM at CES 2010 instead of them.

  579. AHHH I didn’t even think of that, I think PDF would be cool right? We can make a book out of PDF well they are books technically but if we can go back far enough have all of them.

    Mine was only 3mb hmm.

    But I think it is a cool idea. “The birth of the Adam”

  580. ya a simple pdf conversion would do good.. and we can add some nice graphics to this book
    “The birth of the ADAM 1.0”
    Adam’s family spl edition

  581. I think it would be a very nice thing to archive 🙂

    I can put something my website where we can put these pages?

    If you register we can submit articles and get them all in one spot

    or better yet, i just made a category on the forum to upload all the pages created

    Yes I agree Sowmya we can make it look nice once we get GOOD PDF pages

    We have to make sure the PDF looks good and setup properly.

  582. I created the category to have these documents, the biggest thing is to make sure when we create the PDF that it looks good ah yes you said yours were in 300dpi

    They will have to be in 300dpi incase it ever gets recreated in print.

    Thanks and hope to see some good contributions, can we get all the blogs?


  583. Hi rohan:

    I’m worried about a news published in one of the most important technology blog in Spain: Xataka:

    Acording with the article, the release data for adam is going to be february. They said that they have information from a spanish programer enroled in Genesis and scheluded date are:

    Early december—–> SDK
    Late december —–> Test adam unit for EAP and confidentiality agreement
    Febraury ————> Comercial table.

    They said that this dates comes form a Genesis programmer and that he has recived this dates form Notion ink…

    Rohan, could you comfirm this information…. This worries me a lot…

  584. I’m following this tablet since long time. The problem is to read 1000 post or more of each article, it is quite impossible.

    I have read in a Spanish blog that the SDK will be released in December for developers and the tablet for end users will be delivered in February. If this is true, maybe will be a little bit late. But I’m prepared to await for it.

  585. Been watching Adam for a very long time and just wanted to say what a great job you guys have done and l am really looking forward to the finished product!

    This is the reason l don’t have an ipad:)

    Love the design/functionality and all the info. your giving us!

  586. Just ported the adam boot animation to my htc desire. Makes the long wait feel a little shorter. 😉

  587. Ja, ja ,ja. I realize we read the same blog. I have just write this schedule some posts above.

  588. IMO answers to these questions need to be addressed by the time pre-order starts, by no means NI is “obligated” to reveal anything and any info that we get now is a bonus

  589. See when you tell someone to keep it a sercret…..THEY DON’T 😦

    I am NOT part of the EAP program

    But it DOES stink this was already leaked.

    Since you showed interest in Adam, we would like to give you the access to our Pre-Booking Services. We have received a lot of orders already and will be out of stock even before mid-January, but we have reserved few products to the Waiting List candidates who can book their Adam on the first come first serve basis full 2 weeks before Pre-Booking starts for general public.

    Can we just get a head nod or what not to see if this is just a GENERAL statement?

    Are bloggers “general public”? 🙂

    Can’t wait to see the new site!!! BUT have to sleep now.

  590. Being an Adam fan does not mean I will wait endlessly ! I will scout for options, if it is delayed to Feb/Mar next year. And the price point advantage Adam has today will vanish when there are so many options available in the market. ASUS eePad $400-$500 range is the the next best bet.

  591. I’m really glad and satisfied that the issue about Neurotron logo was treated by Rohan in a right way! And I still remember how defenders of Pratik were attacking me..
    Well, guys, face the reality now 🙂

  592. I’m really glad and satisfied that the issue about Neurotron logo was treated by Rohan in a right way! And I still remember how defenders of Pratik were attacking me..
    Well, guys, face the reality now

  593. Looks like investors and legal will kill him if he communicate the dates.
    Customers can wait 🙂

  594. Am refreshing the notionink.com and .in sites like mad 😦 …….

    Hope to see the new site soon

  595. 48 hours have come and gone…Rohan should learn to keep some buffer when committing time. Then , if you deliver early,it will look good. After all we in India work on IST – Indian Stretchable Time 🙂 Hope its up by end of the day

  596. Was hoping to see the site by evening….Rohan…please add sufficient buffer when you give timelines….

  597. I fear that the release date of ADAM will be after iPad2 release 🙂

    I think there is to much to do (no EAP, no Beta tests, no stable software today) before ADAM will be released 😦

    I’m very sorry about that 🙂

  598. I fear that the release date of ADAM will be after iPad2 release 😦

    I think there is to much to do (no EAP, no Beta tests, no stable software today) before ADAM will be released 😦

    I’m very sorry about that 😦

  599. notionink.in has a bit change now. it says “stay tuned”

    hope the site is getting launched in minutes

  600. i showed the introducing adam video to a friend today.
    11 seconds into the video, he blurted out “i’m getting one”
    at the end of the video he said “i’m getting two”

    : )

  601. @sowmya – it was more a request than a statement! I too used to be a programmer who gave enthusiastic timelines when I was young with the hope of finishing it off. Through experience, found out it is better to give longer deadlines and deliver it before committed time. I fully appreciate and understand the effort from their part to get things moving. So it was never an accusation.

    It is no longer we and them (adam team)…it is more of an us now as far as I am concerned. So have the same feeling as that of someone who is part of the team.


  602. Holy cow, I didn’t get any sleep and am tired as can be from trying to stay up to see the new website and it still isn’t up?

    Guys stop trying to fish through their servers to find new stuff, we will see the new information when it comes! 🙂

    You keep grabbing at nothing (old information)

    I thought I would seea website though hours later.



  603. @Roahn,

    As per Quandite’s question below about the new site being the .com or the .in site, may I suggest that you update both sites so neither has outdated info…

  604. actually nothing other than the product itself is in Rohan’s control…. and rightly so… he left it in safe hands; they will deal with it…. same with marketing, price etc. am sure there is an army of teams dealing with that in the background…

    and hey lets give poor Andre some time to fine tune the site before he opens it up to traffic…. pls. remember its not just the content itself this time… they need to make sure they have the capacity on their servers etc. to deal with the traffic… on that note if Andre is reading this – it will not be a bad idea to think of mirror hosts across the world in the future once NI gets a chance to tease out the analytics based on the hits

  605. Guys I think you may have you attention on the wrong site. Remember the attrocious notionink(dot)com website? Well that has all changed and also displays the stay tuned. Seeings as this is the website displayed at the end of the teaser, you may want to focuss your attention over there.

  606. now i strongly support the undo mail feature..
    I had this blog opened in the background, and soon after reading some comments,i wanted to reply , tot would do a little later after i am done with my work, so i switched over to another window to send some really important mails.. my god.. didn’t know what i was thinking, i included a smiley in my mail.. 🙂 :)… i didn’t realize until i checked my sent items again… i so damn wished that i had the undo mail feature…

  607. +1

    My daughter has to sync her itouch every night! I’ve been thinking about sending apple my electricity bill! Plus the fact that slows down the computer, and eats up her memory.

  608. It looks like the iPad 2 will also be released in Q1, I am looking forward to the review iPad 2 vs Adam. 🙂 If the Adam comes out on top it will be front page news in the tech magazines, that´s the kind of free publicity that can help NI survive the battle of the tablets.

  609. Andre, Rohan — if any one of is listening: Please give us a timeline for the updated website. It is starting to get extremely annoying to check the website every few minutes. I am finding myself completely distracted.

    Not saying that this is your fault but it would help us a lot. Thanks!

  610. Yes, I completely agree too. Pratik should still get his well deserved prize. I’m afraid I’m being selfish in this wish though!

  611. Rohan,

    Both notion dot com and notionink dot in is having same pages displayed. An error.? And both display “notion ink dvelopers” in tabs (firefox).

    Twin sites? fail to see the logic.

  612. The Galaxy Tab went on sale in mid-October and has since surpassed sales of more than 600,000 units globally and is expected to breach the 1 million mark by the end of the year.

    adam is missing holiday season rush!!

  613. unless one could smell something fresh being cooked in NI labs, we should not have any reason to entertain any other rumours around the dates – Rohan’s blog update a few weeks back is the official word as of now – before Christmas or worst case CES (ie., Jan 6-9)

  614. The Ipad 2 will probably just have the cheap camera upgrade they installed on the new ipod touch [horrible quality camera by the way] and a few software / app upgrades [maybe a mickey mouse “multi-tasking” ability that their marketing team will translate into “ground-shattering first for tablet users! Increase productivity by 1700.52%”]

    Apple’s in a bind with their current form factor. They can’t go with an HDMI port [unless it’s proprietary and figure out a way to make the pin connector fit the height of the ipad], itunes is still on lockdown, so any “freedom” to file browse / multitask will be severely crippled.

    I’m certain the mainstream public will jump at the upgrades Apple puts in the dog bowl for them to lap up.

  615. +1 I understand their enthusiasm, but your are right, they keep posting links to old stuff.

  616. Hi Rohan,
    48 hrs gone long back, still no sign of website up and running.
    It’s really annoying.

  617. Look at ousiadroid’s latest tweet. He is a designer for NI.

    @mojorojo Bengaluru! Help na! Know any nice, fun, live performance spaces in Bangalore? Seats between 200 and 500 people?

    I think that NI may be preparing for a press conference! They may start advertising adam!

  618. Thanks so much for the reply, I was just hoping. There were rumors of an android version coming out but nothing substantial. I hope to see some fantastic games developed for the adam though keep up the great work.

  619. Hey people… !!! need some help

    as a student !! what are the ways one can contribute to adam .. !! ????

    am confused !! .. but looking forward to help and support them !!

    pls send me ur suggestions

  620. I doubt it that we’ll get a new website within the next 12 hours unless Rohan and team are not in india because its already 9:30 P.M. here and i doubt it that they’ll work through the night

  621. Sending fake/misleading e-mails with the sole purpose of hurting other people/companies is a crime. So, yes, NI may be at fault for not moving a little quicker, but it is not at fault for the confusion created by bullies.

  622. @Sai you are a bit late for EAP program but don’t worry what actually Adam needs is :
    1)Good apps
    2)Better apps
    3)even better apps 😛

    just kidding but you can contribute by creating apps (the sdk will be out soon), present Adam to other people and if you have any suggestion you can send it to notion ink and they will see it late or soon!



  623. I don’t think so Rahul,

    I am quite sure Rohan is working on IST but definitely there will be a site update or at-least an update on the blog before he signs off from office 🙂

    Rohan, Please give us some good news

  624. not every one in NI needs to work through the night to get the website up…although I think all of they may work through the night for other reasons, as we have seen in the past from these guys!
    we have to keep the faith in this great team NI.


  625. You can simply help Spread the word… The more product Notion Ink sells, the more money they will have for future improvements to the Adam as well as for new products, etc. Which in turn will benefit everyone…

    So tell everyone, help them understand why Adam is better than product X.

    You can leave comments to articles that appear on tech blogs like slashgear, engadget, and so many others (but don’t let yourself get lured into an argument with other brand owners when they disagree with your comments).

    Whenever you visit a store that has computers, tablets, etc with internet connectivity, take a moment to open the browser and got to NI’s site or another site with good with an article on the Adam and leave it on that page for the next customer to see.

    If you have a popular website, blog, twitter account, facebook page, etc, be sure to use it to spread the word…

    Anyone else have any ideas?

  626. From all accounts Rohan is a perfectionist, so when the website goes live, it will be AWESOME.

    I wouldn’t lose sleep over it though. Making the magic happen takes time.

  627. @bruce right now NI try to update the forums and other stuff to become grand public! and anyway the notionink.in has old information and picture so i am glad that is down! and i think we should wait until they finished the tunning and after that see what will happend 😉 any way i think it make sens to have a redirect from notionink.in to notionink.com in that way anyone will accede to the same site!



  628. That was supposed to appear under Sai Prashanth comment above, where he asked what he can do to contribute…

  629. @Sowmya Gmail already have this functionality and microsoft try to implement it 😉 so if you are on gmail go to labs and enable the function 😉



  630. well.. it wasn’t gmail that was the prob… 🙂

    in gmail it gets displayed rite on top as soon as u send the mail rite.. i mean if u turn on the feature.. !

  631. Greg:
    > Anyone else have any ideas?


    Get girl scouts to sell NI-branded cookies. (We’ll need the logo design for these).

    NI graffiti on high-visibility surfaces such as police cars.

    Genetically modified talking shrimp to tell you about NI before you eat them

    Hack DNS servers to redirect to NI site.

    If you meant, does anybody have any GOOD idea, well, no, I don’t have any of those.

  632. Have a feeling that they will be twin sites in the beginning, and why not?
    Region specific details can be added down the line as marketing goes full swing!

  633. @Jason. Of course there are people disenchanted or like you guys put it ‘frustrated’. IMHO you forget that there might be people who have been following this Adam for long and who like to react to such ‘frustrations’. It is very fair, Tobi, bruce and Jason have all their own reasons to splurt( splurt 🙂 ).

    like bruce I am sure there might be a lot of people here who might have felt the same. I believe he put it in a polite way. As bruce pointed out, I am also worried at the “intonation” of Tobi’s message with words about : “startup from INDIA”.

    Just a thought that may be inspiring: Rohan & Co would release THEIR product, as per the decisions and philosophy they believe in(I believe this includes all of us and more). They will the first and the most desperate to include market demands et al in their decisions(like not etching Adam into the shopping lists for Halloween or thanksgiving or practically maybe even Christmas)). But one thing is for sure; their decisions will not be a hasty response to demands even from genuine Adam-followers ……

  634. I hope you can find this Civil. I have been a mechanic all my life. I think that washing parts in solvent might have something to do with it. The first time I was finger printed for a gun permit the officer couldn’t get anything but smudges. At the last renewal they had a high tech digital print scanner and it would not work on my right index finger and he had to make a note on the permit.

    Anyway I have never felt as though I have dry skin but I never have what some would call sweaty palms. In fact if my hands are damp or the least bit sticky it will drive me nuts. I haven’t lost any tactile feeling if anything it is more acute because of my work. Most people are amazed when I work on real tiny things because my hands are so large, XXXL gloves and those don’t fit right either.

    I sound like a real freak. I am going to go back and fool with the I pad because touching the screen caused things to highlight but I couldn’t get any to print. Maybe they had something locked off.

    thanks for the reply……………………Tom C

  635. I agree. A company only needs one website. The forum can be part of that site, and of course they can have an area on that site accessible only to developers.

    That way you can also have one account to login to use the forum, log support requests, register products, access the developer area, etc.

    And like most everyone else, I feel they should use the .com address and redirect traffic from the .ni domain since a lot of people are familiar with it and may have already bookmarked it.

  636. I think some of your ideas are good. Illegal, but good. At least in the sense that they would bring a lot of attention to NI.

  637. Hi NI Team!

    I’m thrilled to see the first real update in (at least) months – it may be padded with more tech features, but it’s nice to see something demonstrating what part of the actual experience is (not that I dislike technical talk of CMOS or n-gates, but seems I should have an actual understanding of what the product does prior to that level of technical detail).

    Glad to see the forum is up to. I’ll definitely be checking up on it.

    Hope to hear more about Adam in the upcoming weeks.

  638. It would be the first ever e-book on the birth of a start up company, as told by its followers. It will also be an e-book on the history of a blog, as told by its folloers!
    No editing, right?
    The problem is…Do we have to ask for everyone consent?

  639. @Rohan,

    You have enormous challenges balancing lawyers, designers, investors, etc., not to mention a little sleep we hope? We have come to trust and rely on the facts, from you, from this blog, and nowhere else. Look forward to the .com and .in site updates and pre-ordering WHEN you are ready. Thanks to all!

  640. @pj.. thank ya for the info anyways..
    btw i found that only today after i hit the panic button … and wished i had all official e mail accounts with gmail itself. !

  641. welll.. may be NI can give out sample shirts with the logo… and a catchy slogan.. or NI fans can make one themselves.. wear it on the streets or when u go for play.. It will attract attention by itself..

  642. @ Tom C

    Uh Oh… You mentioned being fingerprinted for a “Gun Permit”.

    I have a feeling wtff and gecko may send comments and questions your way. Best to take the 5th to avoid on going debate. And I hope for your sake you don’t live in Utah too. gecko will have a field day with that! 😉

  643. At the very least, you and your gun are likely to have a role in an upcoming chapter of wtff’s story… LOL

  644. +100

    “Stay tuned..” Still work in progress. But with this, the links to the old sites are broken, so no more bully induced confusion.

  645. Yessss! I’ve been waiting for a finalized logo so I can get an NI shirt! Great idea… Of course I’ll need a few shirts so I can wear one everyday. 😉

  646. On a minor note, as long as we’re talking file systems, I’d like to hear something regarding protecting files and folders – if I share my device with a friend, will he have access to all my banking, business, etc. files, or is there (at least) a minimal way to secure these documents?

    I gather the filesystem is likely ext3/ext4?

  647. Hi All,
    It has been almost a year that I have been following this blog as well as NI. Not commented so far. Although I am an ardent fan of NI and team, I would like to mention certain points both +ive and -ive
    1. Stick to your commitments. In case you are not able to make it let him/her know well in advance. (I have handled customers globally and this has always worked for me)
    2. I like apple products but dont buy them :). Dont like the fact that I am constrained by Mr Jobs. However they know their stuff. One of the reasons for the success of apple touch devices is their screen sensitivity and accuracy. I really hope we can reach that level with our Adam screen, with the kind of feature set an innovation, NI is bound to succeed. Use an iPhone and a Nexus one (I own one) and you’ll know what I am talking about.
    3. Greg, I fully agree with you on spreading the word and have been doing so for quite a while. (I have managed to stop 3 of my friends from buying an iPAD…not sure how long they are going to wait..:( )
    4. I hope NI adam will be able to create a new category of consumer base away from the millions iPad already sold.
    5. I really feel sorry for myself that I have left application development of quite some time am not able to contribute in anyway 😦

    Go Adam Go……

  648. The ad implied it’d be available immediately out of stores, I gather? You may be able to do that soon in select retail locations.

  649. hmmm i guess there is a huge sea of difference between ‘soon near a store’ and ‘immediate’… so we might need to wait for a little longer…

  650. Site up yet? We’ve probably reached 1,000 posts on this update the fastest. Haven’t we?

  651. @gecko court jester,

    Now my dreams will be filled with rows and rows and rows of talking shrimp, playing electric guitars and singing an NI theme song … any musicians among us want to write the notes?


    TShirts with rows and rows and rows of talking shrimp singing NI theme song, lit up by little LED lights …

  652. @mike
    … a minimalistic design with the logo in the front and a catchy one line slogan at the back of the shirt….would be good…

  653. Yeah I am thinking that if you either sign up or enter a name for your comment it is public knowledge. Sorry I haven’t slept yet so I haven’t done anything on the book yet, has anyone gotten anything together yet? Yes I think it is a great idea to put together a nice little one PDF showing the growth of the community.

    Please remember though if you make PDF files they have to be at 300dpi in case it ever gets printed….ah just thought of that though, all of this is at 72dpi, unless we have high resolution pics it will not matter.

  654. Well if a final logo design does come out and I can get a high quality shot of it I think that would be sweet….

    Of course we have to have sexy women’s shirts and nice ones for the men also 🙂

    No offense but how funny would that be? catch phrase like “I see you looking at my Adam” 🙂

  655. I do not think there is physically a need for two websites if they are served obviously on the same servers or have the exact information, a simple redirect would be suffice just seems like a lot of overhead but if it is just simple HTML it’s not a big deal but if databases are involved like mine that would be killer maintenance.

  656. @ Sowmya… Nice thought.. I think we can really pull it off… Well let’s request Victorr66(mike), Gigantor, greg and ofcourse specially GECKO to give us some ideas for a graphic tee.. I have couple of my relatives as well as some friends who are into this business.. and we can tell them to make some TEEs for us.. Wat Say??

  657. I think the monmouth reaction is happening again! It has been two days, and this post is reaching 1000 soon. I believe it will be that way no matter what. It is a testament of the Adam popularity. Nothing wrong with that.

  658. Can I have pyjamas with it: ‘In bed with Adam and …?’
    Thanks for all the info here.

    Am really anxious, and worry I won’t have one with X-mas. Having two week s off work, preparing to play all time with my Adam. A lot of worries for now and on my mind every hour of the day…
    Will it be available on the site of Notion Ink, or on retailers sites in the Netherlands (if the latter, on which one)?
    Will it be announced, or ready for ordering out of the blue?

  659. Well Mike, when the logo is finalized… Get to work!

    I’d like something clean, professional, simple, corporate style (similar to what Sowyma described) AND some humorous designs too. You know, the Adam vs iPad kind.

  660. @Sowmya

    By immediately, I had intended that it would go straight to stores as opposed to pre-orders on private channels of distribution intermediately. I can see how I should have made that a little less obscure, though.

    If nothing else, NI has established well that what we need do is wait (and wait). 😛

  661. @Greg… anything that we want… just give me the Design, Material & form(Tee, shirts, Caps, hoodies, socks etc)…. and price range.. it can be done from as less as 2 dollars…… and M goin to sponor the logistics… how’s that..

  662. yup we can come up with good one liners..and try to get some good stuff…
    “i am an adamholic, are u?” kinds
    and some good facts abt NI may be..

  663. Love this idea! SamDobs, where would you ship from? Logo is still a question mark, unless we go with one of the experimental ones, or WAIT patiently a bit yet … for WORDING, how about some variation of the “THINK INK” phrase one of the logo artists used, maybe combined with “FROM THE BEGINNING”? It sure fits what all us adamyers/adamholics have been doing 🙂 THINK INK THINK INK THINK INK THINK INK

    Maybe words could be in a mobius circle?

  664. @ Sowmya said, on November 22, 2010 at 22:20

    “hmmm i guess there is a huge sea of difference between ‘soon near a store’ and ‘immediate’… so we might need to wait for a little longer…”

    We re getting impatience. But I guess a ‘little longer’ is fine.

  665. Antifa,

    in the moment we are waiting for the ADAM. Part like cases, pen’s canel and so on is in the second row 🙂

  666. 150,000 units may actually be a pretty reasonable number in the grand scheme of things. After all, NI is relatively unknown, especially alongside Samsung – I can see Samsung (600,000 sales first month) selling 4x as many units just on their name alone.

  667. Holy CRAP those numbers are huge. 600k in a month and 300k in a day for iPad. I can’t imagine where things are going seriously with these devices.

    I truly like these and do not think they are a fad either.

  668. Oh do not sweat it, just mail me your first Adam and we will call it even 🙂

    See that is the hard part for me, convincing the wife I NEED another toy, she doesn’t even use her Kindle I got her UGH

  669. – EAP + Beta is probably the same (EAP members testing the beta sw)

    – Stable software we don’t know… some companies release final software that is not even worth a beta label, while others have perfectly stable software while in beta (Gmail for example stayed years in beta)

    iPad2 is expected around April, i’m pretty sure by that time we all enjoying our Adam

  670. @Cathy.. well it wud be shipped from INDIA.. I hope some guys won’t rate it as a rip-scam 🙂
    Well we can take a poll regarding size from the members.. Jus a request pls don’t tell me to make couple of Tees for a particular size… Hope u understand :).. Also let’s finalise a Date and content so I can ship them in one go instead of sending few every now and tehn….:))

  671. Got it, a simple image of the Adam falling from a tree 🙂 bouncing on the words looking like they are catching it saying “Think Ink”

    Ok I thought I liked the idea but not so sure now, OBVIOUSLY I did this in 2 seconds so there is no quality behind it 🙂

    SamDobs that is really awesome on the being able to make them!!!

    I might have to contact you offline to get some stuff 🙂

  672. Gecko, unfortunately, is a test-based creature, doesn’t think in pictures.

    And my favorite t-shirts are ones that have functional messages, which won’t help the Adam cause much, because the function is to get a seat on a crowded subway car. Two t-shirts which performed this function well (both have been experimentally verified) are:

    Ask me about my explosive diarrhea


    Let me tell you about Jesus

  673. I can’t say much about it, but the february -> table date is incorrect afaik.

  674. Sounds good. If import costs to the US make it too expensive there are a few places here that do them at pretty low cost, and in small runs too if needed.

  675. @Vector66
    Just saw your drawing of the adam falling out of a tree. Would peple see that as falling out of an apple tree and then tie the beginning of adam coming from Apple? I you decide to go with this, could adam’s home sheet be on the adam?
    I want to thank all of you for the thought and work you are putting into this.

  676. @GECKO.. that’s wat I was tallking abt… and specially we need u 🙂
    @greg.. don’t worry abt the shipping cost… but if we do not have enough numbers than it might me wise to print it in local places… also that m a Network Enngineer and don’t have a clue abt the process but as well as I know the cost depends upon the material as well the the printing.2 colors, 4 colors… well that’s wat I have learned from them…
    @Vector66… if u need anything pls let me know at samdobs@gmail.com will try my best.. won’t promise u anything at this stage… depends upon ur request as well… :))

  677. “stay tuned…”
    i think that is all we gonna get for today. Team NI must have gone for sleep now(its about 12 am already).

    will check back again first thing tomorrow morning.

  678. Hmm yeah I did the apple tree on purpose to show that not only apples fall haha but didnt really like it, then thought of an ink well spilling out and the Adam coming out of it, a possible adam molecule giving birth to it, so many different ideas….

    Still like my best idea, a woman giving birth to it…haha one shot screaming and the next holding it like a baby haha!!! Crude but inviting. A big smile face on the screen of the adam then 🙂

  679. Am really anxious, and worry I won’t have one with X-mas. Having two weeks off work, preparing to play all time with my Adam. A lot of worries for now and on my mind every hour of the day…
    Will it be available on the site of Notion Ink, or on retailers sites in the Netherlands (if the latter, on which one)?
    Will it be announced, or ready for ordering out of the blue?

  680. Notion Ink T-shirts? Bumperstickers? Socks? Mugs? You guys are becoming worse than Apple fanboys… 😉
    It’s just a tablet people! Calm down.

  681. Although I must say, I’m a little confused: The difference between this and a laptop is what exactly? (apart from the functionality gap)

  682. Sorry, I rushed my comment.
    Actually, the new NI site is finished, internally, but not for the public. It will be fully functional for the public once the Adam is being sold.

  683. I think there’s still quite a jump in between (nothing trumps Apple Culture), but I agree with your premise – kinda jumping the gun, at the very least.

  684. we’ve seen responses from Rohan himself a few times around 2am IST… honestly I dont want anyone to be working that hard but I’ve a feeling not just Rohan there is a whole team out there burning midnight oil there as we speak

    btw, have anyone noticed this to the right –> Blog Stats * 2,117,605 hits

  685. Wow something finally coming up. Can you put some adam in action video/pics so that I am going to open the page at BestBuy and leave it on iPad today evening.

  686. @Rohan.. Pls tell us what exactly 48 hrs mean?? as well as few hrs?? I m not doubting anything here, but will b easy for diehard fans like us to face our friends to him we are pitching abt this product frm last many months… Pls reply if u fell like.. 🙂

  687. I think your site is great too. I do believe it responds to different needs.
    I will register to it too, so I can have a better experience with it. But in any case, people here should understand that they are different, with different features, like the link to all post here, which helps organize when things get too big here. As a matter of fact, this blog is past 1000 posts, in two days!
    So, I see a need for a blog like yours.
    Can both blogs merge? Other have already expressed that idea.

  688. there you go again! you are super human – better than Adam!

    thanks a bunch again Rohan & team NI … will stay put for sure

  689. @Rohan – are you saying new site coming tonight? oright, let’s stay tuned then…dont’ let us wait whole night man..gotta go work tomorrow 😉

  690. I have been waiting patiently for adam for over a year now.I have high hopes for adam but am disappointed at the way things are going now. The website has not been updated as they apparently have run into some issues at the last minute.
    That really beats me because Rohan/Andre were promising the HTML site with a smooth UI experience months ago (mentioned in one of the old blogs). I would have assumed that they would have already developed the website by now and tested it in their test environment. At this stage they should have been ready to push
    the website from test environment to production. They have apparently not given as much thought to the planning/execution process as they have given to the product development. They claim to have global ambitions but for that you also have to adhere to some global standards. I sincerely wish the NI team success and hope that they can deliver what they have promised. Even if they deliver two-thirds of what they promise, adam would be the best tablet in market.

  691. What Reply did you get?

    I see .in now showing the old flash site again. Whats going on?

  692. @Inquisitive…
    R u sure u r getting that Old site?? Coz I don’t see it.. I still “Stay Tuned” page..

  693. Rohan just requested us all to stay tuned as they are hard at work!

    and let me make another guess forget 1000, 10000 … those are much more silently glued to this if the Blog Stats are any indication…. they are going faster than any taxi meter I’ve seen anywhere in the world!

  694. @mrzeal

    With everyone refreshing notionink.com every few minutes, I bet the stats there are really high too.

  695. Just wondering if anyone has heard anything in regards to a drafting tablet?

    I could see that doing well in industry – an affordable tablet to reduce paper waste and improve subversion of design drawings. EPCM and Architecture companies would eat it up almost certainly, in addition to any other design based company (since they deploy more money on drafting desktops annually anyways, it simply makes sense).

    Such a large tablet would basically be work only – can’t see someone carrying a ledger sized tablet with them for anything else lol.

    If it isn’t enroute, might be something to think about after NI gets some notoriaty with Adam. 😉

  696. Ok If i use US DNS servers this is wat I m gettin..
    Oops! Google Chrome could not find http://www.notionink.in
    Try reloading: www. notionink. in
    Additional suggestions:
    Access a cached copy of www. notionink. in
    Search on Google:

    Google Chrome Help – Why am I seeing this page?
    ©2010 Google – Google Home

  697. Atul Tiwari, you’re refreshing every minute? I thought *I* didn’t have a life, but you’re like totally awesome!

  698. thats nothing… I know a real spiderman fan boy all of 5 years who demands and gets everything except for the air he breathes to have a spiderman theme…

    what I was really saying was Apple fanboys cant even beat a 5yr old forget us 🙂

  699. I am in Washington DC and see no flash. Either you didn’t clear your cache or your browser is in offline mode

  700. take it easy… we can always write a wget command to demand the page – only if its really there.. its not there yet; for sure… relax now!

  701. I see what every one can’t. In any case, “Stay Tuned” is the final word on the new site.

    Just wondering for how long ?

    Rohan, what’s the status on FCC approval ?

  702. @ jessie:

    It’s not a matter of thought, it’s matter of experience.They don’t have as much experience with product production and marketing as they do with product development.

    They are, I think, adhering to global standards, which call for companies to be over-optimistic when you announce schedules. For start ups, you have to be ridiculously over-optimistic.

  703. Love them or hate them, Apple has shipped hundreds of million of products. NI has probably produced a couple hundred demo versions and not shipped anything yet (hopefully will change in Jan/Feb). Add the fact that the initial post of person pushing idea (as pointed out above by Harvey186) was to a website that WebOfTrust says is loaded with malware/spyware/trojans and I’d be careful.

  704. now i get the same old site again, but could not have been cache issue – i had tried different browsers. Enough! (Sigh)…..getting back to work!

  705. I can also see the Stay tuned. Its not a flash video(good to not have it). This way iPad can access the site to 🙂 and get more onto adam

  706. Well, at least, the developers are not keeping quiet.

    I did hope it would come to this!

  707. Hmmmm……..

    Hope I am wrong in sensing a hurried job.!!!

    a bit more of professional touch 🙂 Removed the tag of “Notion ink developers” from atleast one of them. ASAP (I know Andre ported from the developer site hence the sense of hurrying.)

  708. Well buddy that was what all the time I was airing on. This is serious business. Even M$ executives realises the days of windows/window like Oses are going to be over soon.

    At the rate these devices will sell, the ecosystem is going to change drastically. Will you buy bloatware (photoshop, nero, MS office etc) when it is just an app away (lean and mean) to do all your job?

    Mike? sumopaint!!!!

    People understand the gravity of a launch of FLAWLESS adam at the go!!!!!

    All the best Rohan and NI

  709. Yes I agree, It is very nice to have clean strong apps like SumoPaint. My gaming laptop kicks butt i7 8gb ram, 5870 Radeon…that is great for when I am gaming but to use that beast for on the go is insane and a net book just looks silly haha.

  710. Well it would not have to be the actual birth. (such a slim…. ouh 😉 )

    Everything before that is interesting too!

    Adam being conceived — Adam slowly growing in the womb — seeing how it begins to move its swivel camera — …


  711. Atul Tiwari

    I tried to register to the notioninktalk forum. Why is it asking me if I lost my password?

  712. if anyone wants to pass time while they await the site launch… try this:

    try to juggle these names and find which sequence twists your tongue the most when you repeat fast!

    Sachin Ralhan, Rohit Rathi, Rohan Shravan

    wonder what everyone else is doing to kill time

  713. Play it on any computer when visiting target, best buy, etc. and the reception of on lookers is like at awe.

  714. twiddle twiddle ……..tab1….f5….f5……twiddle twiddle……………tab2..f5…..f5…….

  715. OK I just got back from Best Buy. Their demo I pads were screwed up yesterday and that is why they were not working for me.

    They are real slick devices though you can understand why they sell so many. I looked at a couple of 7″ Andriod pads one was an Archos. They were not intuitive at all. they felt like junk after playing with an I pad.

    The I pad is so limited though. I asked how I could get my book collection into the I pad and was told through I tunes. I don’t want to do that. I had I tunes on my computer once and I considered it worse than a virus just like quicktime that is another apple based program that I hate. They don’t even have an SD slot to get stuff in and out.

    That is why 600K Galaxys were sold even though they are not close to an optimum solution with a useless 7″ screen.

    …………………….Tom C

  716. The blog menu got updated…
    Finally there is archive and blog stats (2,120,654 hits… wonder how many people are actually responsible for that number 😉 )
    Looks like .in and .com are getting updated so it won’t be another test site this time…
    I’m definitely tuned :-)…

  717. Rohan i have seen and read almost everything about you and notion ink in previous 4 months and i have come to a conclusion about you that is “you are a perfectionist”, you believe everything should be perfect before the launch, coz this is you only shot but i think you already know this that you can’t make everything perfect no matter how hard you try. In the end things will only get better with time and experience.
    You have a huge community here you should take advantage of that fact, a lot of people here including me are ready to anything reasonable to make notion ink a huge success.
    Like someone posted that online flash based app and that is the kind of stuff you need to look at, instead of developing your own paint program you could have just made a deal with them , and i am pretty sure they would have been more than happy to have you guys as partners.
    That is the kind of stuff ipad users will look at and say i want more freedom and i don’t immature tech like HTML 5 which apple is trying to push on internet.
    You would be making two kills with just one bullet.
    And try putting Adam in hands of users this year, you will lose a great deal if it is delayed again.
    Even Samsung sold 600000 tablets, which are pure crap you people stand a much better chance.

  718. @ vector, @rowan
    I appreciate your concern – but think about it. Out of the tidbits Rohan has been able to show us so far, what would be usable in a marketing campaign to the general public? I agree – I want Notion Ink to succeed. I want an adam (I didn’t even realize I wanted/needed a tablet until I found adam) in the worst way. But the general public in the US at least, is accustomed to seeing finished products. A rendering of a UI or a video of a concept isn’t going to get any customers. Let the Notion Ink crew do their work. Looking over their shoulders and asking, “Are you done yet? Are you done yet? How about now? Now?” isn’t going to help them finish faster. I’m sure they are aware of the timing issues, but you can only hurry things so much. It will be done when it’s done.

    Having said that, can we see more Rohan? Pleeeaaasssse?

  719. Make this a stock Android tablet and commit to updating the OS rapidly with each major release and I’ll preorder 2. Keep going this stupid custom os and framework route and I’ll look to Samsung et al.

  720. Site will be up in 10 mins! 🙂

    Thanks to all who were waiting with us! (Whole night there will be bug fixing here). Might take little long for your DNS to respond though!


  721. Yeah, great news!

    Care to share direct IP adress? 😀
    This way we could bypass slow DNS servers.

  722. RV,

    I hear you – Collaboration and Open Source is the key in this fiercely competitive market. but vision has to be long term – and Rohan must be guiding his investors very clearly for his strategy. I believe young CEO, wants to bring novelty to the world in style – so people just don’t get impress by sturdy Hardware but excellent software too.

    I personally don’t think numbers matter of what’s been sold – they never publish how many returned , or how many sold with special promotion.

  723. That pic (or rendering) of the Adam on the website has the borders all equal widths with the top border which is quite wide. Please tell me that the final product will have narrower bezels on the right, left and bottom sides.

  724. Greg, both sites look identical to me. “Stay tuned.” I’m hoping they’re finally connected.

  725. I work with AutoCAD and current mouse technology is good enough for digitizing unless you will be digitizing maps and anything that needs CAD translation that requires accuracy and precision. You want a digitizer/digitizing tablet like the Wacom that can be used by graphic artiststs. That is being requested here already and may in fact be the secret feature that Rohan was talking about.

  726. +1 It already has been the longest 10 minutes if my life. Anyone know how long it has actually been?

  727. Just saw the updated notionink.in website. Finally!
    keep up the good work rohan. Hope to see a LOT more of adam marketed in the web. Please give as many interviews, tit bits to different website, etc. Please get the word out there. any press is good press!

  728. Much better website. Well done.

    It’s just missing a “pre-order,” “store” or “buy now” link!

  729. You guys might kill the server…sight looks neater but thick bezel stays 😦

    I guess I wouldn’t mind it so much had I not seen the thinner one. 🙂

  730. OMG!!!!
    awesome !!!!

    Congrats Rohan for this milestone!!
    where did I keep my beer bottle?…. ah … here it is..

    To Rohan and NI CHEEEEEERSSS!!

  731. I am so glad for the update. very informative. Based on what you’ve written, the adam appears to be a wonderfully innovative device. Can’t wait until next saturday.

  732. I should have know you would still be providing lots of teases. “Apps you have never seen before… coming soon!”

    okay, back to checking it out.

  733. Memory+Storage

    * 1GB DDR2 RAM
    * 1GB SLC
    * 8+ GB Flash
    * Micro-SD Card support
    Where do the 16gb and 32 gb come in,are they the micro sd options?

  734. I just found one bug maybe it would be easy since everyone will read everything thrice here if you find a bug just add it on to my post.

    So here is mine:
    On the page about the material it says aluminium alloy making making it light yet strong…

    delete one making

  735. The dot com site is awesome – now an evening of going through all the details.. Will there be a blog to replace this thing???
    Great job — Great things come to those who wait!!!

  736. @ Rohan,

    Please explain “8+ GB Flash” in the specs. I assume that means there still could be 16, 32, 64 GB models, right? Please tell me we are not limited to 8GB of internal storage…

    I love the “Bonus mystery feature ;)” spec! LOL

  737. okay finally saw it but genesis and software an all are taking a lot of time to load on GPRS connection. But at least the animation looks kool.

  738. Wait a second, Memory+Storage says “8+GB flash”: what does this mean? Does this mean that 8GB is the minimum and that higher end models have more? How more exactly?

  739. I see red on the hands while opening the panels? on both the videos; does any one else see it too?

  740. Looks like the docking port and the trackpad have been removed from the Specs.
    @ Rohan, please can you confirm that?

  741. The updated website is lacking in details. It is missing for example the use case scenarios. The layman is more interested in the use case rather than the magnalium alloy/golden ration stuff. Compare it with the galaxy tab website http://galaxytab.samsungmobile.com/. IMO, the galaxy tab website offers a better UX.

  742. Bravo Andre and “Team” I really like the look and that you said more will be coming, this is a great start.

    Design aspect is really nice, fresh look that I think it should have.

    Is there a way to still get the “adam” insignia if we are going to design wallpapers?

    Worth the wait guys…lets just hope the servers can handle a good load.

    OH I see now we can see the archives of the WordPress, are we still on for making the birth of Adam Sowmya? This will make life easier.

  743. My first language is not english, but I think there is something wrong in this sentence on the “about”-page:

    Adam is just the beginning, and there are areas where Notion Ink will enter, to challenge the norm, redefine the species “or if need be to completely define a new one!”

    The last part (in “) needs change me thinks, somthing like:

    or if there is (the) need, to completely define a new one!

  744. Is great to finally see the new website! Now we should consider the all those Specs official 🙂

    Now waiting for a demo, pre-order, or order button!

  745. Looks like the site is still for “us, the fans” than for general consumers!

    Will come soon I hope.

  746. oh forgot it:D :

    For any sneaky fellows looking through the code, heres a tidbit for you, theres a very awesome hidden sensor we’re gonna be revealing soon 😀

  747. Rohan,
    One suggestion if I may
    The links for DESIGN SOFTWARE GENESIS TECH SPECS are not accessible once you choose top menu items DEVELOPERS, ABOUT, BLOG etc…

    So there is a good chance that the first time visitor will miss out on information about all the stuff that makes adam the coolest gadget.

    On top of that, I remember you commenting on research showing “F” style reading pattern in majority of readers, so may be the links on the bottom part should be on the left…

    You guys know best…this is only a suggestion.


  748. Good job on the website….but nothing really new.
    Missing the “preorder page” 🙂

    GalaxyTab has sold 600.000+ units…could have been all Adams……
    But patience is a virtue….

    (…have been very patient…)

    Good job, Rohan and team! Keep it going…almost there!

    Besides: the logocontest was a good idea, but having a unique logo is a marketing advantage…maybe rather go with the second winner…?

    Regards, steffen

  749. Hey,
    Thanks, we really appreciate the compliments. Yes, definately, Ill post the artwork on the website as soon as possible

  750. I would suggest:

    Adam is just the beginning, and there are areas where Notion Ink will enter, to challenge the norm, redefine the species “or if needed, completely define a new one!”

  751. Thanks Andre! You did a great job!!!

    And I know it took more people than just Andre to get it this far. So thanks to everyone at NI (and possibly elsewhere) that helped out.

    I’m sure everyone will keep checking the site for updates. Perhaps you can post here to let us know when you have added something.

    @Rohan, Maybe you should do a new/separate blog post to announce the website (not just in the comments of this post). The tech sites are more likely to pick up on it if you do.

    Thanks everyone! We are looking forward to even more great things of the next few days and weeks.

  752. design page loads and look better for me in IE

    in firefox(ver 3.6.12) ,the bottom images are getting little cut(not that bad), so better symmetric for me in IE

    way i can attach screen-shot here?

  753. in 8+ part, if this part is still based on eMMC then it means they can make 8,16,32 and maybe even 64 without any problem on the same production line

  754. i’m hoping this will be part of the additional content coming to the site that Andre mentioned… or perhaps we’ll have to wait for Adam 2 to have the trackpad?

  755. if I can be picky… under curve description: both in landscape *and* portrait modes — instead of *or*

    there is still a prominent red patch on the right hand and in between fingers while opening the panels in both the videos… dont know if this was intentional?

  756. i m dissappointed…not the kinda site i was expecting….i request you to get hold of an Ad agency and get some professional help…i m not criticising. I was just expecting better. And also want this product to make it big!


    it looks cool to a layman and that preety much make up the opinion about the product.

  757. is 8GB the supplied one and the rest we have to buy it ourselves? or Adam cannot support more than 8GB external? (I hope not!)

  758. Why is the back side track pad not on the tech specifications list?

    Is this the mystery feature Rohan is talking about? I’d hate to ruin it if that’s new news to some people :\

    First post on the blog but have been a regular reader, looking forward to the release!

  759. My first impressions:
    -> thin bezels according to specs (about 17mm right and left)
    -> only 8 (maybe more) GB Flash
    -> hidden feature: a sensor (according to this: For any sneaky fellows looking through the code, heres a tidbit for you, theres a very awesome hidden sensor we’re gonna be revealing soon ) hopefully an active digitizer or the trackpad

  760. Rohan, will do, yes I think you guys need a “Team” page. Without you guys this wouldn’t be becoming a realism and i feel it is a privilege to be part of the process.

    Aravind, great job on the design…wait graphics???? Andre!!! 🙂 haha

  761. I sure hope the tech sites are not as confused as many of us here are about the “8+ GB Flash” description for storage.

    Using logic and what I know about the Adam, I have to assume that means 8 GB is the minimum amount of internal flash storage but there can also be 16, 32, 64 GB options too.

    @Rohan, if that is not something you have to keep under wraps until the public announcement, please change the specifications page to make it more clear to every one.

    I’d hate to see the tech blogs comparing Adam to others and stating it offers less storage if that is in fact not true…

  762. Just sent out note abt the new site to Technology blog
    1. Engadget
    2, Gizmodo

    …hope is it will picks up more “buzz” to outside world.

    Lets ball rollin

  763. on the “camera placement”-page

    “…Augmented reality App” – I guess augmented and app needs to be small

    and the dot after augmented reality app is missing

  764. Andre thanks a ton!!!

    Oh and on a serious note, do you have any dishes to wash so I can afford to buy one? I am not making a mock at the price, I just need to find the money…hmmm let me go check the couch cushions….maybe some in the car….hmmmm…… “Wifey!!! Can I have some of my money?”

  765. Some of the English is downright weird. I don’t know what to make of this:

    > It is only the second time since beginning, that math and instinct have come together to create, Adam.

    If it were “since the beginning,” that at least would be grammatical, but it doesn’t make any sense to me, and at the last comma, it dissolves completely into gibberish. I’d like to suggest better wording, but I really don’t know what they’re trying to get across. Here’s a guess, though: “It is only the second time since creation that math and instinct have come together to create: Adam.” But I don’t know what math or instinct have to do with the creation of the first Adam, so this may not be a good guess.

    Also, most of their instances of “it’s” should be “its” (it’s = it is; its = possessive). Yeah, there are a lot of native English speakers who get them mixed up, but I hope NI is aiming for something better than the mean of the American educational system.

    Also – this is important – the memory under the tech specs lists “8+ gb flash.” If Adam’s going to have optional 16 or 32, they really need to say that. A lot of people were asking for 64 gigs here. The plus sign may be mathematically accurate, but it gives a very unfavorable impression.

    Also, that toilet-paper thing that splays out in the background really shouldn’t interfere with the foreground. It covers part of the Adam on the opening page, making it look like the machine has an indentation of some kind or maybe is in two parts. If you stare at it for few seconds, you can figure out what’s going on, that Adam is just hidden by a piece of toilet paper. But the very first impression people get of the machine should not be misleading – and you don’t want to give the impression that NI is a company that gets some carried away with their design cleverness that they will sacrifice some basic function such as getting the message across.

    These are all nits, and rather ill tempered ones. The site is nice aside from that. The hand model in the animations has very neatly trimmed nails.

  766. I think the 1GB DDR2 RAM would be the main memory, the 1GB SLC is most likely fast SSD memory (for apps and swap?).

    The 8+GB hopefully mean different options (8, 16, 32, maybe 64gb) for internal storage, meaning for music, pictures, videos, expanding memory for apps? …

    I’m excited about the 1GB SLC and 1GB RAM (although we knew about the RAM) because I saw the effects an SSD has on system speed (kinda doubled the speed of my old laptop)!

    I hope Rohan will clarify these things in the next blog post!!!

  767. @Vector66

    Sell me your Wacom for $500 and you will have the money for your Adam! Heck, you can even sell me your new gaming laptop for $500… 😉

  768. Hey did you see in the Tech specs the flash memory is 8+. Plus to what wouldn’t 64Gigs be great or even better an expansion slot on the mother board.

    ………………………Tom C

  769. This is what we are looking forward with some video like galaxyTab. The current site looks awesome. People other than adam fans wouldn’t know much whats in adam other than techspecs. Please add more content animation to attract more.

  770. notionink.in has the old favicon

    “For any sneaky fellows looking through the code, heres a tidbit for you, theres a very awesome hidden sensor we’re gonna be revealing soon :D”

    hahaha very good 😉

  771. > On Adam, just open these 2 storage locations as panels (distinct instances) and voila!

    like 50 years ago, books on the shelves ?
    While can’t the computer just show difference ?

  772. (I am a long time lurker, but this is my first time posting. Great job on everything so far.)

    On the website, I have noticed at least one typo. It is under the “Design” section describing “the Philosophy.”

    “It is only the second time since beginning, that math and instinct have come together to create, Adam.”

    This should be corrected to: “the beginning”

  773. Maybe 17 days till they launch it in New York!? I can’t believe how perfect that would be!

  774. @Rohan: You have a typo in your blog posting. Matt is a name. If you’re talking about a non-reflective surface coating for glass, you mean Matte.

    They aren’t the same thing 🙂

  775. does it really boot (i.e. after you replaced batteries) or just turns on backlight and coming out of suspend mode ?

    It reminds me about Sony e-book, which lasts for month (if you remove batteries) or lasts few days, if you le them stay in, though it says it is “turned off” but really it only pretends to be. For the sake of instant-on 🙂


  776. for God’s sake! when adam will be available – I’m waiting and waiting… too long.

    PREORDER please…

  777. This blog is just fodder for readers. Something to keep them clued to their computers. Notion Ink will be available in December for ordering online. I just check this blog is see the release announcement. As you have insightfully deduced, all these posts are just teasers to allow readers to think they’re participating. It’s called PR marketing.

    Notion Ink is ready for December 9, 2010. That’s the count down on the web site.

    If there is a place to get warranty work done in my area I’ll buy online, if not, I’ll wait till adam is available locally.

    Be of good cheer Tobi, The Notion Ink adam is coming December 9th!

  778. Sov. John:
    > all these posts are just teasers to allow readers to think they’re participating.

    True, but it’s a good illusion. For example, we (cough, cough, I) made a suggestion about the layout of the new website and it was adopted almost as soon as NI woke up the next morning.

    They even have a Rohan bot who drops in and responds to our comments from time to time.

  779. The icon for “Games” and “Documents” in Sniffer look really cool. It would be great, if the other topics like “Videos”, “Pictures”, Work” and “Applications” would have an individual icon in the same style, instead of using a normal folder icon.l

  780. The new Opera 11 beta is interesting. Stacked tabs feature is really nice. Enhanced email for the browser, and Visual mouse gestures is also good.

    The adam will be out December 2010. This blog is PR marketing for the diehard NI fans.

    While waiting for adam check out Opera 11 beta.

    I’ve been checking out its new features on my macbook.

    take care John

  781. I am definitely getting this. I have always had problems with apple products for how troublesome and indirect their methods of obtaining media from my computer and back. Adam seems to beat every aspect that it lacks. also it is so obvious they are holding back on the ipad that ships with a camera. SO OBVIOUS. THANK YOU SO MUCH for this product. hope to see it soon.!!!

  782. Well, let me rephrase….does it really take 7-8 seconds from the time you press on until the time you can use it?

  783. Hi Sovereign John. Why Opera? I thought Adam is optimized to run Chrome and Firefox browsers.

  784. When will the Adam come out? If it isn’t possible to get it by Christmas, I am going for the Ipad.

  785. The weekend before last, I tryed the Galaxy Tab,and Huawei, at Best Buy. The Galaxy was alright for what it is (A tiny tablet tethered to a 3G plan). The Huawei (Hawaii) was a different story all together. I basically had to pound the screen to get any input to it, and to that, I couldn’t manage to type the right characters on the on screen keyboard. Uhmmm, I think I’m going to hold out for a NI!

  786. Well, I did not have time to read through all posts, so somebody else might have given already an answer to the bonus feature riddle. If not, here’s my guess, for whatever it is worth:

    1. Since no picture of the back is yet on the blog and site, it should be on the back of Adam.
    2. Probably the first, or one of the first, videos of Adam, seen on Technoholik (or something, sorry guys if I did not remember correctly your name) shows Rohan using a backside trackpad to move the cursor, which is a great idea for a pad…I have no reason to believe that Rohan abandoned that idea.

    So, Rohan is basically hiding his feature by having already posted it on the web long time ago, from the very beginning.

  787. Regarding the mail’d email client, will it be able to handle exchange email clients and the calendar feature to pull up others people’s calendars?

  788. Hope the screen needs to be extra scratch resistant because a stylus can be used, aka an active digitizer 🙂

  789. Thank you Rohan for hearing us…and Congrats…I have been holding out for a long time on getting a tablet until Adam was finished.

  790. This looks great! Love the idea behind using a matt finish rather then glossy, I hate having the super reflective screens adn this should look great. Looking forward to seeing what the super secret new design is, though I think we all have a guess :). Can’t wait to see the full power of adam, and what other ideas ya’ll have up your sleeves.



  791. I’m hoping by Christmas, but I can wait a couple weeks if it doesn’t come out until CES.

    In any case, now’s not the time to get an iPad; the “iPad 2” (or whatever they decide to call it) probably isn’t more than a week months off. Still, I think the Adam will be better than either iPad.

  792. Excellent work putting in a lot of thought into the screen. The screen is arguably the most important feature as it’s what you see and interact with. Most manufactures use matte or glossy, and both have drawbacks. You combined the best of both!

    I’ve got a feeling that NotionInk is primed to become the dominant force in the tablet, and eventually other, markets. I love the choice of the name Adam on a few different levels. It’s a little prophetic in a way: first there was Adam, then there was Eve, then Eve at the Apple (hah). I think using Eve might be a bit like eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, we’ll never look at portable devices like phones and tablets the same again.

  793. This looks awesome! I cannot wait to get my hands on one, the specs will make this a must have tablet for some time.

  794. Finally the Dawn of a New Day is upon us. So many text documents and so many PDF’s have been saved. I have been fasting while leading up to launch. I have refused to indulge in any of the readings I have saved and put in queue. But the day of the Adam is coming. It will rise in the East and set in the West.

    Finally, a tablet worth while.

  795. The meticulous attention to detail to create excellent user experience is something that really makes me want to get this product.

  796. Something as silly as a quality tablet has been placed in the perception of ignorance to most manufacturers. From a retrospective viewpoint there is one reason why I can trust the Adam tablet. Why Notion Ink one may ask?… if so many other manufacturers just can’t put out a quality tablet. Why will this one truly rival the only other competition it has in society? Because of the Will behind it.

    After following this device since the birth of its announcement to us in the exoteric sphere, it is still the only one worth while considering. You can almost sense from that 6th Sense within us, some would say the Third Eye or the Brow Chakra, that this tablet is truly a worthy purchase. The Will behind Notion Ink and this tablet will simply not allow for anything less.

    There are no doubts. There are no questions. Thank you Notion Ink. You don’t understand the torture. Waiting month and after month to see if a quality tablet would ever be released. The time has come.

  797. Good Job !!! , it is very heart warming to see such a fantastic product from India .

  798. Cant wait for this to come out!! I swear I’ve been following Notion’s progress and it is turning out better than expected!! Keep up the great work.

  799. That’s true but I’d like to be able to get my hands on the hardware sooner and have any bugs fixed/extra features added over a short period. It’s hard to wait without a definitive release date when so many other tablets are hitting the market.

  800. Can’t wait for the tablet to come out. Some of the specs look amazing. Especially excited about the Notion custom made apps.

  801. Would be nice to have some sturdy glass that stands up to all the punishment I give my phones

  802. I am waiting fo Notion Ink Adam. It will be great! Maybe smb knows when will be the premiere of Adam in Poland???

  803. Gingerbread released, Honeycomb teased even we have got the google edition – release notion ink now 🙂

  804. Vector66, I didn’t do Logo #1. It is Bjorn Maatman’s design. I revised it and made my own improved version. Sorry I didn’t see your post earlier and saw it just now, there’s just quite an explosion of posts here that I couldn’t keep up and your post got lost. I think Rohan should just go with Logo #1 and use my version…but that’s just my opinion. 😛

    Notion Ink Logo Bjorn (revised)

    There is still no word on what happened to Logo #9, if they got authorization or not. It seems they never heard from the company.

  805. do you have to submit the Adam to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission for approval, before i can purchase one here in Canada ?

  806. Cathy, since there is no word on the status of the selected logo, can we experiment on one of my “experimental” logos? 😛

    Or we can pick one from my revised finalist logos!

  807. I thought Rohan is going to post mini-updates withing the week. He should start now since this blog has gotten out of hand. Meanwhile, check out future colors for the Adam available on order with your favorite logo from yours truly…only hi-res rendering, not the actual device…sorry 😛


  808. Wow, I am really looking forward to this tablet. It will be nice to dump my iPad for this.


  809. I have been lurking around this site for months (but not posting/blogging), waiting for the Adam to arrive. Don’t punish the lurkers and exclude them from pre-ordering!

  810. I have been waiting 2 years for a gadget like this. It has all the specifications I need.
    Thank you for your job and I expect to have one soon.

  811. Wow this looks to be the biggest boy on the block when it comes out.. looking forward to more news

  812. jus give me a option to get my hands on it… i was going to buy the galaxy tab of samsung tomorrow and then i found this awesome site… i believe that so called tech guru… who jinxed on the launch of adam has to fit his shoes in his mouth… after ur tab’s launch… please let me have this gizmo i wanna order it ASAP…. waiting all nite….hehehe 🙂

  813. i hope to develop buisness application for this adam
    and i hope to use these application myself and i hope to have them in “genesis”
    🙂 😀

  814. Are you going to restrict the number of Adams than can be purchased by an individual during the initial release period? Profiteers may buy many to resell on Ebay as there will huge demand.

  815. i´m from germany and i´m waiting for the adam since 3 month, please don´t let me wait longer….
    how can i get an adam as fast as possible?????

  816. Please please please let this ipad killer we have all been waiting for these last 12 months

  817. Please please please let this be the ipad killer we have all been waiting for these last 12 months

  818. That’s too bad…been following your posts for a few months now, but never commented. Now there’s a pre-order line. Se la vi. Looking forward to financially supporting you.

  819. Have there been any bench tests on micro sdhc class 10 cards in use with the Adam? Don’t want to go out and buy a pricey micro card of the read/write speeds are going to suck anyway.

  820. Dear Rohan,
    I have follow the blog and sent via email my interest to be considered in the members list but have no response yet. Hope this one gets to you, I also sent this comment in another posts. I’m looking forward fo Andrew to be realeased, Friday Dec 10th is my B-day and I was hoping that Andrew could be the Best B-day present ever!. That goes for Christmas too .
    Best Regards,

  821. I am posting again to thank you for reconsidering all of those who have been following your progress but had not actually posted to your blog. There are many folk who can’t wait to see your dream come true and who want to get there hands on your revolutionary machine. I know I can’t wait. So I guess me three.

  822. I have been reasearching on purchasing a tablet for a few months and came across the Adam tablet. The specifications and design look great and i would love to be able to pre order one of these. I would like to say thank you to Rohan and his team to getting this to market.

  823. I’m quite interested in the pre-order options. I’ve been reading this blog for some time and wondering when “Adam” would finally see the light, so it’s good to see that I’ve haven’t been waiting in vain. I can’t believe the iPad has been out for so long without any serious competition. Now the fun starts. Can we get some more information on pricing and availability and how the pre-orders might work?

  824. You’re doing a really great job. Many of the big companies should learn from your work strategy, listen and improve ur product with our suggestions

  825. am not a techie, but am anxious to get hold of an Adam. Please add me to the list on priority! Surely it should not be limited to those who comment on tech features!

  826. Anticipation!! Can’t wait to get my hands on the Adam. Hoping I can get on the pre-order list. Nice job Notion Ink on keeping us all guessing.

  827. I have to echo others, dying in anticipation, but really bummed that preorders were limited to people who commented :_( , not everyone who readys actually posts. Quite frankly, I wish more people wh o post on some sites, would NOT post lol. I hope you guys can really show the big guys (points at Samsung and rools eyes at Viewsonic) how a tablet should be made. I dont think you have to compromise the entire Android system to shine! Good luck in the coming days, can’t wait to order.

  828. This looks like it has the potential to rival with the forerunner IPad. Got one for a gift but believe I will be quite envious when all is said and done. :__(—__

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