The Color I want!

Hello there!

This post is in continuation of the last one were we discussed about the color options. I am placing few images here, you can check all and then vote for the ones you like later in the post! (Don’t forget to read the names on the images!) (Also remember, we will be choosing the best ones for production! The final Pantones might differ slightly)

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Here goes your poll! (Remember you can vote for at max 2 designs)

With Regards

Rohan Shravan

368 thoughts on “The Color I want!

  1. On my screen the grey in “4 – grey white” looked bit greenish or brownish. I hope that’s not just a rendering issue, but it would look like exactly that. Little better than just grayscale 🙂

  2. Hi, When will be the release date? When can I preorder it? Will I be able to preorder it from germany (I don’t need german layout/language)?
    Are the prices fixed?

    Ilike 2 and 6 😉

  3. Looks like an old render, with the camera in the corner; still don’t want to give away the final look, I suppose. I really liked about 4 of the colours. I guess because you didn’t add black and silver, that is already a decided upon option!?

    I’m a bit surprised about how much the yellow one has grown on me in the last week. I wasn’t so struck on it at first, but now, it starts to be my favourite.


  4. this is awesome Rohan
    but I guess if each rendering had multiple views it’d be even easier to judge 🙂

  5. Titanium, definitely! Still not fully decided whether I prefer the Titanium Black or Titanium Grey variant. Both appeal a lot to me!

  6. I couldn’t see the Metallic Blue at all but I still voted for it because EVERYTHING out on the market today is grey and black, yea it would the “safe bet” thats why most companies go with it. But at least give some variety and some option of flair.

  7. The bright blue and bright yellow look a little bit like kids’ toys. This could be useful, since people will be less inclined to steal them. Oh, except kids might be more inclined to steal them. Never mind.

    The metallic blue looks black on my monitor so I didn’t vote for it, but the idea is appealing.

    I hope that Adam will be offered in at least two different colors for people who have roommates and others, significant or insignificant.

  8. Hi Rohan,

    many thanks for the poll and that your involve us so much.

    Metallic blue and Titanium black are my favorits.

    Kind regards

  9. Two words: SWEET!!!!

    Love both of the Titanium variants! The metallic blue and the black/white are a good close 2nd & 3rd. Honorable mention to the Red/Black…

    Can’t wait for October 6th!!!

    Keep the pics coming, Rohan! I’d love to see a hands-on video of the finished product, too!

  10. I choose Black and Red and Black Yellow. I would prefer a bit of color to differentiate it from all the black tablets on the market.

  11. I really like the grey white, but only because of the brass looking accents for the slider in the photo

  12. Actually the last option on my mind is color. I love my macbook for its ease of use and its well written software enabling me to do the things I choose to do using my macbook such as iphoto, garageband, and Safari. My macbook when at home is hooked up to my 42″ Vizio. I see this Notion Ink web page in 42″.
    I use a wireless bluetooth keyboard & mouse to sit on our couch while surfing the net or viewing photos in iphoto etc. That’s why I’ll buy an ADAM, for what it can do. Let’s talk about what its gonna help us do, when it looks to be available and possible price range. Color is last on my list.

  13. =S some of the colours didn’t seem to match the name well.

    I chose grey white (closest thing that looked like bronze) and metallic blue (cool). I would have chosen titanium grey too, but only 2 choices are allowed.

  14. I would buy all the colors if only have one chose, but I don’t like the red, bright blue and yellow,

  15. This is f… ridicoulous. You re stealing our time.

    When we would get idea about the price and release date?

    Once Blackberry Playbook is out . Im buying.

  16. I appreciate the concept of this poll, and I did take part, but wouldn’t it be a far more fair comparison to use the same models and from the same perspectives?

  17. I liked the yellow and then voted for red ’cause I like the playful colours. So much better than the basic black offered by everyone else.

    May be a good idea to have something black/silver for those people who strangely still like the dull/neutral colours.

  18. The red and black one would be cool if the red was not so bright – a Burgundy Red would be more suited.
    I voted for titanium grey and metallic blue

  19. is the case assembly easy enough that a customer can purchase multiple types and change it out themselves according to their mood that day? That would be a great selling point. EVERYONE is about customization, even my soccer mom wife. This would also be a great advertising commercial, 15 sec spot with that song from “grease” : “you’re the one that I want” except change the words to “You’re the color I want”. No other tablet has this option and it would be a great selling point

  20. Hey, has anyone got access to the SDK? Or any acknowledgement/approval for the EAP program?


  21. I agree with ‘paradisestate ‘ above.

    Is anyone over 13 on this blog? You really want to discuss about colors when none of the stuff that really matters isn’t even out yet?

    Can we please devote our time to discuss serious stuff like SDK release, App development, release dates etc? The killer feature of this device is going to be functionality and relevant content to power that functionality period. What about Google’s claims that Froyo is not intended for tablets and yet Adam will be out on Froyo?

    Did anyone catch RIM’s tablet announcement yesterday? Their PlayBook has an edge over Adam with regards to sheer specs. Isn’t that what everyone was blasting iPad for? Specs?

    Flame away

  22. I voted red & black and yellow black, but I also like metallic blue, bright blue, black & white and titanium grey. It was hard to picked up only two colors. I think it would have been better if there was the possibility of ranking the colors.

  23. I agree.

    The colors are nice and all, but can we get a video showing off the UI?..Some screenshots?…We all agree that the Adam has attractive design. However, being pretty only works for Apple products. Can we have some substance?…please

  24. Either of the titanium renders look *REALLY* good, Rohan.

    I am leaning towards the grey as it looks pretty sharp. Definitely like the subtle difference and highlights the grey has.

    Both of the titanium renders look [to me] classy, humble and most of all professional.

    Did you purposefully leave the best for last on that list? 😀

  25. Just for clarification when mentioning “I’m leaning towards the grey” above I was referring to the *titanium* grey. Thanks!

  26. Actually, I really like Apple’s approach to product design and the way they incrementally add features. They never compete on feature sets. They are really passionate about their products and lead the way. Did we ever see Apple officially put up a poll before iPad was released to see if people would prefer a 9.7″ iPad over 7″? They make a one time splash. They put out something and shut up until they have something concrete to release.

    It is really unfair to compare a start up like Notion Ink with Apple and I am not doing that. Apple was like Notion Ink at one time and I hope Notion Ink becomes like Apple sometime in future. However if a company is officially leaking stuff, why not release some videos of the product or if they don’t want to discuss anything related to the product then they can do the DEV community a favor by discussing SDK etc.

  27. please give us yellow and black!! titanum black and grey both look great, and im sure this will be a standard, but please give us who want something bright a choice! yellow and black looks AMAZING on this device!!!

  28. @tintincub
    Rohan definitely knows that; Google for a video where he was a guest speaker in an entrepreneurs workshop which was from early this year; he talked of the pressures of quick to market etc.

    For Adam, Rohan already explained the reasons why he cant give us more info than what he is already disclosing before early Oct.

    Knowing a bit of how legal stuff works I guess even Rohan cant click the pictures of Adam being kitted in a factory right now; if you noticed clicking pictures is actually one of Rohan’s hobbies, so I am sure he will click n share them the second he can.

  29. Yeah, it looks greenish brownish to me too. It actually looks like one of those military colours and the white looks like ivory, not just plain white.

  30. I liked the gray white variant as it doesn’t actually look gray… Also the metallic blue was my other purchase choice. I actually didn’t like any variant with black, be it yellow, red, or titanium (but because of the black, I actually liked the blue and yellow, just not with black).

    I would love the gray white to officially become military green and ivory 😛

    I also loved the metallic blue and silver combo 😀

    Like I said, these are my purchase choices. Not just ones that I think look nice but in the end would never get.

  31. I loved Titanium gray. Please make sure Amzon sells this product. The product will have a good chance to compete with big names. See how kindle is beating every e-reader in the world.

  32. Regarding the colors, I’m still thinking that they are a really great idea, but I would like it implemented (as described in previous comments/posts) with a default color and then other colors for a different price.

    And if there are other colors, are you planning to make that changeable or we have to stick with our original choice for as long as we have the Adam?

    Tks for the posts Rohan, I would like to see a couple more of these before Oct 9. I hope that the Official announcements are not only distributed through this blog, but with a video, maybe at or…

  33. colours are not necessarily trivial; if it were a monster server sitting in a data centre somewhere we probably don’t care if it has tiger stripes or zebras.

    Adam is trying to be more close to the ‘common man’ and meet as many of the personal needs as possible so I guess adding the choice for a bit of a personal touch to the end user is not a bad idea.

    also ‘the final Pantones might differ slightly’ got me thinking as I personally didn’t know about Pantone previously and just realised there is a whole science/industry behind it.

  34. I think they moved the camera because most people will be using portrait mode while walking. The camera would be to low and blocked by your chest for web conferencing if centered.

  35. Dear god,

    I will pick this baby up just because its being manufactured in my country. No questions asked! Make us proud guys!

  36. Great! The first time a company wants to hear my opinion before the product has been released.

  37. I think I’ll vote for the bright and metallic blues, although I was really hoping for a brown body on one. Something a bit less technical and electronic looking, and a bit more classic. A color combo that makes me feel like I’m holding something elegant, not just high-tech.

    Still, I do like those blues 🙂

  38. Exactly, i would also want a red but not this one, this looks like a toy of some kind.

    That being said i voted for

    Titanium Black and Grey Variant

    Metallic blue and Titanium grey also look cool, also wondering why Rohan left out the girls and didn’t include a pink for them.

  39. Your product should have been released by now, now with blackberry announcing its tablet, you people are about to suffer a major setback in terms of sales.
    Although your market is different from other 7″ tablets but it will still be a big loss.
    The specs of playbook also nearly match Adam am not sure about ram though.
    You people need to beat the shit out of your investors and hurry up.

    After all that I have said I would still go for an Adam.

  40. This is really annoying. How can we trust you ?

    1. You haven’t started the production yet? When you will test the final product?

    2. You dont have your website ready? You are the only person who is communicating from NotionInk, why is that so? And when users say we can start the forum you say to wait, but still no updates yet on the website (which is extremely slow/bulky on processor too).

    3. You dont reveil the original pictures/videos wheras others start with it.

    4. You dont specify the release date whereas compare with others they are giving the timelines.

    5. You dont specify how the purchase, after sell service will be ?

    There are many more questions that come to mind. See I appreciate your efforts but it appears that you are alone or hiding the facts. I dont understand why investors are not allowing to be more open to the customers. If you will give the answers to the aboe questions you will earn the TRUST and not loose the customers or will not get killed in the competition.
    I am waiting for ADAM so log but I cannot trust you anymore. May be I will go for another tablet if it does not arrive by November.

    You frustrated fan,

  41. i’m so relieved and excited to find that this device is closer and closer to being a reality. great color options; i like grey& white and titanium grey… will notion ink pursue any sort of proprietary case or sleeve to put the adam in ? or is that left to third party interest? just curious and best of luck to the notion ink team i go to tech blogs and see posts for blackberry apple and a bunch of small east asian products that are essentially the same device between 7 and 9 inches… you guys are the BEST!!! (so start putting these guys together so i can buy one!!!)

  42. Dude,

    I hope you are adding glossy finish at the top as well. Looks really good on the laptops that are coming this days.

  43. Hi!!

    Results are clear, i guess we’re a bit conservative about colours (Titanium Black & Grey wins in poll) for Adam, and it’s good, so even Gordon Gekko would have a problem to choose Blackberry Playbook over Adam 🙂

    Best regards


  44. Titanium Grey or Metallic Blue. After those, I would go with the red/black, yellow/black and the Bright Blue.

  45. Red (or yellow) and black = for my wife. .
    Me? Anything with blue! metallic blue looks great!

    Thanks for this blog. Fiirst time I ever see anything like this. Power to the consumer!!

    By the way, Didn’t Rohan say he can’t publish final pictures/videos until November? Give the man break!

  46. Maybe he meant Sweet Jesus!!!! The Adam does have that biblical denotation. Would make for a logical exclamatory analogy, thanking the creator for such a profound game-changer. Wow, got a little lost in the technicality of my pun :>

  47. Nice Rohan that u involve us for the color choice.
    Eat that (hp) apple dell and the other manufactures who dont care what people want concerning the color choice. nah hp maybe??!!
    My wife wants the red and black variant en for myself the titanium black.
    So who knows we must buy 2 NIA tablets 😉
    Cya and we wait for ur next surprise.

  48. Quick observation, there is no real edge that the PlayBook has over the Adam.
    One minor edge is the “a” part for wifi, but though they do have a 5MP camera but the Adam has a swivel camera which though lower res makes it more versatile (and 3.15MP is not exactly small either). The one area it MIGHT have an edge is RAM but I say MIGHT as it is the only one (important) spec that has not been released.

    As for Froyo not intended for tablets. That’s what the NotionInk UI is for.

    Speaking of which… Rohan, will the UI have a name? (like Sense for HTC or Blur for Motorola?)

  49. Actually many people dislike glossy finishes as they attract fingerprints. This makes them very nice for five minutes and ugly after that.

  50. the other tablet device has coming.

    i know you are in hurry as much as you can.

    we still waiting for your release date!

    good luck & nice job !!!

    ps. i love Red and Black and Bright Blue color.

  51. 42″? That’s not paradise…doing the same and then some, I just upgraded the set in my den from a 58″ LED with a 65″ 3D-LED to complement my nVidia card’s 3D capabilities. Color me bad. Rock on though!

  52. Yes. I think that is the button to be used for Screen on/off for non PixelQi and Color/Monochrome for PixelQi.

  53. That info was released on earlier blogs… “Inception”. $399 for lcd wifi only variant going up to $498 for pixel qi/3g version. They have a November date for fcc (which they’ve been trying to work forward and have succeeded in bringing it up to the first week of november) so a release date can’t really be given. They have said they will be bringing it out very soon after it passes fcc testing.

    Sorry that it wasn’t posted in the top 5 recent blogs (you can scroll down on the main page to see the other ones). Hopefully a faq can be posted when the forums are brought online.

  54. I voted and I could pop your head like a pimple. Btw, how many did Sanchez chuck for 6 on Sunday?

  55. approximate price range has been posted. There’ll be 4 versions of the Adam: lcd screen with wifi, lcd screen with wifi/3g, pixel qi screen with wifi, pixel qi screen with wifi/3g. I believe the price range was between 350 to 500. It’s in one of Rohan’s other posts. Think it was the one regarding SlashGear’s leak.

  56. I personally like the Titanium Grey and Metallic Blue …. but…
    I wonder who will offer ‘ Color Kits ‘ or ‘ Mod Kits ‘ so that we can change the
    look whenever we like …….

  57. How many times does it have to be said? Their hands are tied by investors as far as sharing pictures/videos. The Adam is going through fcc testing in november(possibly earlier if they can get ahead of sched again) so the best “release date” they can give is very soon after it is passed. The price has been stated as $399 for lcd wifi leading up to $498 for pixel qi/3g. I suggest reading “Inception” on this blog site. Blasting a company for not releasing something when they’ve already explained quite a few of your complaints a while seems silly. I can even go google the info rather easily.

    Come October 9th we’ll see pictures of a few of the adams off the manufacturing line. Until then they can only share in ideas behind the design , history of the path to make it here, and color which had been a comment section topic on a few blogs so why not give people a chance to voice their opinion officially? Sorry if this comes off flamish, its not meant to. Just frustrating when the info has been given and has to be repeated on almost every new blog.

    Now for the blackberry tablet. The specs do look interesting and if blackberry makes an improvement to their os and software I’d take it into consideration, however having played with blackberry, android, apple(ios), windows mobile and a couple of nokia’s os, the blackberry os could be a damaging Achilles heel. It was in desperate need of a major overhaul or at least a severe kick in the pants to catch up. Its solid but balancing itself on the edge of outdated.

    You are correct in mentioning froyo was not designed with tablets in mind and adam won’t originally have the android market. Android 3.0 gingerbread is supposed to be more tablet friendly and require less skinning and open up the market to tablets. Rohan has stated they are doing everything to make sure adam can upgrade to gingerbread and has assured that as it is adam will recieve it.

  58. @nitwitcub…more concrete like what? The white iPhone 4 that’s delayed because of how sound it was engineered? (Read: proximity sensor) Or how ’bout the original iPhone 4’s concrete antenna problem? I guess it would have been similar to talking into a brick, and that’s concrete, if you held it like most hold their phones. I do think one day they will patent the iBandaid concept under a new iFail division. Release a product, then make it work right. Great business model. Their bad press approach to success backfired a little with that one, they had to change their plans to charge you for the fix until the end of this month, right? Next up, they’re going to make a more stick-like music player and call it the iTamPod complete with vibration app to complement the iPad.


  60. Sure Blackberry’s Playbook sounds cool and all but it still doesn’t match up to Adam.
    Adam does have few unique features that require innovation and thinking rather than just assembling hardware which is what most companies are doing.
    Still out of everything announced so far Adam seems to be the god.
    Also blackberry doesn’t run on android but its own custom OS (not a very wise move, considering Apps market makes or breaks the deal.)
    Even in Adam i can at least I can side load the apps from android market but it would be a lot nice if google stops bichin about how Android not made for tablets and just give the Marketplace access to Adam.
    But one thing I don’t like about Notion ink is that they are for some reason ignoring questions asked by Developers(so people can start working on developing essential skills). Don’t know why, after all developers are in fact their best bet over making i*crap* obsolete.

  61. Keep it to the titanium shades, the other coloured shades gave it a rubbery look, and though the colour gelled well, I won’t like to spend $500 on something that looks like a kiddy-pad. The Adam is too awesome not to look even more awesome

  62. I second that. A lot of Apple’s success is definitely not due to the quality and versatility but instead how less techy, more mainstream styling their products look/feel.

    @Rohan, give the world “all of the above” with a high-quality, versatile (I think those you already have covered) and to use Kami’s word again, “elegant”. Personally, I think the black base color should be ditched. White is already played out as a “special” color by Apple and others. I think a brown body with silver or titanium as a secondary color and leave the third color option for the same parts colorized in your pictures for personalized style. Just take a look at the current Acura TL in brown w/titanium accents. I get compliments on mine (that color) all the time as it is my commuting car. No other tablet maker is doing brown that I’ve noticed, so go against the grain a little and really style this bad boy up to complement the engineering superiority of the Adam vs the competition.

  63. …Have your investor(s) pony up (Read: pay) for a test study in key demographics. I guarantee they’d all come back highly favorable.

  64. I share the sentiment.

    I am not too much into shiny laptop colors.. Titanium grey and Grey variant for me 🙂

    PlayBook specs didnt impress me somehow.. ipad (read bigger ipod) doesnt charm me either.

    ADAM i want !!

  65. I’m sure a lot of people would like color variants. . . personally I like the black. . . consistent color, but there is a reason there are so many colored phone cases.

  66. Drop the blacks. Go Copper!!

    I voted for metallic blue/ Grey variant though.

    And I really dont see why people are comparing Playbook to Adam.
    No PixelQi, No Android, No swivel camera, no rear trackpad — Dont you people want a ‘complete’ product?

  67. I liked the titanium gray and titanium black both, but the button design on the green black model looks sexier and ergonomically reliable to me.

  68. no question about it. i would buy this the moment it hits the shelves. it isnt technically manufactured in india, but a lot about the product is indian and thats reason enough for me to buy it.

  69. Have to agree with that, the Playbook is not even going to target the same market at all. they are going after the enterprise market. large IT shops that want to be able to controll ever aspect of the Playbook experience, it will be a very closed system and you will be able to do what your IT department wants you to do with it, and nothing more. They said they are not even going to be gearing it toward the personal user, utill much later. and the playbook is going to teather with blackberries, no separate 3g, in fact most of the feature set they are proposing is directly linked to also having a blackberry phone. the email is not going to reside on the playbook, it is going to be pulled from the blackberry phone, and when the phone is no longer teathered, the local copy of the email will go away, it is part of the security they are pitching to the enterprise market.

    the playbook and the adam are nothing a like.

  70. Rohan,

    If you want female votes, add a shade of pink. Somehow, the species goes crazy at the sight of that color.

    Titanium Black and Metallic Blue for me.

  71. here’s what i want out of the colors. dark all around would be nice, BUT MOST IMPORTATNLY, important things brighter so they can be seen in low light.

    power, volume, camera, usb ports, hdmi ports all things we may wish to use/push at night be a lighter color so they can stick out a bit in low light.

    just a thought (and i’m leaning towards metallic blue)………

  72. Dear Rohan–
    May we please ask you to let us potential developers know if there is anything that we can do to get on to the short list fot the complete genesis package? Are we going to be contacted? When?

  73. I have to agree that the different perspective for the “Red Black” gives it an unfair advantage (or disadvantage). I like the closeup of the others but it’s also good to see the whole picture. Could we get both perspectives?

    Since I tend to misplace things, the Red Black would be much easier to spot than something like Titanium Black or the Grey Variant.

  74. Hi !!
    I love your product and i’m waiting for it in France, But could you tell us something about the Tegra 3 and Tegra 4 ?
    Does the Tegra 2 is already ….

    I love the Grey White combinaison ! 🙂

    Thank you.

  75. Oh no! I don’t see any bold metallic colors. Last thing I’d like to see from the Adam are colors that would make it look like this:

    I like the Titanium Grey, Titanium Black, Metallic Blue, and Grey Variant. Those are the sophisticated colors. But what happened to Silver????? Should have been Black + Silver instead of Black + White.

  76. Looking at
    (which should list Adam but doesn’t)
    It would appear the Blackberry has no current option for 3G and no GPS.
    It claims to be the first dual core but I’m pretty sure the Nvidia Tegra 2 (which is built around the Dual-core ARM® Cortex -A9 MPCore™ Processor) is dual core.
    It is running a new OS instead if the well tried and tested Android.
    Further, its screen res is only 7″, and you can have any colour as long as its black.
    I’m not impressed.

    I’m frustrated that I don’t have Adam in my hands yet, but I’m prepared to wait for this excellent device.

  77. It’s like burnt yellow, I think it’s called fatigue. It’s a military color. I’m not liking it at all unless i’m in the military.

  78. I totally agree. But why only two choices? Can we at least choose 3? My top 3 colors are: (two words…TITANIUM and METALLIC!)

    1. Titanium Black (this is a no brainer)
    2. Metallic Blue (the silver accents added quite a bit of interest)
    3. Titanium Grey (for those who prefer lighter than black)

    I thought I like the Grey Variant but it looked boring when I placed it next to the Titanium Black or Titanium Grey because it’s matte and lacked pizazz. I like it shiny and sparkling like titanium and metallic. The yellow, blue, and red should be metallic, otherwise they look Fisher-Price/Vtech products to me. Those colors take away from the sophistication of the product. It definitely adds interest but not in a good way (i.e. a toy). I think it should have gun colors…fierce yet elegant.

    The 3 colors I mentioned should make it into production. We can include the other colors in next year’s version (Adam 2). Oh….for the ladies I would vote brushed aluminum silver + pearl white, although that’s kinda gender neutral.

  79. Hello Rohan,

    brown and orange is missing in your color chart. As i expect to use my adam primarily as a reading and annotation device (cool software for this purpose either expected) i would prefer a reduced and understatement-alike color-combination. Also, as the device is consuming very small energy and may (as reading device) reduce pollution (no paper, no transport of paper by digital delivery of content) a more terracotta-alike color version with some Green-IT-feel in the color might be a good idea.

    regards, bob

  80. Maybe we want to be taken seriously? Some of use have to be professional. Toylike colors make you look bad in some places.

  81. Haha, only Texas Instruments and IQuest did that- if Adam does this too lets hope that Notion Ink has better luck than IQuest…

  82. Oh no! METALLIC BLUE is losing to Grey+White for 3rd place. We need people to vote more for metallic blue. Are we using 4 color schemes when the Adam finally comes out?

  83. @civil

    My whole gripe is about SDK and other app development details. Why can’t they at the very least let everyone know about Genesis or when approximately it will be released to the DEV community.

    I really don’t want to see any more _pictures_ of Adam. I think we have all seen enough _pictures_.

    Also you don’t seem to have a clue about the OS that PlayBook will be running. It will be running QNX which is a proven solid industrial strength OS.


    iOS 4.1 fixed the proximity sensor bug and the whole antennagate stuff was more of a media hype than anything else. Apple issued free bumpers/cases to the whiners and that’s all there to it. Why are you even bringing up white iPhone 4s into the discussion? If you don’t like the black and if you really choose a smartphone by it’s color then you must be 11 or 12.

    ‘iFail’ really? you need to really grow up. Apple is one of the biggest tech companies in the world and their products and customer service have no equals.

  84. Class, Class, Class, that’s Titanium Black, and Subtle Class is Metallic Blue. Must be saving the
    Pink option for the Eve model.

    Thanks Rohan for the samples.

  85. …Which color does “sdk” resemble? If not a color, then irrelevant here. If you’re the sensitive type, stock up on Kleenex :/

  86. Same for me. Looked quite greenish (and lovely combination) so I was surprised to see it labelled “grey white”. I have little bit of red-green color blindness though.

  87. Titanium black all the way!
    I wonder why the sliding button is different on some models (round an square). Also noticed the camera position, I think that was mentioned in a previous post.

  88. I love the Metallic Blue, it really pops. Thanks again Rohan for keeping us in the loop. Come on October 9th get here already so we can see the final release!!!!!!!

  89. It could also have to do with the problems they mentioned with placing it in the middle of the batteries.
    The disadvantage is that corner placing makes it less lefty friendly in portrait mode (unless they chat with their stomachs rather than their faces :S

  90. Well, technically there would be eight versions. The ones you mentioned at 16GB and then at 32GB. At least if that aspect of the specs is still correct. Though the prices quoted are most likely for the 16GB versions.

    Can’t wait till October and more official info. 🙂

  91. Also you did see the mentions that the Blackberry Playbook is scheduled for 2011?

    And I just have to say one thing:
    Who the blazes decides to call the “first professional” tablet “Playbook”. The name seems to defeat the purpose.

  92. Maybe “Eden”? Keeping with the naming theme of the devices. It could also imply it is the best place to be…

  93. You’re right Phillip, the Tegra2 is dual-core and Cortex A9. And it is already in at least one product available in the market so no other company can claim to be first in that field.

    Just one thing… screen size, not res. They both have the same resolution, but the screen size of the Adam is 10″ rather than 7″ (which can be good or bad depending on your preferences, good for mine).

  94. Did anyone notice that there’s a red rectangle on the bezel of the screen in the pic for the red/black one? Maybe it’s a capacitive button/slider (volumer?screen brightness?).

    Also what’s that black part in the red area of the bottom (long edge) of the device? Is it the infamous docking port? 😀


    What is this Eve version…is that the 7″ version? I want that instead. I need something more portable than a 10″.

  96. When will the Adam launch….!!!!
    I don’t care what color it is as long as it is in my hands 😛

  97. I am surprised there is no silver option considering I’ve seen renderings on the web with that color. I like the silver accents in the Metallic Blue which has now gone up to 3rd place. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!

  98. Good point, I don’t think many will be chatting with their stomachs. Though, there are those that chat with their genitals. But I guess then you could just turn it upside down. Seems this guy thought of everything!

  99. I’d like to see something edgy and different – not the same old black, gray, titanium… I understand on the first release, your objective may be more about not offending than making a statement.
    But as long as I’m dreaming, why not a “mood” finish? That changes colors where you touch it?
    It is an opportunity for third-party market, making skins, overlays, cases, then people can personalize however they want. Your part of that is engineering it to be add-on friendly. Hey, it worked for phones and macs.
    However, I am more interested in carriers, a release schedule and functionality at this point.

  100. I just want it. Hope it is on schedule and that there are plenty. Can we get on a list? I’ve been following this FOREVER!!

  101. I have to say, I liked the titanium black and loved the red, though I also like metallic blue. Really appreciate the inclusion that you and team have provided Rohan. One thing is kind of bothering me though. If I had to choose between aesthetics and User Interface in terms of importance I would have to choose User Interface. With that said, I am curious about why we haven’t been shown any User Interface images. I am loving the renders most definitely, but the UI is something you most definitely can’t get wrong. I think feedback on the UI would be helpful. Are there specific reasons you cant show us UI screens?

  102. Titanium Black & Titanium Grey have elegant looks. Yellow & Bright blue gives a toy fashion, not appealing.
    Maroon would be better than Red, with Black!

  103. I voted for the red and black and the blue…however, the red has to be a lot more subtler than the one that is being shown. If it is actually this bright it might end up looking like a toy as many have said….the black and white looked good too..if the white is indeed in shades of ivory..

  104. Arg! I really like the Titanium Black and the Black and White.. Though depending on the material for the meshing, I’d probably go with the titanium.

    I’m completely disappointed there’s no solid white option! Black, white, and silver look fantastic together IMO. The large screen being solid black would contrast well with the large body of the device being matte white; and the meshing being silver would be great.

    I own a Sony Vaio P and PSP:Go both in White, and the silver accenting would work fantastically here. If it doesn’t come initially in this color, I may have to contact to get it painted properly if the titanium black isn’t available… (which it looks like it will be)

    The bright white of the Galaxy Tab nearrrrrly allured me to purchase it; however after taking my nexus one and aligning it to a ruler on my screen to get a pixel-to-scale ratio size comparison; I afterwards took the Adam (from the facebook page ;)) and the galaxy S production photos and spliced the movie ‘avatar’ onto each device… hands down, Adam won. The aspect ratio is better (smaller bars!) and the viewing experience is just enormously amazing.. (who knew 3″ could make such a difference? :D) [link if you have time, one of my more terrible photoshop jobs; but it gets the point across! ]

    Rohan, If you get a moment I’d really love for you to check out the Sony Vaio P and the PSP:Go… [PSP] [Vaio]

    They both have glossy finish; but if the adam had Teflon coating like the HTC Hero UK version, [gizmodo article on hero making iphone feel like junk]

    I think it could be really successful..

    Again if not that’s OK, but the white one in the render above was not bright at all; more of a beige.. and beige makes me remember the 90s era PCs.. bleh :\

    Cannot wait for Oct. 9th! I really would like to have the tablet by the end of the year, but thanks to college I just got a bunch more funding so I may be able to buy 2 or possibly even 3 adams’ when the device comes out. 🙂 [Grandmother’s wanting one, I’m DEFINITELY getting one, gift for boss/friends may be great]

    I’ve stopped around 10 iPad purchases from friends waiting on adam.. they’re interested; and on launch I’ll be making sure all 900+ of my twitter followers know they need an adam! 😀

    Cheers to an amazing product launch!

  105. Good point Tarwinia! Wasn’t even thinking about hard drive size! And I was wrong about price range. Was 398 to 498. Thought it was 350.

  106. It makes sense if you look at the definition. Think the third one would be the one they are going for.

    Noun 1. playbookplaybook – a notebook containing descriptions and diagrams of the plays that a team has practiced (especially an American football team)
    notebook – a book with blank pages for recording notes or memoranda
    2. playbook – a book containing the scripts of one or more dramatic plays; “the 1963 playbook leaves out the whole first scene”
    book – a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages bound together); “I am reading a good book on economics”
    3. playbook – a scheme or set of strategies for conducting a business campaign or a political campaign; “they borrowed a page from the playbook of the opposition”
    scheme, strategy – an elaborate and systematic plan of action

  107. BMW actually uses what is called chameleon paint, car’s color changes based on climate, amount of sunlight, and viewing angle. The special treatment is called FeintPaint by Spanish company Payola Forlids. I’ve always wanted to be a chemist and one of the things I want to develop is technology to change the color of paint on the fly just like a chameleon. I’m amazed how a chameleon can control its skin color and mimic the color and pattern of its surroundings.

    Check out chameleon paint.

    Nissan has developed what they call electrochromic pigment based on particles of paramagnetic iron oxide. Paint changes color using electric current by flipping a switch. This can also be applied on plastic materials.

  108. fatigue is actually one of the options it’s called Grey+White. I thought Silver+White would have looked better than that or the Grey Variant.

    Please do not use the bright blue, yellow and red unless they are of brushed metallic finish. Otherwise those matte (or glossy) bright colors look like Fisher-Price Toys made it.

  109. @tintin
    The picture comment was more towards robinson. My comment on release dates/price was more for those who seemed to have missed the article discussing it. I would guess though the same problem with pictures/video is happening for genesis and development. A bad move on the investors part.

    You are correct that I did not know Playbook would be running on qnx. At the time of my post I had been under the idea blackberry would be doing the same thing apple did and simply push over their phone os to the tablet. For my defense though nothing official had been announced about the move to qnx until yesterday the 28th from what I can tell. Until now most of the mentions of blackberry obtaining qnx was a revamp of the blackberry os. Looks promising and will also be keeping an eye on the playbook. I apologize for being misinformed on that subject.

  110. It isvery nice to see u r asking choice of colour. My choice of titanium grey and metallic blue seems to be favourite of many. Colour apart now auspicious navratri is just 10 days away , which is very good time to start and purchase new things. Festive season of almost a month will start in India .So all the best.

  111. It is very nice to see u r asking choice of colour. My choice of titanium grey and metallic blue seems to be favourite of many. Colour apart, now auspicious navratri is just 10 days away , which is very good time to start buisiness and purchase new things. Festive season of almost a month will start in India .So all the best.

  112. It has been said in previos posts, that final version has camera in center. As you saw, there were some other elements that changed design depending on colour option as well. (slide swich for example, on yellow version it round and on metallic blue it is round-rect with stripe on it)
    Those “photos” are renderings, and probably done on different times and from different source files. Only thing that we should pay any attention on these renderings is colour harmony and how we like it. Physical layout might be already out-dated. (wait for 09.10.2010 ( for final pictures)

  113. Dear Rohan
    I would be very careful interpreting the results of this poll. For a start, the demographic for those that read this blog could be quite different compared to the overall demographic of those who might want to buy the product. For example, a majority will probably be male, aged 25-35, and be technology geeks who like to have the latest gadgets. They follow gadget websites, magazines and tech conference news. I’m not one bit surprised they would plug for the titanium colours of black and grey. They are the typical colours of the ‘bachelor pad’ as well 🙂

    What would make better sense with the colour options is to have at least one colour option to fit each demographic, so one for the geeks who like their tech to gleam with mean, one for those that want a bit of colour, one for those that don’t want it to stand out too much etc.

  114. I like the Black and white and the Titanium Black. But I would LOVE to see a Adam in entirely polished white. Pleeeeeaaase release the Adam in Sweden before Christmas! .. I promise to purchase at least 200 units, one for each employee.

    One more time..

    Release in Sweden before christmas otherwise I’m forced to purchase crap tablets from another manufacturer.

  115. @Rohan: Is the designed still being finalized? I notice that the swivel camera in the pictures above is more towards the right of the hinge, whereas the images in your earlier posts sketched an outline with a centered swivel camera.
    Also, does the shape and texture of the slider button (which I guess is to turn the backlight off) vary with the color? Because I can see two variants from the pictures above – one with a round head and the other one with a pinched center.


  116. I like the blue and black, but whatever the colour just make one available !!!!!!!

    PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  117. Hi all good people of Notion Ink! Great job working with masses so far.

    Are you considering some light color variants, too? This device will be often used on bright sunlight. All the options above are mostly black, so the heating caused by sun will be significant. Can I just have a white one?


  118. I really like the way you involve everybody in the process of the Adam. I really like this tablet and I hope that the customised UI will be awesome and works smooth. I’m really thinking about buying an Adam.

    Keep up the good work Notion Ink and I can’t wait to see the final design :D.

  119. I agree. If I were Rohan I wouldn’t choose, for example, the top two as they are similar and would choose orthogonal designs to meet as many different people as possible. Using your own employees for such selections, as some companys do (not too different here who are mostly people who already are eager to buy Adam), may be good to some extent but doesn’t guarantee meeting the likes of public-at-large.

  120. ohhh i´m really excited for the notion adam, but i have a new question:

    it´s possible to have a bluetooth stylus, like samsung´s tablet?

  121. Looking good! I’m glad you are seeing so much user input in the design. I wish it would be out for this year’s holiday season in the US. The other half is pusihing for an iPad and I’d rather have the Adam.

    I know you are working hard to make sure things are right, but I’m afraid with so many devices hitting the US/European market for the holidays that The Adam may miss its window of opportunity.


  122. currently m doing my btech ece in chandigarh..guyz i’v been followng adam sinc very begenning…m sure it will help me a lot in my studies as i read loads of pdf’s..luking to tk full advantage of d pixelqi..u guyz doin d nation proud..proud of u guyz..u ppl hv set an exampl fr us future engineers from india..
    m jst worried f 1 thng..if suppose i buy adam in feb or march 2011 nd u guyz come up wd adam’s successor pretty soon say 6 months or so..den m i not in loss???
    apple does it all the time(i hate apple)…so is it worth waiting for so called eve..coz its said k dt’l b an altogethr new thng..or i go wid adam(i pretty badly need an ebuk reader)..only if i knw d improvmnts dt’l b in eve nd gap bw d two notionink prodcts..!

  123. @nitwitcub…you truly are a clueless individual, let me guess your beverage of choice is Koolaid? Your lack of the ability to have an insightful thought is most apparent in your rebut on what I said about the white iPhone 4, which had nothing to do with color and everything to do with product version – however slightly, obviously modified slightly from the current black iPhone 4 – with an entirely new defect in engineering.

    Grow up you said, right? This coming from someone with “cub” in their name. Laughable. So if one were to use your logic, Hyundai is the world’s best auto manufacturer? Where their great warranty would be the equivalent of your mention of customer service. And your advice to me would be to ditch my TL (for commuting), S550 and my wife’s Land Rover, right?

    The truth is, for a company (Apple) to make such a point about perfection they seem have to fix a lot of their stuff, on both the H/W and S/W sides. Innovation is not enough if the resulting products don’t work properly. Big difference between hypothetical and real world performance, the latter of which Apple iFails @.

    Personally I will never own an iDevice of any kind. But sheep like you will buy anything they put out there.

    Just to burst your bubble and enlighten you a little bit jerk off, enjoy…

    …if only on this, I would love to see you turn this into something warm and fuzzy about Apple. Good luck trying, but anything to the contrary is BS.

  124. …BTW, maybe Apple should have done some polling to ask potential consumers whether they would rather have a product that worked properly or just simply look/feel pretty. It could have been called a Shephard’s Poll (pun on the plant hanging thing 🙂 )

  125. @send2dev…there probably was some psychology involved in the order of the colors, with the more risqué ones first so they are always noticed and help ensure comments about. Where the mainstream colors are at the end because they will sought out by anyone viewing regardless.

  126. Metallic Blue looks incredible! Definitely My Favourite,
    I Also loved the Black/White, Can’t wait to see some more angles!

    Keep up the excellent work!

  127. I can’t even tell what the Metallic Blue looks like from that picture. That and bright blue are the most intriguing to me though. I do love blue.

  128. My wife was looking for PINK …. as someone else suggested earlier – parhaps that will come with EVE ….. or some enterprising third party !

  129. The Grey White is my favorite out of all of the options. I like that the grey is not exactly grey but more of an oliveish color, same for the white that it is a more off white/ivory not pure white. To me it makes it look much nicer than the bigger winner so far (Titanium Black/Titanium Grey.) The Titanium Black/Titanium Grey versions look too bland, but If I had to choose (had being the key word) I would take the Titanium Grey.

    I would like to see the top 5 in a wider view like the Red and Black was rendered. Also, how many variants are gonna be chosen? I hope the top 4 or 5 would be nice (I really like the grey white variant and its the 5th out of 9.)

  130. >Alligator hide design would be awesome, but then a man can only wish for so much, non?<

    Hey, monkey boy, keep your paws off the reptiles. Unless you'd like a nice Adam clad in human skin….

  131. “Bluetooth Stylus” is somewhat of a misnomer. The stylus uses a capacitive tip like that one the styli for the iphone/ipad. What makes it bluetooth is that it can be used to take or reject calls (in other words it has a mic and speaker built in).

    The capacitive tip should work with the Adam and any other capacitive screen device. The bluetooth features should also work if they use the normal headset/handset profile which I am guessing they do.

  132. Or it could be just to demonstrate color, In fact that’s what I’d do to example color.

    Just to show color contrast with the side, and on both sides of the camera, while keeping it a close up picture

  133. I have a feeling it will be top 4; btw, the Red/Black managed to sneak ahead of metallic blue … so you better do another round of campaigning! 🙂

  134. Rohan will have to pick one or two color designs, it would be too costly to store all the different colors people could want.

    That is what modding your own equipment yourself is for,,, and spray paint.

    Check out some of the xbox and other equipment mod sites to see just how easy it is…

    Just let me have that release date or a 4 or 5 inch model that can make phone calls
    to carry in my pocket to the beach !

  135. I’m really glad this poll was done. I would really like to see you guys make available the top 5 or 6 color options. I really like Metallic Blue, Grey White, and Titanium Grey. I see Red and Black is also really popular. I think the Red is too bright and hard on the eyes. But, I would like it if it was a little darker red or maroon type color.

    I just want some variety and if you only selected the top 2 or 3 colors, then it would only leave the blacks and greys and maybe that Red & Black and I don’t care for. So, as it stands now, I hope you select the top 5 or 6 colors and make them available.

  136. “5000 folks following this blog..” = “as good as facebook and twitter…”

    Huh? What? What planet are you from?

  137. me too! Please post the release date as I am itching for a tablet and just might end up in buying something stupid due to uncertainty on release date

  138. @janus-x…was going to say the same after seeing nitwitcub’s comment come through on email notification but you beat me to it already. I didn’t even realize it was her~it until I started my response but should have figured given previous evidence of incognizance she~it (-head 🙂 ) shows elsewhere in this thread

  139. Check out the new laptop from Gateway. I think the grey in this White+Grey scheme is more like that kind of brown/bronze color.

  140. Metallic Blue which is my favorite has lost its 3rd place position to Black+Red. That’s not good, I don’t like that neon glossy red which looks cheap but if it’s anodized or brushed metallic red I am all for it. We need more METALLIC BLUE fans!!!

    1. Titanium Black (this is a must)
    2. Titanium Grey (this is a must alternative to black)
    3. Metallic Blue w/ silver accents (this color scheme is interesting, fierce yet elegant and it creates more interest than Titanium Grey. If you want to look different but still conservative, this is it)

    Maybe we should revote for new colors after this poll for the 4th and 5th place (if we are coming out with 4/5 colors). The top 3 willl surely be in production but the 4th and 5th should be determined by a new poll. Re-render those bold colors to something more metallic rather than flat or glossy plastic finish.

    The Red i’m envisioning is more like this:

    The bright Blue should look like this:

    The Yellow should look like this:

    And instead of Black+White…we need a Black+Silver (maybe with chrome accents)

    Others have requested Copper

    & Bronze

    Surely if Apple can do it with their Nanos, Notion Ink should be able to apply anodized aluminum colors like the ones above.

  141. Metallic Blue which is my favorite has lost its 3rd place position to Black+Red. That’s not good, I don’t like that neon glossy red which looks cheap but if it’s anodized or brushed metallic red I am all for it. We need more METALLIC BLUE fans!!!

    1. Titanium Black (this is a must)
    2. Titanium Grey (this is a must alternative to black)
    3. Metallic Blue w/ silver accents (this color scheme is interesting, fierce yet elegant and it creates more interest than Titanium Grey. If you want to look different but still conservative, this is it)

    Maybe we should revote for new colors after this poll for the 4th and 5th place (if we are coming out with 4/5 colors). The top 3 willl surely be in production but the 4th and 5th should be determined by a new poll. Re-render those bold colors to something more metallic rather than flat or glossy plastic finish.

    The Red i’m envisioning is more like this:

  142. And instead of Black+White…we need a Black+Silver (maybe with chrome accents)

    Others have requested Copper

    & Bronze

    Surely if Apple can do it with their Nanos, Notion Ink should be able to apply anodized aluminum colors like the ones above.

  143. I Totally Agree! red is too bright on the eyes, the color variety is a must (even 3 or 4) and your colors are perfect.

  144. I don’t care about the color of this very promising tablet, I just want to boot linux on it.

  145. 5000 is indeed a large number for a start up company, even in Facebook and Twitter, where things tend to grow exponentially.

  146. I LOVE that idea. I’d buy a couple of different colors just because I could and STILL have it cheaper than an iPAD. 😉

  147. Good point. But the question is also whether that will be the first thing that comes to mind when people hear it. Also I think they might be leveraging on the fact that they want to tout their more mainstream features, the ability for games and media and such. But even if that’s the why they can always use your explanation when pitching it to corporations 😛

  148. Hello Rohan,

    !. Red and black needs a darker red giving you a more professional and emotional feeling.
    2. Black and white. I don’t like that black, it looks like rubber !
    3. Grey variant also looks like rubber and it’s too depressing + 0 expression.
    4. Grey white ( i like to call it Olive/Pearls) is a nice deign. Still the olive part needs to look not like rubber.
    5. Yellow Black is a big NO, because it reminds me of something dirty.
    6. Metallic Blue needs a better blue color, something more exotic. The silver could be also tweaked.
    7. Bright blue would look better if it were emerald like.
    8.Titanium Black – The titanium is gray and black looks like rubber again. Way to much rubber.
    9. Titanium gray is almost like point 3. the gray variant. depressing and lifeless.

    Warm regards,
    Your friend from Romania.

  149. >> I’m completely disappointed there’s no solid white option!
    I second that!
    Furthermore – in the hope that it catches Rohan’s attention – , I’d like to point out (as others have done already, but I feel that it needs to be repeated) that a full white coating is not only stylish but also has an ergonomic/functional property that the other color-combinations in the poll lack: a white colored casing doesn’t absorb as much light as a dark colored casing and therefore doesn’t heat up as much in direct sunlight.

    I’d like to be able to use this device outdoor. Now, a lot has already been said about the PixelQi screen and all the other usability improvements like weight distribution, the good grip, the rocker-switch design. So, a lot of attention is being paid even on little details to make this device as usable as possible.

    Ignoring the functional properties of colors would be a gross oversight in this regard.

    I would like to be able to lie down on a lawn in summer time, lying on my back and holding the device up or resting it on my chest while reading an ebook or something. Chances are that I would face the sun to get a tan and also because having the sun behind me thus shining directly onto the screen would make even a PixelQi screen unreadable. Therefore, the sun would shine onto ADAM’s back side, heating up the black surface. Neither do I like to touch a hot surface nor do I like the idea that the additional heat adds stress to the devices hardware and decreases it’s lifetime.

    It cannot be denied that dark colors absorb more light (and thereby heat) than bright colors, as this is a fact of physics. It also cannot be denied that heat built-up is an undesirable property of electronic devices.
    In a way, I find it a bit absurd to equip an outdoor device with coolers (fans) and air outlets to prevent it from overheating and then only provide dark color options.

    It also has to be duly noted that DESPITE the fact that most people would prefer black casings over white ones, both the iPad and the Galaxy Tab sport white or nearly white colored back plates. Why did these two companies opt for a color that is less popular than the infamous glossy black that everyone craves for so much?

    If a customer cannot cope with having only 16 GB of memory in his/her device, he/she can purchase it in a 32 GB version or later equip the device with an external flash card. However, if I would like to extensively use my purchased outdoor device OUTDOOR, and I can only purchase it in a dark color option, then there is pretty much nothing that I can do afterwards to customize the device to my needs. Once it’s black, it’s black. There are only few companies who offer to re-paint devices and only few among them are able to do this in a non invasive fashion (i.e. by not interfering with the devices heat management). Most companies offer recoloring only for popular devices. Re-coloration easily costs 500$ and more and leads to termination of warranty.

    So, please please PLEASE, consider at least a white black panel among the final color options. Not for stylish purposes but as a functional requirement for perfect outdoor suitability.


  150. I really wanted to love the metallic blue, but it just looks black on my monitor. If it really is darkish BLUE, I’d go for that.

    Otherwise, I surprised myself by preferring the grey variant and titanium black (I was certain I’d prefer brighter colors, but the red and bright blue were too much for me…)

    Thanks so much for posting this poll!

  151. Not real hide, just the design. Celebrating Alligators and Crocs, you know…leading to their conservation.

  152. I think the Black+Red has an unfair advantage in that it is shown in a different perpective. It is better to see the whole picture rather than just a portion of it. Therefore people are voting for the red even though the color is a bit too bright making it look like a non-serious device (aka a Toy)

  153. An all-white (or all-silver) panel will probably be available in the 2nd iteration (Adam 2) which will be available, unfortunately, a year from now. Some people would actually wait for the 2nd version just so to make sure that bugs from the 1st version have all been fixed. But judging from the response on this Adam, I don’t think that will be the case with most people.

  154. like what wtff and simon said white and silver in matte finish will look simply amazing classy , functional and class apart , now as we just have this options i would go for titatium black but my choice will be allways white matte and silver sides . just look at the new asus 121 tablet it simply looks amazing . i just hope that rohan and the company consider this its a first product so it really needs to be very very upmarket in looks deparment only because the tech review guys will just bash the product if it looks not somewhat sexy , and no matter what a huge population decides there buying on looks also just check sony vaio netbook m series white and asus tablet 121 pls pls pls.

  155. You don’t have to vote for Titanium Black because it would definitely win. I knew that so I only voted for Metallic Blue. You need to adjust the brightness of your monitor. I couldn’t see the Metallic Blue at first but then when I raised my monitor’s brightness and contrast to 50% I could now definitely see it and it looks cool!

    Uh oh! Metallic Blue has dropped to 5th. Looks like it will be a photofinish between White+Grey and Black+Red (ugh!) for 3rd. But I still want Metallic Blue…Vote guys and gals for Metallic Blue…it’s fresh and different!

  156. ok i was just reading 4 blogs today abt galaxy tab and in usa its comming with voice calling function disabled and people are sad and saying they wont buy it …i hope if people ever use or not adam keeps the voice call funtion also atleast in the 3g model .

  157. You mean this?

    Now you got me looking at some Sony Vaios…..yummy! Sony is the king of design. They make me want to buy their overpriced devices. I so wanted to buy a Sony TV but I went for Panasonic. I so wanted their slim cameras but then I went for a Canon. I so wanted their computers but I went with Dell. Now I want their eReader but no color and no wireless???? I’m definitely going for the Adam!

    I love the brushed metallic black in the Sony Vaio (top right)

    I just hope the Titanium colors will have that kind of black.

  158. Oh man!

    Those are so… just so… infantile and pathetic.

    Twould be a shame to take awesome and make it lame.

  159. If you don’t have 3G (just Wi-Fi) would you be able to tether the Tab or Adam to your phone device?

  160. Wow,
    That would be realy interesting. Also with the name Adam (from Adam and Eve) !
    This green metallic is VERY nice indeed !!

  161. I would appreciate knowing why Notion Ink is not taking pre-orders and why the company cannot be more responsive in explaining the status of the product being available.


  162. Metallicon yes thats the exact white silver combo iam taking abt i mean its just looks awesome in my view just imagine the entire back panel of adam in this white matte maybe the mesh also and the borders in silver or the borders and mesh in silver adam can kill every existing tablet in looks too or it can be titatnium black and silver, i nwill perosnaly never pick a red or a blue or a yellow and green thing for me it must be suttle yet chic and stylish something that makes a statement without any effort. abt the specs of the tablet we all know and thats why we r here on this blog just want the adam to be powerful stylish chic and upmarket looking tablet also.

  163. but folks would be confused forever on what working properly would mean while they scratch their iHeads!

  164. Hey Guys,
    Although titanium black is very nice it’s just too common. Definitely not for me.
    I picked metallic blue & grey white, both are excellent looking & different from the normal black & grey we have everywhere.
    P.S:Hope there are 4 or 5 colours available.

  165. For the success of the product
    The final color should be based on a poll from
    a wider demographic rather than followers of this blog
    whom I assume are tech savvy and form a very biased slice of the
    market out there.

  166. :/
    metallic Blue is lagging by less than 35 votes to became Number three 🙂

  167. I saw that too, Adam sure looks like a winner. all the other tablets just copy the ipad, Adam is the only one who had done anything different.

  168. German Layout/language would be nice – of course. But if there’s an option to update it later, it’s also soon enough for me.
    I would like to hold ADAM in my hands – the sooner, the better – no matter if it’s a german or english version!!!

  169. Sorry for the off topic question, but in the absence of a forum I’m not sure where else to discuss the Adam other than here…

    I have seen 4 different prices for the Adam; including prices for the Pixel Qi model with and without 3G, and the standard LCD model with and without 3G.

    But I also see specs that include options for 16 GB or 32 GB of storage.

    So did they do way with the idea of having models with different amounts of storage? If so, I hope they opted to go with 32 GB, or even 64 GB of storage.

    I know SD cards can be used to expand storage, but SD storage is sometimes slower than internal storage on other devices I have used. If that is going to be the case with the Adam, then I prefer as much internal storage as possible.

    Does anyone have any info on this?

  170. METALLIC BLUE! METALLIC BLUE! I want mine in METALLIC BLUE! If Notion Ink will only come in 3 colors for the initial release, then let one of them be Metallic Blue. It has moved up now from 5th to 4th. Please vote it to 3rd place.

  171. Oh…and please do not vote for Grey+White (5th) or especially Black+Red (3rd) for your 2nd choice or it will negate the Metallic Blue vote. Just pick one (instead of two) which is Metallic Blue.

  172. Your making it hard for some here in the US.Every month or so news of a new Tablet is making its debut.Most resent wil be on The Verizon Network called “Stingray” from Motorola expected to come out 2011 Q1.

    “Motorola Stingray tablet in Q1 of 2011. Now this is interesting. We’d previously thought the Stingray would be a smaller tablet, but it now seems it’ll be a full 10 inches with Android 3.0 Gingerbread, 16GB of on-board storage, and Tegra 2. Oh, but that’s not the best part: it’ll also be “hardware upgradeable to LTE,” initially launching with CDMA alone. Whether that means you’ll need to purchase and insert some sort of module or something, we’re not exactly sure.”

  173. I fail to see your point.

    Also, this blog post is about color choices.

    Come on people, vote metallic blue!

  174. Hey it seems others are missing something about metallic blue .
    I know once you just glance over it does not look that Good( its not that brighter as compared to Titanium) .But just for a second hold there and see it YOU WILL LOVE it 🙂 seriously guys!!! Or better see it all colours together.BTW IT IS SOME THING NEW instead of boring black 🙂
    so vote guys for METALLIC BLUE…..
    @ inmpjs
    I think we should be allowed to vote as many time as we please 🙂 for metallic blue.Hope Rohan is listening:)

  175. I have a metallic blue Samsung NC10 (which is great looking) – which my metallic blue ADAM is destined to replace .. that’s why I voted Metallic Blue.

  176. I think that the titanium and black combination, with a fire red in the vent holes would look fantastic. In fact, I am thinking of doing that when I get mine.

  177. Anyone for metallic beige? Saw this color scheme made by BMW in their motorcycles

    I know beige is boring but with a metallic shine and mixed with the right color accents, it would look fierce!

    Here’s Mercedez-Benz’ version which is more beigey:

    But since it is not one of the options…I’m going with METALLIC BLUE (Please win!)


    I check it about four times a day and read all the new comments.

    My 21 year old son calls me a fanboy.

    He’s probably right but I don’t care.

    Rock on Rohan.

  179. …….. it gives an impression on how frustrated some people obviously are with their *current* tablet devices. 😀 😀

  180. indeed. makes it color variety for Adam that much more of a selling point, doesn’t it?

  181. From previous blog posts:

    NotionInk Adam has not got FCC clearance yet. They expect FCC clearance somewhere in Nov/Dec time-frame. This makes it illegal for them to accept pre-orders now.

    Also, they are waiting till 6th Oct to announce some final details on the pricing, availability, tie-ups, etc. Guess work / reading between the lines say that some more less publicized features are also going to be unveiled / promoted aggressively in the follow up to FCC approval timeline. e.g., easy replaceable battery, rear track-pad, UI innovations, App store etc.

    I am really hoping all the wait is worth it… Wishful thinking is they start selling in India earlier than US as they are not required to go thru FCC clearance for that.

  182. Can you guys have X11 running on it? Here at my institute, the IT services dept runs servers which have mathematica installed. It would be perfect if that X11 could be run so that I can just use ADAM for all purposes. It would be like a mobile interface to the powerful base computer (ssh -X)

  183. welcome to the club, Sir…. ohhh yes Rock on Rohan (any song writers here? we owe him a cool song)

  184. My Sammy is white…
    And Adam is also his successor and I would like a black&white version.

    Somewhen else mentioned fanboy.. That’s the name my wife has for me since I first heard of this wonder-in-the-make… 🙂
    Read this blog 5 times per day and Google gets my searchwords and time-frame 24 hrs. at least 5 times per day.. 🙂
    Ofcourse the render pics are the background of my desktops.
    8 more days and we’ll know more I guess…

  185. 09.10.2010 ( … cute; this is what Adamites like me love; the attention to detail….

  186. Will we be able to install Ubuntu Netbook Edition on the Adam tablet when it get to the market?

    Or will there likely be driver related problems that must be solved?

    Does Notion Ink do any testing on Ubuntu compatibility?

  187. YES definitely!

    I’ve posted like 3 responses here asking why a proper bronze/brown combination wasn’t developed =(

    My Nexus one and laptop are both bronze/metallic beige, I would like to have a complete family of similarly coloured devices.

  188. I think if you wait several hours you can vote more than once or you can go to another computer or another browser to vote again, I tried it and it worked. I also think that your 1st choice should be worth 2 points. Metallic blue was 5th last night but as of now (Oct 1 9:26am PT) it has overtaken Black+Red (looks like a toy) by 36 votes and is only behind Grey+White (the grey looks burnt olive) by 16 votes for 3rd place.

    If you increase the brightness and contrast of your monitor, the metallic blue shines even more. So I advice people to do that before voting.

    We need to campaign for metallic blue on other enthusiast message boards. It’s the only one with silver accents which is missing in all the other colors.

  189. Same here, my 19 year old son, keeping asking why I call it my Adam tablet. He says it’s not even released yet, and I am talking like I already own it. I feel like I do, can’t wait till we can pre-order it.

  190. I’m my father’s 26 year old daughter, and I’m a huge fangirl. I’m trying to talk him into joining us. He’s currently on the Dark Side with the iPad crew.

    Vote Metallic Blue!
    It’s pulling ahead!

  191. I would go with either:
    1) Metallic Blue

    2) Bright Blue

    Hope this gets into the vote totals.

  192. So when can we expect Adam to roll out in the Indian market ? I would love to preorder..And by the way Samsung Galaxy S is definitely the hottest Android Gadget here ..Ever since the adam story popped up I’m eagerly waiting for it u guys .. Cheers adam

  193. brrrrrrrrrr – [involuntary shiver of death approaching, sweat on cold brow, twitches]

    iiiiiipaaaaaaaddddd – nooooooo

  194. It’s ok to be different but not at the expense of looking like a non-serious cheap device or a kid’s toy. Such is the reason why Apple, Sony, and other manufacturers create bold color scheme alternatives that would still look stylish and sophisticated. This is achieved by using an anodized or brushed metallic finish. The bright colors rendered above have flat to semi-gloss sheen to them that would look more like plastic rather than metal and resemble something like this:

  195. Check the colors of electronic devices today, like the Yellow treatment done in the following:

  196. I feel the same way about them, Philip.

    Maybe you’ll feel better if you distract yourself.

    Try not to think of a metallic blue cow.

  197. You did vote in the actual poll, at the top of the page? Then it’ll be counted 🙂

  198. Folks,

    This is android based, and supports 3G with sim cards so it will most certainly be included over at XDA forums and all the other Cell phone mod sites. I’ve no doubts this model will be one of the more popular models to port and modify! I’m sure you’ll see 3.0 on it as the hardware is easily setup for that. You will want to purchase this thing, it’s truly something you have to experience to know! Goodluck guys! Great job NotionInk team.. i’ll be dropping money in your stock asap! Stick with Nvidia!

  199. Black and silver are not dull, they are actually elegant business colors. By dull/neutral, i’m sure you meant mainstream. Bright colors are usually made for kids, hence bright colored toys which makes it lively and fun, but gaudy and tacky for business use. The red and yellow used for this poll doesn’t look professional. They look more like toys. If they were rendered to look more professional I’m sure it will be giving the Titaniums a run for their money. Take a look at Sony, they know design very well and they know how to use color to appeal to both casual and sophisticated consumers by using brushed metal or metallic finishes.



    Black and Silver, ubiquitous, but definitely not dull.

  200. Check out the brushed metal black by Sony on their Z series. I would love the Adam to have this kind of finish.

  201. I’m wondering if there is going to be a Weekend Special this time. 1 week away from the official announcements next week!

  202. Lol, looks like the colors I want aren’t going to get made, I picked Yellow and Bright Blue.. they’re the two lowest voted ones =/

  203. Brown gives an understated elegance as black and grey but not as restrained and low-key because of the hint of color. It’s an amalgamation of the 3 primary colors (red blue yellow) where none is dominant. Metallic brown is actually like bronze.

    Orange on the other hand calls attention (unless it’s dark/burnt orange which is mixed with black) and is no way classified as an understated color as you can see from this pic.

  204. All colour schemes are wonderful, but I’m sure that it will look better in my own hands! 😉
    Keep waiting for it to come to Spain!

  205. For the Grey White variant, which I think is a more green ivory variant I like these colors for the Green (“Gray”)
    Slightly darker than this one.

    Probably closer to this one or slightly lighter.

  206. Rohan, I think it’s time to change the perspective of the renderings. We need a new viewing angle. Only the Black/Red is shown in full view. Maybe you should show that in close-up view while the others in full view this time. Just a suggestion.

  207. I like the orange and green render from a previous post.Fingers crossed!
    Can anyone confirm if I can use an external display with this? Has hdmi been removed?

  208. I don’t think the Yellow looks at all “Kiddie”, just looks cool imo. And I don’t care if people take me seriously or not because of the color of the device I’m holding, when they try it out themselves they’ll know.

    Maybe if it’s going to be used for strictly business type work you need it to be black and silver to go with the whole business sleek look, but that isn’t something important to me. My uses for it will be more media entertainment.

  209. I want mine in any color as long as it is metallic blue!! C’mon guys…vote it to 3rd place!

    Check out how it would look nice with your BMW

  210. The metallic blue would look more appealing if it were not so dark of a blue. On my screen the blue is so dark it looks almost black and there fore not appealing to me. To me I hate when companies only go with the normal colors i.e. blacks and silvers. To me it shows they have not really thought of the overall design in something because the color of the product is also part of the design.

    I would like the metallic blue if it were lighter. But I like the other color combinations that don’t fall into the same ‘ole same ‘ole standard colors. To me I want something different and the red/black, the grey white, yellow black and even the bright blue (if the blue was a bit darker) are the ones that make me like this product even more. If it comes down and is only offered in the bland and boring titanium black and titanium grey, I am not sure if I will get one. Those two color combos just make it look plain and uninteresting. Sorry but those two colors don’t make it look professional, or at least those are not the only ones that would make it look professional. So whats the big deal if you walked into a meeting and the side was not a monochrome color. Why not dare to be different and not PANDER to be the SAME as everyone else.

    Rohan I still would like to know how many of the color combos we are going to finally see? I really hope it is not the top 2. I will even take the metallic blue over the titanium black/grey. Please do not only make it those 2 color combos do at least the combos who has over 10% of the votes. That would be 5 different colors and gives people the ability to choose. And will give the people who don’t want black to not have to have a black one that looks like everything else out there right now.

  211. Agreed, although the lowest two lowest voted colors are the ones I want, I’d be happy with anything that isn’t just plain Black/Silver/White.

  212. Are you kidding me! Grey+White has surge ahead of Metallic Blue??! 😦 C’mon people that’s not cool!

  213. regardless the color, it’s enough that it comes to light (so only the actual invisible color is not preferred) 😛

  214. I like Titanium Black, Metallic Blue and Grey White. Hope I can order it online or get it from a SE Asia retailer.

  215. I’m really disappointed that so many people are interested in taking something that is NEW and EXCITING and INNOVATIVE and wrapping it up in basic black. That is such a boring and overused color. This is a new device, it should show something that is exciting, and stand out.

    I work in the Professional field. I attend meetings with high level management and do not feel that bringing in a tablet that is black and yellow, or red and black would be unprofessional.

    Lets drop this stuffy, boring attitude and make this product interesting and attractive. Why take something that is so new and exciting and wrap it up like it was designed in 1970?

    Basic Black is so 2 decades ago. Haven’t you all gotten over these old colors? Just for your information, I’m almost 50 years old, and not a child.

    I just believe that this device should be fun. It will provide professionalism in what it does, why does it have to look OLD and Stuffy out of the box? Let it SHINE!!!!

  216. What are they supposed to take you seriously about? I’m sorta curious about what that comment is about?

    The color of the tablet doesn’t mean a thing. I am a IT Professional, have been for almost 30 years. I would not want a solid black or “professional’ looking one due to the fact that they are boring. I sit in meetings with High level management almost every day, and would always be taken seriously even if I had a tablet with polka dots on it due to the fact that it is a tool, and doesn’t matter what it looks like.

    If you are being judged by the look of your phone/tablet/laptop, then that’s pretty sad.

  217. I found your blog on google and read a few of your other posts. I just added you to my Google News Reader. Keep up the good work Look forward to reading more from you in the future.

  218. A few consumers feel the same way as you but it is a small minority. Black is elegant and formal and it’s not basic Black, mind you, it’s Titanium Black. The bright colors represented here are actually the BASIC primary colors of red, blue and yellow which are kiddie or hippie colors. They would look elegant and professional if they had brushed metallic treatment as Sony and Apple do with their devices. If one wants “fun” basic primary colors then one should wait for a tablet made by Fisher-Price.

    Black, silver, grey and white are neutral colors that will match any other color be it your desk, your computer, your phone, your clothes, your bag, your car, or your hair. That is why they are popular. And quite the contrary if the Adam was designed in the 70s we will have groovy psychedlic colors rather than black. The general public prefers black and shades of it. It’s what’s popular so you have to design it in a business standpoint. Ever heard of the phrase so and so is the new black? Well for me METALLIC BLUE is the new Black which is not boring. Unfortunately, it is losing to Grey/White by 80 votes 😦

  219. Your monitor’s brightness and contract may be set too low. You have to raise it to see it more clearly. The Grey/White combo btw is not even really grey and white so that is a bit misleading. Why would people vote on that when they are not even sure of the actual color. Rohan hasn’t even explained why they are more like Ivory and Dark Olive. I like the Metallic Blue because it has a hint of color and it’s the only one with Silver accents (which gives it more interest).

    There are reasons why most devices come in black or grey and very few come in color. Remember the eighties? Computers were beige for a reason. And then black became the new beige. Then thanks to Apple white became the new black. Thank goodness orange or chartreuse didn’t catch on with electronic devices.

  220. Why don’t we not have the SILVER color that Rohan was demoing for this poll?

    Check it out. It looks cool, that would have been my 2nd choice.

    Since most of the silver is in the sides and in the back, it will not be distracting when reading the pad.

  221. I like the Red Black.. But all of them are good, i supose they will release it in maby the top 3 or 4 colours after a while.. cant decide between this and the exopc.. Maby BOTH..

  222. Are these smartpads going to have a chassis made of brushed aluminum or are they going to be made of plastic? Or maybe a compromise of plastic made to look like brushed aluminum/titanium like Samsung did with their new 3D plasmas and LCDs?

  223. please give us a darker shade of metallic blue 😉

    by the way…when i used ipad i was so dissapointed. slow slow slow slow…… (just opening websites itself)

    i want Adam to be used by our fieldworkers and there is no other product on the market with has similiar features and cool approach (*thinking about all the useless tablets which came out in 2010… shiver*)

  224. There really should be a WHITE ONLY version.
    Black equipment gets too hot in the SUN.

  225. Why is METALLIC BLUE losing to GREY WHITE??? That’s a travesty! Guys, guys guys….Metallic Blue looks much better than grey white which I think is as boring as black grey and the colors are even off (not quite grey and not quite white).

  226. Dear Rohan
    Another point about the colours. It is fairly true of marketing that if you can give choice to a customer, then you will get more sales. That is why supermarkets always stock several brands, even if it would seem impractical.

    The thinking is simple, if only one product is on offer, then they either like it or they don’t. With two or more products on offer, the customer gets more involved with the product by trying to decide which would be right for them. Any sale at all becomes more likely.

    Another thing, if you have only one colour, then it’s possible that your product is going to take up one slot on the shelf for tablets, competing with other products like netbooks or other tablets. However, if you have two or three colour options, then the retailer is more likely to put those options out for the customer to see, thus increasing your ‘space’ on the shelf two-fold or three-fold.

    Likewise, a nice colourful option, like the red and black or yellow and black will attract attention in the bigger stores, even if they eventually plug for the titanium and grey.

  227. I disagree Metallicon. I think you are confusing your own preference with what you think makes good business sense. Mac stuff sells very well in white for example.

    Have you ever walked around a university campus? You’ll see the individuality just popping out, and for some, that means COLOUR. Some people, maybe just a minority, like colour. More to the point, they do NOT like the sleek ‘black and silver’ that is ubiquituous in tech products. It’s TOO masculine/techi/machine-like.

    Fisher Price make toys. I don’t think any of the colour options offered above make the product look like a toy. Or are you just saying people who like colour are childish? That’s just silly.

    As for making business sense, I’ve already said it, but two or three colour options will more likely mean that retailers will make MORE SPACE on their shelves for the different coloured Adams, thus pushing out competitors. Peace!

  228. Will there be any compatibility with apps such as Skype, Fring, and Toktumi? My business uses Toktumi for our phones (still waiting for the Android Line2 app) and it is imperative that it run on the Adam. We could make due with Skype, but would rather not due to their unfriendly customer service. Also I would like to root for Metallic Blue for a paint scheme.

  229. Err.. Rohan, do you think we could custom order the color templates for a price?

    I for one loved the Independence Day picture you posted and would be very proud to hold your product in its national colors.


  230. Metallicon, your personal choice is exactly that, your Personal choice. I have been a professional IT person for almost 30 years now. I am sick and tired of the gray and black that is considered “Professional”.. I say it is considered boring, snobbish, and uppity. What is wrong with bringing in some color to the boardroom? As a Techie, I would love to have something other than a boring and bland black, or “Titanium Black” (Sorry, it’s still black”) to liven up my devices.

    I skin my laptops with something of interest, and feel that if I have to carry them around and use them, they need to be interesting looking.

    People have been conditioned to think that Black and Gray, and White are professional colors for devices… and Colors mean Childish… Well, don’t the devices still function the same no matter what the color? What difference does it make?

    Professionalism is the person using it.. If your colleges are judging you based on the color of your Tablet, then they don’t respect your skills very much to begin with.

    I personally would love to have my Adam skinned in something dramatic with as bright a color as possible, and then to add graphics to it. I would even consider having it airbrushed like I have done with my desktop cases that I use in the workplace. My personal laptop that I take back and forth to the office has a custom skin on it, with some custom airbrushing done on the top also. And I use it in meetings with Management and Executives, and I am never looked at as Unprofessional.

  231. I was under the impression you were ready for production.
    But now you let us all know this isn’t the case.
    You changed the camera position, still are thinking about the color…
    Come on! Is Adam a joke or are you serious about this?

    If you are serious just tell us what is going on. And stop posting 3D images, but post some real pictures! Release some dates, prices..
    If not, I doubt your Adam will be released this year. Nobody can launch a product that fast.

    Make dreams come true!

  232. I think, a red and black one is the best. It looks official and not boring both

  233. Seeing how we’re getting a look at an Adam off of the line some time on the 9th I would say production is ready.

    Camera position was changed a while ago, the recent blog that talked about it only mentioned the reasoning as to why it was changed. Seeing the actual colored parts I doubt having to pick a color would add all the long to production time, especially since the poll is being done in october and FCC testing is november, seems like plenty of time to order the color in.

    As for price and release date I’ll give you the link to them telling us it back in august:

    As for pictures, again sometime on the 9th we’ll get pictures off of the production line. Their hands had been tied by investors so they couldn’t show pictures before.

  234. Aloha, Just wanted to congratulate Notion Ink for creating this product. My gf was asking if there will be a Pink & white or pink & black. Or are you considering making one too. When I always go to my Favorite Electronic store. Pink laptops seems to be sold out. Would be nice to see a pink version of this tablet. I can’t wait to get this badboy. Already been saving up for this. My friend got an ipad, but it doesn’t cut it for me. Cause I need to Display my portfolio to my clients of websites I built in its full form. I never own a laptop in my life & Adam is the way to go for me. Thank you again, and Hope to get my hands on this before Christmas. Aloha!!!

  235. I like the color pattern that gets this to market the quickest.

    Yeah yeah, there going through fcc testing and investor this and that, but to quote Philip J Fry, “Shut up and take my money!” 😀

  236. Well Rohan said that he will be showing photos of the actual product in 10 different colors. We only have 9 here so i’m assuming the 10th is currently the one showing on his latest blog which is all silver(?). We need to see different views so we can judge it better. I guess this poll generally will tell Rohan how much of each color he should produce. For example, if he will be producing 100,000 units, then there will be 26,000 units in Titanium Black, however, that is calculated differently if he is going to produce the top 5 colors.

  237. Rohan,

    How is the battery life with final version? Please answer this in your next blog.

  238. here’s my choice –
    1.Metallic Blue
    2.Red and Black

    i hope, these would make it look graciously(a.k.a. jealously) rugged; so that nobody messes with my ink.

  239. Yes, like others have said before, would definitely like to see a Pink- not the bubblegum / candy pink thats so common…how about a nice dusky pink that looks really elgant & would go with black white or gray?
    & how about a gorgeous shade of purple too??

    (If it isnt obvious already- I am female 🙂 )

  240. I love the Ferrari Red color. Please make this one of the production colors as I will buy one immediately.

    Thanks for all the communication Rohan. It has bee great to follow along all the way and see this concept being born before our eyes.

  241. The color i want?!??!???!!?!!!? All !!! 😛

    But i prefer Titanium black 😀

    Is not possible to vote anymore?


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